Ch 18

Veronica Townsend opened the door to three very angry looking teenagers.

"Can I help you," her manners intact when she realized that while the dark haired boy was her daughter's ex-boyfriend and a complete social outcast, he was also Caleb Nichols" grandson.

"Where's Taylor," the blonde boy demanded.

"Who wants to know?"

"Her boyfriend," he said.

"The felon."

"Look, Cruella De Evil, just tell us where she is, okay? We're her friends and we're worried."

"I didn't know my daughter was hanging out with her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. Do you two compare notes?"

"Could you please just tell us where she is? Before I have to ask my grandfather to find out for us?"

"She left this morning."

"For where," Summer asked.

"Boarding school."

"What the fuck did you do that for?"

"Don't you raise your voice to me, you thug. The Cohens may tolerate your crude behavior, but I won't."

"She's two days out of the hospital and you ship her off?"

"It's not like they don't have health care. She'll be fine." Veronica frowned at the children on her doorstep. "Now, go away." She couldn't slam the door like she wanted, because that .......Chino ......boy's foot was in the way. "I'm going to call the police."

"What's the name of the school?"

"Why on Earth would you want to know?"

"So we can write her. Let her know the people who care about her haven't forgotten her."

"Keep in touch, y'know? No, that's right, you don't. If this hadn't happened, you would've just gone on like you didn't even have a daughter."

"How dare you. I don't care who your grandfather is, you little brat, you have no right to talk to me like that."

"Please." The goon actually looked like he was going to cry. What was he on to have that reaction? "Please, just tell us where she is."

"I don't remember."

"You sent your only child to a school and you don't even remember the name?!" The girl narrowed her eyes suspiciously and looked Veronica up and down in a very insulting manner. "What are you on?"

"Shut up, you little tramp."

"Whoa." The taller boy wrapped his arms around the suddenly furious girl. "Whoa, Summer, let's just calm down, okay? We don't need to have you booked for assault, and you know she'd press charges. Deep breaths, find a happy place....ow...that doesn't include damaging me."

"Do you remember what city it was near?"

"Not exactly. I made the check out to Doctor Giles and didn't really......."

"Giles?" Veronica stiffened as the Cohens legitimate son shoved his companions aside to get in her face. She didn't think he had that kind of spirit in him. "Doctor Rupert Giles? British guy?"

"Yes. What difference does it make?"

"None to you but a lot to me. Thanks for the information Veronica. C'mon you guys."


"Now, Ryan."

Veronica watched the teenagers walk away. The Chino boy talking and the Cohen boy not while the Roberts girl kept shooting nasty looks over her shoulder at Veronica.

She couldn't understand what her daughter saw in such weird kids. Good thing she'd moved the girl away; she only wished she'd done it sooner, before Taylor had been contaminated by that felon.

Closing the door, she thought about where she'd go to celebrate being finally free of her maternal responsibilities.


"Seth what is going on," Ryan asked again as they walked into the Cohen house.


"Seth, sometime today."


"Seth, dammit." He went to the extreme of grabbing his brother's arm.

"Not now. Mom!"

"I'm here."

"What's going on, guys?"

"Well, parental ones, we've got a serious problem."

"Veronica sent Taylor to a boarding school and she's such an evil witch she won't tell us where."

"No, she didn't."

"Uh, yes she did, Seth. I remember her saying "boarding school" very clearly."

"Rupert Giles does not run a boarding school, Summer. Rupert Giles is a-"

"Watcher," Kirsten said. "Oh my God."

"Wait. What's going on?"

"Rupert Giles was Buffy Summers" watcher. Now he and Buffy run a camp for slayers and slayers in training."

"So that's good then. She's at Slayer camp and she'll be back......"

"She won't be back."


"Giles and the group he started with the Prime Slayer won't let her go until she reaches her full potential as a Slayer."

"So it's like a cult. They'll keep her until she doesn't want to go."

