Thanks goes to Aideen-san for the title. For those curious it means chameleon. First of all some things you should know before reading. This fic isn't shounen no ai but will go into the same areas when it comes to characters dealing with emotions. That's the other thing... There is no bad guy or villian in this. It's strictly about emotions. That being said... Enjoy



Three months. It was three months until she turned eighteen. Three months of freedom left. She wasn't quite sure how she knew but she knew that on that fateful day the rein of Crystal Tokyo would begin. It was a strange feeling she had deep down.

Usagi turned away from the calendar and closed her eyes for a moment. 'It's almost time three months only three months.' At times this knowledge seemed to burden her as it did now and she lay her head against the cold desk. She hadn't told anyone of how she felt. Not a single friend and not even her boyfriend and fiancée; Mamoru.

Usagi felt the tears beginning and wiped them away. 'I promised myself I wouldn't cry. It's childish and selfish. In three months I'm going to be married and start a future with Mamoru. I need to grow up'

Usagi sighed once again and pulled away from her desk, "Perhaps" She looked around for a moment her eyes falling on a pair of scissors. She looked at her reflection in the mirror for a moment and touched it. "Perhaps I need a change a vacation to get away from it all. To be free and to be away from everyone here."

The truth was her friends had started to treat her different. They had all seemed to mature without her and she was left behind. They were all looking forward to the future but none of them knew what Usagi did. That in three months the road that led to the future would start. It was a strange feeling knowing that in three months you'd be a queen and married.

Usagi closed her eyes and used the scissors. Her eyes flickered open as she heard their unique sound and she watched motionlessly as her blonde locks drifted to the ground. A faint smile touched her lips and she laid the scissors down and undid the two odango like buns in her hair. Golden hair fell down her back and reached her ankles like a shimmering waterfall. Usagi stared at her reflection as she slowly began to cut her hair piece by piece.

She didn't know why she was doing it and if asked for a reason she'd probably comment that she was in a state of mourning. Mourning for what she wasn't sure but it felt like she was losing her childhood and this was the last thing she could do.

As the last long lock fell to the floor Usagi studied her reflection. Her hair was still a bit shaggy and she worked on these loose ends as she solemnly stared at her reflection. When she was finally satisfied with the length of her hair she studied the mirror. She now looked like a feminine boy instead of her usual self.

An idea tickled the back of her mind and Usagi crept to her absent brother's room. She pulled some of his clothing out and took it back to her room. She quickly shed her own clothes and donned his. She once again turned her attention to the reflection and smiled.

Usagi's head bowed and she held her arms out in front of her. She was going to have to make this quick. She knew once she brought out the Ginzuishou that her Senshi would know. She couldn't let that happen. Not until she had escaped. Escape the word was probably overkill in this situation but it felt like it to Usagi. She wanted time to enjoy the last of her youth before her eighteenth birthday when she knew everything would change.

The Ginzuishou appeared in a silver flash and Usagi whispered to it quickly and putting her entire heart into the wish, "O-negai, Ginzuishou take me someplace. Anyplace just far away from here"

The silver gem began to glow and the silver aura soon spread to cover the boy-like Usagi. She gasped for a moment before she and the gem vanished. The only thing that remained to leave any trace that she had been in the room was the pile of hair on the floor.


Usagi looked around herself in confusion, "Where am I?"

"Lost?" Asked a voice.

Usagi turned startled and stared at the silver-haired man. It wasn't his hair that captivated her attention however but the scars all over his face and hands and an eye patch over his left eye. " iie," she whispered taking a step backwards.

The strange man stepped closer to her a smile flickering to his lips, "Don't you need help? I can save you."

"Save?" She whispered.

"Hai, save a sweet boy like yourself from the world."

"Nani?" she gasped as he grabbed her arm. She gasped in pain and saw a knife in his other hand. She started to gain her breath for a scream when the knife flew out of his hand and embedded itself into a tree.

"Nagi," the man growled in annoyance.

"Leave him alone, Farfarello."

Usagi blinked for a moment before she realized the him they were talking about was her. She went to her savior's side and felt her self shiver as the one known as Farfarello glared at her and walked off.

"Daijoubu ka?" Nagi asked softly.

Usagi nodded, "Hai arigato."

Nagi smiled, "Gomen that he almost hurt you. May I ask your name?"

"U Yue. My name is Yue Liang."

"Nice to meet you Yue-kun. What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere anyway?" he asked sweetly without a trace of malice.

"Anno" Usagi looked away. "I don't."

"Don't know? Well then do you know where you live?" He asked eyeing the boy in concern. 'Was I too late? Did Farfarello do something to him to make him forget how he got here?' He frowned faintly, "You you don't have place to stay do you, Yue-kun?"

Usagi shook her head, "Iie"

Nagi smiled, "You can stay with me if you like. The only thing is Farfarello lives close so you'd have to be careful of him."

"You want me to stay with you?" Usagi gasped her cheeks turning red at the thought. Her senshi would kill her if they found out!

"You don't have anywhere else, correct?"

Usagi frowned and shook her head once more. "Not at the moment"

"Then you can stay with me until you do. How old are you by the way?"

Usagi finally regained control of her beet red face and swallowed nervously, "I'm seventeen."

He smiled faintly at her, "Then we have a place for you to go during the afternoon to keep away from Farfarello. I'll enroll you into school tonight." His eyes seemed to almost glint for a moment. 'Not only that but now I'll have a way to keep my eye on Weiss.'