Woah a new story! Thats different! Hopefully you will get the emotions put into this.
And it will be better than the other one.
He walked through the thick rain and fog to his door. He fumbled with the keys and unlocked the door. He opened the entryway to an empty house. Abanded of the once loving and happy couple. The now slick and heavy golden hair stuck to his glowing face. His drenched clothes dripped on the wooden floor. He closed the door and took of his heavy dark blue jacket.
"Teme, I'm here!" He popped his head around the corner as he took off his shoes.
He changed into a black turtleneck and a brown khaki. He blow-dried his hair and called. "Teemmee I'm here!" Recieving the echoing response of silence. He came out of the bathroom, and into their bedroom.
"Teemee I'm-" He spotted a white letter set next to a vase of roses on their table.
He reluctantly walked over to it, and picked up the letter. It unfolded with his touch.
Dear my little kitty,
I know this may be hard for you...us, but I am leaving.
To where and why I will not say.
I just want you to know I will always love you.
The letter droppped out of his fingers, and he dropped into the chair. His glazed eyes stared out in the dark as the rain hit the windowpane.
Aww, This was really unusual for me to write. It's a little of what I feel, but can't express. It really sucks. :(
But yeah!