"Their intentions are more to keep the Slayers from dying young. They do have a tendency to get killed before they're twenty, and I've never heard of one living past thirty."

"I don't give a fuck what their intentions are."

"Ryan," Kirsten gave him a look.

"I'm sorry but no. They don't get to do this. It's bad enough that they put girls in nightly fights to the death but to take them away from people they need is just plain stupid. Do you know where this camp is?"

"No, I don't."

"But you can find out."

"I don't...."

"I think I can."


"No matter how secret they're keeping it, they have to buy the land. They have to pay for food, and electricity, and water. All that leaves a trail."

"Do it," Ryan said.

"Please," Summer added.

"I'll get right on it."

"And we'll......"

"Be patient."



"He's right, boys. We don't want them to know we're trying to find them."

Ryan leaned on the counter, "Why would they do this?"

"They want to protect her. Her and all the others."

"We can do that."

"They obviously don't think so."


"With cause. Slayers don't have what you'd call a long life expectancy."

"She will," Ryan said. "I'll get her to a ripe old age."

"Ryan, calm down," Summer advised.

"Oh that's a good one. You're telling me to calm down? You were ready to take a swing at Veronica."

"That was a rage blackout. I'm better now."

"I think we all need to calm down," Kirsten said. "Getting excited isn't going to make anything better."

"They can't do this," Ryan said quietly. "They can't just take her away."

"While she's a minor, they can do whatever her mother gives them permission to do."

Ryan was silent for a moment before he threw a glass across the room, shattering it against the wall.


"I'm going after her."

"You are not."

"Yes, I am. I can't just sit here and do nothing."

"Let me do some digging, first. Just be patient."

"Fine," Ryan said sullenly. "I'll be in my room." He headed out the door.

Seth moved to follow.

"Leave him alone, Cohen," Summer advised. "He needs the time."

"And I need to get started," Sandy headed towards his office. "We'll get this settled, don't worry, son."

"I think you need to talk to him some more, Mom. He doesn't sound like he knows what he's dealing with."

"The group Giles is a part of isn't the enemy, Seth. They're not bad people."

"They took my best friend, Chino's girlfriend, and Cohen's almost-sister without even letting her say goodbye. That puts them right into the "jerk" category, sorry."

Kirsten frowned, "I think we should just leave him alone for right now. You two go upstairs and relax or something. He needs some time and so do we."

"Come on, Summer. I want to look up some protective spells. Something to guard against blood magic." He didn't want anything like this happening again.

Summer nodded and followed Seth out of the kitchen, looking over her shoulder at the pool house with a frown as she did.


Ryan wanted to punch something, anything. Unfortunately he hadn't replaced his bag yet.

He knew Sandy would do his best to find her, but he knew it wasn't as certain as his guardian was making it out to be. From the sound of things, these people basically lived off the grid; which meant they wouldn't be easy to find. The methods the man used might be effective, or not, but it would take time. Time during which Taylor wouldn't know they were looking for her, might even think they were glad to get rid of her; like her mother obviously was.


He couldn't let her think that, he had to find her. The question was, how? He didn't know anyone who lived outside........wait a minute, yes he did.


Teresa and "Turo had contacts, and they weren't demons like Trey's were, either.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number he hadn't used in a while.

"I hope you're in a good mood Teresa," Ryan muttered to himself.


"Mrs. Diaz? It's Ryan Atwood."

"How are you, Niño?"


"You in school? Not in trouble?"

"Si, si." He'd forgotten how sentimental she could get. He wished he had time for it. "Listen, is Theresa or Arturo there?"

"Arturo is here," she said and Ryan heard some shuffling before Arturo's voice came over the line.


"Hey man, I need some help."


"No. Trey's still in jail. Um, do you remember the girl I was with on Thanksgiving?"

"Sure. You knock her up?"

"No. Look, this will be easier in person. If I give you directions can you get to Newport?"

"Yeah, sure. You in trouble or something?"

"Not exactly."


