As I was taking a shower yesterday morning, it struck me that what I was interested in was not actual Dramione stories, (though I am a devoted fan) rather the reason behind so many peoples' love of the pairing

Dramione: The Reason Behind The Obsession


As I was taking a shower yesterday morning, it struck me that what I was interested in was not actual Dramione stories, (though I am a devoted fan) rather the reason behind so many peoples' love of the pairing. And so, I decided I wanted to make a study of it. It give me an excuse to read more Dramione fics, and a purpose to my addiction. Here it is. This is only an introduction, as I wanted to see whether or not I would get into it or not., but hopefully (due to the numerous theories and ideas banging around in my head) I'll continue. Anyway, enough procrastination, and on with it. Happy reading!

They are one of the most unlikely couple of characters in the Harry Potter series to ever be romantically involved, and yet there are entire websites devoted to them. We have taken two characters from a fictional story and glued them together, in what is a undoubtedly unlikely situation.

The idea of Dramione is very simple. Rather than the run-of-the-mill 'birds of a feather flock together,' the couple represent the clash of good and evil, and in some fics, authors have played on this and written them as the equivalent of ambassadors for their respective sides.

In the more angsty stories, Draco is an established Death Eater, and he is a broken man, with no hope left and very little or nothing to live for. Enter Hermione. She represents everything Gryffindor. She is loyal to both people and her beliefs, and no matter what happens, she is surrounded by friends and family that love her.

Draco has none of this.

He is trapped in a world that (in my head) he no longer wants to be a part of, and so sees Hermione as everything he wants, which in sometimes makes him lust for her, sometimes makes him bitter but usually (inevitably) leads to the two falling for each other.

Though perhaps this is society today. Perhaps we are too shocked by the state of the world that we take comfort in a situation that is so unlikely that it becomes plausible. With fiction, we can play God. For maybe a couple of hours a week, one can immerse oneself in a world that is by no means perfect, but completely controllable. And so we come to it.

Why is it, that out of all the possibilities to choose from, we pick Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger? Given that, in all seven books, they have so few encounters, and in the unlikely scenario that they do meet, Draco is made out to be a spoilt and prejudice prat and gets progressively more cowardly, what is the point in writing about them?

Next time: I try and answer my own questions, but inevitably ask more of the unanswerable kind.

A/N: Inspired by attica's "Logic will break your heart", and the fantastic descriptions of Hermione's interpretation of Draco Malfoy.