Okay, here's the deal. I know I haven't updated in forever ago and I'm extremely sorry. I felt so bad for not updating but school has been kicking my ass. I finally decided to stay up a little later and begin a new story. I know, I know, what am I thinking? I saw the latest episode and I felt so bad for Brooke that I had to write a new story.

Important: I am updating my two other stories. I am also co-writing this with my friend Rose; she won't let me put her full first name. She'll be updating this one too, so maybe she'll say hi. :D Anyways, I had to delete So Far From the Past because I just couldn't continue it. It wasn't too popular anyway but if you did like it then I'm sorry. Maybe when I'm fully finished with my other two stories, I'll attempt to start that one again. I'll be updating as much as I can from now on.

Extra: I got a new dog. She's a black teacup terrier pup named Alice. I got her after months of begging to my stubborn mother. Also, I have my car! :D Alright, enough about me. I'll let you guys try out this first chapter.

P.S.- I know it's short but it's kind of a intro to what's going on. By the way, Brooke doesn't call Deb in this one. For those of you who haven't seen the newest episode, go look it up. Rose says hello by the way. I have also changed my name and my profile!

Disclaimer: We don't own anything. We swear. :D


Brooke Davis was not a weak woman; no one would ever say such a thing about her. She had her moments but overall she remained strong. She wasn't a fighter but she had always been tough. She usually stood her ground but this time had been different.

She held a trembling hand to one of her larger bruises. It stung when she set the cool bag of ice on it but the facts of what had happened stung even more. She lost the one thing that would help in winning over her company; her sketches.

Her store would be no problem to fix up. She had the money for that but what would happen to her company? It was her company but her mother didn't seem to think so. She moved her hand slightly but stopped when the stinging began again.

She wanted to cry every time she saw herself in the mirror but she wouldn't. She couldn't seem weak. She told herself that but she knew, deep down, that it wasn't true; even Brooke Davis couldn't be a superhero.

She hadn't spoken to anyone about it either. She hadn't contacted anyone, not even the police. She hadn't told and didn't intend to tell Peyton but she would find out when she got home from her trip with Lucas.

Lucas. That stung even more than anything put together. Sure, she was happy for the newly engaged couple but it still hurt to see them together. At least, now with her face covered in bruises, she could hide those unwanted feelings behind an actual mask of pain. She could have an excuse for cringing when she saw them together.

She sighed and set down the ice before walking into the hall. She stopped in front of the mirror and watched as her reflection stared back at her. The bruises, a bright-purplish color, stood out among the tiny darker ones. Her eyes looked tired but they were reduced to squinting since it hurt too much to open them all the way. She slowly lifted up her shirt, gulping in the process.

There was a hand mark on her stomach along with many other tiny bruises. Her neck had a few teeth marks and her chest seemed to have tiny scratches. What was below her waist was a completely different story.

She knew that she had huge bruise marks along her legs and on her thighs but she refused to look at them again. She tried to refrain from crying as she turned away from the mirror. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't become broken. Or, in her case, any more broken than she already was.

Her eyes fluttered towards the clock and she squinted even more to read the numbers; 6:00. Peyton was coming home tonight. Or that's what she thought Peyton had said. She would lock herself up though. She didn't want anyone to see her.

As if on cue, a loud knock echoed in the house and Brooke broke her graze from the clock and stared at the door. Did she open it or did she leave it? Peyton had a key, didn't she? Would it be someone here to hurt her again? She sighed and walked towards the door slowly. She flinched when she touched the cold doorknob.

Her mind was screaming at her to run and hide but her body didn't listen; maybe it was a silent plea for help. Anyone who knew her knew that it was open. Or maybe they were just trying to be polite. She didn't know what came over her but her hand twisted the knob and she opened the door to reveal someone that she didn't want to see.

It wasn't the worst of people. No, it wasn't the absolute worst but it was still pretty bad. Brooke looked away from their eyes and tried hard to keep her tears from spilling out.

"Brooke?" She looked over at them and showed no emotion. "Brooke, w-what happened?" She didn't answer; her voice was too hoarse anyway.

"Brooke, can you talk?" Brooke didn't move so much as an inch. The person stepped inside quickly which resulted in Brooke backing up, her body flinching in pain. "Oh my god." Brooke knew what they meant. They could see her in the light now and she turned her face to the side.

"Brooke, please, tell me what happened to you." Brooke looked up into the eyes of the person who had come to her house. She could see the confusion and sympathy in their eyes. Finally, she looked up as far as she could and sighed.

"I-I don't know what happened Haley."

Did you think is was going to be Lucas or Peyton? I had to make it Haley. I adore the Haley and Brooke friendship and I don't think it gets enough credit in the show. Anywho, we'll update as soon as we can. Right now, I'm trying to give you guys chapters for my other two while Rose figures out where we want to take this.

Please review and tell us if you liked it which, hopefully, you did. :D If not, then don't. We're not forcing you too!

I love to listen to songs while I write. So, I'll post a new song with each chapter that helped me and Rose write them. It'll be awesome. :D

We listened to Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. It kind of fit but not really; it helped us so yeah.