"I'll tell you when you get here." Ryan quickly gave him directions. "It's a diner. Call me when you hit Newport's limits. I'll meet you at there."

"Sure. You need me to bring something?"

"No, it's not that kind of problem." Last thing he needed was "Turo to get busted carrying a gun and have to call Sandy.

It was going to be hard enough dodging the man long enough to make the meeting.

"You're not in any trouble, right kid?"

"No, I promise. I'm not in trouble."

"Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can. Should I bring Teresa?"

"Only if you can do it without making it a big deal. I don't want to get your mom involved."

"Got it."

"Thanks for this."

"I owe you for chasing that Eddie guy off. He was bad news."

"No problem," Ryan said. "See you soon."

"See you soon."

Ryan hung up and then picked up a photo of him, Taylor, Seth, and Summer from his nightstand. Taylor was on his back and Summer was on Seth's.

He was going to get that back.

For all of them.


"We should not be following him," Summer hissed at her boyfriend.

"What if he's doing something that could get him locked up again? You want to explain that one to Taylor when we get her back?"

"Maybe he's just trying to get her back?"

"Then why wouldn't he tell us?"

"Uh, "cause you can't keep your mouth shut," Summer said.

"Very funny," he said peering through the window of the diner. "Who is that guy?"

"He's kind of cute."


"Just saying," Summer shrugged. "Where'd Atwood go?"

"You two make lousy spies."

"Ryan," Seth turned around.

"Why are you following me?"

"We wanted to help."

"Help with what?"

"Whatever it is you're doing with that guy."

"He's Theresa's brother."

"Theresa? Chino Theresa?"


"You sure didn't waste any time."

"What do you......That's a low blow, Roberts."

"Well, what else are you doing if not trying to see if Teresa's still available?"

"Trying to find Taylor."

"Why would he know anything?" Dark eyes narrowed. "He's not a demon or a sorcerer or something, is he?"

"Not that I know of."

"Then why sneak out to see him?"

"Me and Trey hung with him in Chino. Some of the things we got into......... Anyway, he knows how to find people trying to stay hidden."

"You sure you wanna drag other people into the horror story that is our life?"

"If I thought it would help me find Taylor, I'd sleep with Holly Fischer."

"Ew. Don't even go there."

"Yeah, we all know you wouldn't do that to Taylor."

"To Taylor, no. For Taylor? I'd sleep with Oliver."

"That'd be a neat trick seeing as how he's currently road kill."

"I'm just saying I'd do anything to find her."

"Let us help you."

"No. Go on home."

"You don't have to do this alone. We can help."

"Not with this."

"She's our friend, too, Chino."

"That's why you can't help. These are people from Chino. They won't talk if you're with me."

"Why not?"

"You guys are too clean-cut."

"I'm not sure how to take that," Seth said.

"C'mon Cohen," Summer said. "We're not helping. Ryan, get her back."

"I'm gonna do my best."

He went back into the diner.

"Who're the straights?"

"Best friend and his girl."

"So, tell me more about this Taylor chica. What's the story? She an addict or something?"

"No. Look, I know I owe you the whole story but I don't think you really want the whole story. It's a little out there."

"If she's that out there, why you want her back?"

"She's special."

"How special?"

"Not like that," Ryan frowned at him. "Look, I just need for her to come home."

Arturo was quiet for a long time, staring at him like he was trying to read his mind.

"You're in love with her."

"'Turo, I......"

"You never tried to get any of the others back, not even T. Now you're here, looking like you ain't slept, or ate - shaking..." Ryan put his hands under the table. " desperate for her you call me."

"Look, you know people who can find her faster than I could looking by myself. I am asking you to help me."

"So tell me what I'm looking for. I can't do this blind, hombre."

"Okay, look, we saw some nasty shit in Chino, right?"

"Right," Arturo nodded.

"Not all of it was human."


"You mean you knew?"

"You mean you didn't?"

"Did you know about Gattas?"

"Trey's boss? What about him?"

"He wasn't human."

"I know, Ry."


