I know, it's been a while, but honestly I kind of forgot about this story. Here's a wrap-up chapter!

Chapter 9:

Kira came walking down the stairs of Bobby's house and went into the living room, where Sam and Dean were sitting. They looked up at her arrival.

"So how'd it go?" Sam asked.

"Fine," Kira replied, sitting down in the loveseat with her book. "She asked questions, I answered them."

"She ask any questions you didn't know the answer to?" Dean asked.

"No. She's seven. She's not that creative," Kira told him. "Plus I did plenty of research online before I talked to her."

"So you're…all set?" Dean asked.

Kira rolled her eyes. "Yes, Dean. I got what I needed at the pharmacy, I know what I need to know, Brianna's all set with what she needs to know. Everything's good."

"Good," Dean replied, apparently very much relieved. "I'm going to go take a shower. It's been a long day." At that, he got up and left the room.

"He's funny when he's uncomfortable," Kira murmured, settling into her chair.

Sam smiled. "Yeah. Give him a poltergeist or demon any day over an eleven year old girl getting her period."

Kira snorted. She looked up to Sam, hesitating before she spoke. "Sam…can I ask you something?"

Sam blinked. "Sure. Go ahead."

"How old were you when you first realized…your family wasn't normal?" Kira asked softly.

Sam sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, normal's a relative word, you know."

"Yeah, but being a hunter's kid is a whole different kind of abnormal. An eleven year old that sleeps with a knife under her pillow is not normal."

"Depends on who you ask," Sam responded. As she started to say something again, Sam held up his hand, stopping her. "I know what you mean though." He clasped his hands together, leaning forward, resting his forearms on his legs. "I was five. One of my friends told me about his family. He had a brother, a sister, a mom, a dad, the whole white picket fence deal. And he told me about how his family went out to dinner the night before for his birthday."

"To me…it was foreign, the concept of just living in one place, not moving around. I'd seen it on TV but I thought of shows like that like I thought of the rest of television; not all of it was real or made sense. But when I told him about my life, he got confused. He didn't understand why I moved around. I mean honestly, I didn't either. I was told my dad was a travelling salesman by Dean, and also that I shouldn't talk about stuff that goes on at home. And like Dean said, when I was nine I found my dad's journal, where he wrote down everything he'd learned as a hunter, and I confronted Dean about it. That's when I really knew how different we were."

"Nine," Kira echoed quietly.

Sam nodded. "You asking cause you're curious or because of Brianna?"

"I guess both," Kira murmured.

Sam pursed his lips, letting the silence sit for a few long seconds before speaking again. "You wish she still didn't know?"

Kira swallowed and kept her gaze firmly on a spot on the floor. "Yeah," she whispered. She paused. "How did Dean keep you from knowing for so long?"

"I don't know, exactly. A combination of a lot of differences between your life and ours, I'm sure," Sam told her. "When did Brianna find out?"

"She didn't, really," Kira said with a confused shrug. "We both just…always knew."

"How did your dad get into hunting? If you don't mind me asking?" he asked, knowing the answer for him, for most, was a sensitive subject.

"My uncle was a hunter a long time ago," she replied quietly. "He and his wife. And my dad knew a little bit about it, but not that much. When the two of them were killed on a hunt, my dad was kind of…."

"Sucked into it?" Sam asked understandingly.

Kira nodded. "Yeah. At least that's the way he tells it. He met my mom hunting. They fell in love," she whispered. "They had us, after a lot of debate whether or not they wanted to. When they did, my mom went on less hunts. Stayed with us more. But when I was seven and Brianna was three…they left us with a sitter…and both went…and…." Kira's nearly inaudible voice faded off.

Sam worked his jaw, knowing that there wasn't any reply to that, and fell quiet. Splintering the silence, his cell phone rang from his pocket. He glanced down to it absently before taking it out, raising it to his ear. "Yeah…?" His eyebrows went up. "Hey, how'd it go…? Sure," he replied with a smile. He held the phone out to Kira, who narrowed her eyes at it for a second before taking it.

"Yeah?" she asked. A moment later, her face lit up. "Dad! What happened? Are you okay?" Kira was silent for a long moment before pursing her lips and swallowing. "Okay…. Yeah, we're fine," she told him indifferently. She sighed. "Yeah, but Sam and Dean beat them off, killed one of them, and we hauled ass. No trouble since." She paused. "Okay…. Well when will you be back?" A small smile slid across her face. "Cool…. Okay…. Love you too." At that, Kira shut the cell phone, handing it back to Sam, a tentative smile on her face.

"He's good?" Sam asked quietly.

Kira nodded. "Yeah." A bit of fear flickered across her face. "He was…. The vampires had him for a while, but…he's okay."

"I'm glad," Sam murmured.

"Me too." Kira stared at the ground for a second before she looked back to Sam. "Hey, could I get your cell number? In case…anything ever happens?"

Sam smiled and nodded. "First thing tomorrow. Remind me. I'll give you Dean's too. We do change them occasionally though, so if all else fails Bobby's here."

"I know." Kira chewed on her lower lip before slowly getting to her feet. "I'm gonna head to bed early."

"Sweet dreams," Sam said with a crooked smile.

Kira hesitated before taking a few steps forward and taking Sam in a hug. Sam froze for a brief moment in surprise before he returned the gesture.

"Thanks, Sam," Kira whispered. At that, she abruptly pulled away and went up the stairs to her room, leaving Sam smiling after her.