"You think I lived this long on my looks? You don't skate the line like I did without knowing who all the players are."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hell, I thought you knew. Trey always said you were the smart one." "Turo motioned for more coffee, both boys staying quiet until the waitress re-filled their mugs. "So what does all this have to do with your girl?"

"You ever hear of the slayer?"

"Punk band out of Tacoma, right?"

"Not exactly," Ryan sighed. "Taylor's a vampire slayer. She kills demons and vampires and all sorts of things you wouldn't want Teresa or your mom meeting in a dark alley."

"Never thought you'd go for the Brunhilda type."

"She's not.....Here," he pulled out his wallet and opened it to a picture Seth had taken of Taylor at school one day. "That's her."

Arturo let out a low whistle. "Damn, you do have good taste."

"Thank you," Ryan took the picture back. "Can you help me?"

"Give me the situation."

"She's recovering from massive blood loss - don't ask - and traveling with a British guy, maybe a guy Trey's age with an eye patch, or a bunch of other girls."

"You have any names?"

"Rupert Giles. That's the name that would be used."

"And her name is Taylor."

"Her name is Taylor Townsend."


"Check under Taylor Summers, too."

"She has an alias?"

"It's the name of the leader of the people she's with."

"Okay," Arturo nodded. "I'll be in touch."

"Thank you."

"Hey, how's Trey?"

"I haven't seen or heard from him since Thanksgiving."

"You still hold a grudge over that Gattas shit."

"Taylor was with me. She could've been killed."

"The girl who kicks demon ass?"

"I didn't know that at the time."

"And now that you do?"

Ryan smiled.

"It is kind of hot."

"You don't get to think that," Ryan said.

"Just yanking your chain, man."

"Sorry. I'm just a little overprotective when it comes to her."

"You don't say."

"Just find out where she is and get me the information, okay? I'll take it from there."

"Yeah," Arturo nodded. "You got it."



Ryan was pacing the pool house like a caged animal as Seth watched from outside. The taller boy took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey man."


"You hear anything from your friend?"

"Not yet."

"Right," Seth nodded. "So, Mom was wondering if you were hungry and she sent me out to see if you were."

"I'm not hungry."

"That's what we figured. Actually, I lied. Mom's at the office trying to pull some strings with some real estate people she knows to see if she can get a bead on where Taylor is and Dad's in his office doing the same thing so Summer and I ordered dinner. Bring it in Summer."

"Hey Chino," Summer came through the door with a bunch of take out boxes.

"I said I wasn't hungry."

"That's okay. You can watch us eat," Summer said.


"Sorry. Mom said no leaving you alone for long periods of time."

"What does she think I'm gonna do?"

"Dunno," Seth said around a mouthful. "That's why the babysitting."

"Not to worry Chino. Seth and I won't do anything we don't want you to see."

"How about not doing anything I don't want to see," Ryan made a face.

"You and Taylor never seemed worried about what we had to see."

"Or anyone else had to see."

"We weren't that bad."

"You were busted getting it on in a closet at school."

"We were making out and all of our clothes were still on and it was after school hours."

"And that is the only reason you two weren't suspended," Summer reminded him.

"Yeah." The smile bled away from his face as he stared at the silent phone, the empty spot beside him where Taylor should've been.

Seth quietly took in Ryan's expression and lost his appetite. He put his food down and lay on the floor looking at the ceiling.

"May she be a damn sight better than the last one," he muttered. "Well, it started out okay."

"What are you saying," Summer asked.

"Taylor's toast on New Years," Seth said. "Here's to the New Year-"

"May she be a damn sight better than the old one," Ryan finished.

"Doesn't look like she got that better year, does it?"

"I'll get her back."

"We'll get her back."

"Okay, let's just take a deep breath," Summer said. "Chino, I know you love her but so do we. She's been Seth's sister for a long time."

"I know."

"So why are you trying to keep me out of it?"

"Because getting her back might not be .......clean, and I need you to stay out of trouble."

"We need you to stay outta trouble too," Summer retorted. "Or did you want to get Taylor back only to spend the next six months to a year talking to her through a glass panel?"

"If I go in alone, that won't happen."

"You're saying I can't handle it?"

"I'm saying the more people involved, the more dangerous it's gonna be."

"And if I let you go by yourself and you don't come home I'm gonna have to find a new place to live," Seth said. "Possibly in a foreign country where they do plastic surgery on the cheap so that my parents can't find and then kill me."

Ryan snorted. "Your parents wouldn't so much as pat you on the butt. They love you beyond all reason."

"They love you, too," Seth pointed out.

"So do we," Summer reminded him. "Taylor especially. So you be smart about this Ryan. No stupid stunts."

"That's another reason Seth can't help. The schemes he comes up with....." He was trying to tease, but the joke fell a little flat.

"Just be careful, okay," Seth said. "I kind of like having a brother."

"I'll be careful." He smirked. "Taylor'll kick my ass if I'm not."

"Stop," Seth said.

"Stop what?"

"You're having dirty thoughts."

"Am not."

"Are too."





"I swear, you two are like five year olds, sometimes." Summer groused.

Seth and Ryan pointed at each other, "He started it."

"I rest my case," Summer sighed. "I cannot handle the two of you by myself. We need Townsend back."

-ring- ring-

Ryan practically leapt across the space between him and the phone and snatched it off its cradle.


"It's me. Can you talk?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

"She's in Fondren. It's a town outside of a large piece of land that used to be a town called Sunnydale."


"I got the address where this guy Giles is staying."

"But not Taylor."

"Ry, one girl, no matter how hot, isn't gonna stand out as much as a British guy."

"Yeah, okay."

"You need me to......"

"No, I got it."

"Sure? I could be there in ten minutes....."

"I'm sure, and I don't need you getting busted for speeding while on probation. Your Mom'd kill me." He sighed, ran a hand through his hair. "Thanks, though. I owe you one."

"Nah. We're even. You got Eddie the hell away from my sister and I'm helping you get your girl back. We're good."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"So?" Seth was almost vibrating with excitement. "He found her, didn't he? Where is she?"

"A hotel." He hated what he had to do, but knew he had to get them out of the way. "In L.A." He picked up a pad of paper. "Here's the address."

"Thought you wanted to handle it yourself," Summer narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"I don't want her to vanish because I didn't take any backup." He handed the page to his brother. "I'm gonna grab a few things, I'll meet you two at the car."

"Okay," Seth nodded. "C'mon Summer."


"I'll be right there, Summer. Okay?"


The two left and Ryan reached to the other side of his bed where the nightstand Taylor had claimed as her own was. He opened the drawer and reached under it, smiling when he found the extra key to her bike still there. The bike itself was parked over at the Roberts" house so Ryan had a little hiking to do and a lot of sneaking to do.


"What's going on?" Giles rubbed his glasses and put them on, frowning at the five bruised and surly slayers and the roughed-up teenage boy standing with his arms crossed in the middle of them. "Who's this?"

"He won't say. We caught him breaking in."

"We should deal with him."

"He's human."

"He's too strong to be human."

He sighed, ignoring the girls" argument as he watched the blonde boy glaring around at the room.

"Who are you?"

"Ryan Atwood."

He had to strain to hear the quiet voice, but not to spot the massive resentment coloring the tone. The blue eyes blazed as he matched gazes with the youngster.

"You say that like we should know who you are."

"You should." The kid didn't turn his head, choosing instead to continue glaring at him as he answered the slayer who'd spoken to him. "You're holding my girlfriend prisoner here."

"Your girlfriend," the Asian slayer to his left raised an eyebrow. "You're mistaken. We're not in the habit of holding prisoners, so unless you're dating a demon-"

"Her name is Taylor Townsend."


"Giles? You know who he's talking about?"

"One of our new recruits."

"I'd say "kidnap victim"."

"She wasn't kidnapped. Her mother......."

"Her mother hates her guts. You took her from the only people who really care about her."

"Are you sure it's her welfare you're concerned about?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Before we went to get her, I did some research on the two biggest threats to her. The sorcerer......and you."

"You're out of your mind. The last thing I want is to hurt Taylor."

"If only because of the curse, right?"

"What curse?"

Rupert studied him for a moment and then looked to the girls, "Leave us."

"Giles, are you sure?"

"It's fine."

The girls left the room and Ryan stared the man down.

"This is not the first time you and Taylor have been together," he said after the door had shut.

"I said it before "you're out of your mind"."

"Oh, of course. It's not like you've been having any dreams." Only because he was watching for it did he spot the flinch. "Dreams about fighting demons; going back centuries. Dreams about Taylor; although she hasn't been a Slayer before."

"Past lives."

"That's right."

"I thought Slayers were the only ones with the past life thing."


"I don't see how this makes me a danger to her. If anything, doesn't it make me more capable of protecting her? If we've been together so many times before?"

"Every other time, you've either failed to protect her, or failed to protect everyone else."

"Not this time."

"This time as well."

"I saved her."

"Only because the sorcerer was sloppy. If he hadn't made the mistake of turning that girl, you would never have known what was happening until it was too late. For Taylor, and for the rest of the world."

"But she's alive."

"We mean to make sure she stays that way."

"And all she has to do is give up the people she loves, who love her."

"I'm not doing this to be heartless, Ryan. It's for your safety, as well."

"Taylor would never hurt me."

"Allow me to be blunt. You're cursed. And while your being with a Slayer sounds romantic in concept, the reality is a lot harsher; for both of you. Even if you both manage not to die, the rest of the world suffers for it."

"Melodramatic much?"

"As a both a descendent and a re-incarnation of Achilles, you are cursed to live out his inner struggle. To keep to your duty and protect the people you are sworn to defend; or to embrace your own selfish desires."

"It's more than desire, I love her."

"And I'm truly sorry. But you can't have both the girl and the power."

"So I'll give up the power."

"The only way to separate you from your birthright is to kill you, which just defeats the purpose behind the sacrifice."

There was a long pause as the youngster stared at him, obviously trying to decide if he believed what he was hearing. Regret at what had to be done dragged at him, but he hardened his resolve. For them to meet, to say their farewells, would only cause more pain. There was enough heartache in the blue eyes that dropped from his; he didn't need to add to it.

"Isn't there a way to break the curse? Some way that Taylor and I can be together and still fight the bad guys?"

"I honestly wish there were." Compassion moved him towards the table and the phone on it. "If you like, I could call her, explain the situation; let her decide if she wants to remain a slayer."

It wouldn't be easy, but, with Willow's help; he thought they could reverse the Slayer-spell and turn Miss Townsend into a normal girl. The risk was enormous, but so was the pain in the compact form in front of him.


"No? To which part?"

"Don't....don't call her." Ragged breath was drawn in, released. "Don't tell her I was here."


"I don't want her to have to make that choice: me or the world." He toed the carpet. "I couldn't live with myself if she chose me and someone else paid the price."

"You have a well developed conscience for such a young man."

"If what you say is true, I've had centuries to develop it."

"Yes but you're one of the few that actually puts it above his own desires."

"I'm not. I don't ever want her to regret her choices."

"If the fate of the world wasn't hanging in the balance; I'd say forget the consequences and take her home."


"I know it won't mean much-"

"Then don't say it," Ryan said. "And don't tell her I was here."

Giles nodded and Ryan turned from him and walked out the door.


A/N: Okay, I know it's mean of us to leave it there. It's good drama, though. And we will be back, eventually.

And for the people who will complain that Giles isn't that mean – try and remember that he's big-picturing it. That and he wouldn't want a repeat of what happened between Angel and Buffy. One down-in-flames romance between a cursed guy and a Slayer is more than enough for anyone to go through, even from the sidelines.