A/N: Yay! Another chappy lets get excited! I'm sure yall will justlove this one. Muahahaha. /cough/ yes as I was saying….the next upload after this one might be awhile. I'm sorry! But I hope I got everyone's lusty appetites dribbling with this one!

She was warm. The large blanket covering her neatly tucked into every nook and cranny. Grabbing the fabric closer she inhaled deeply. It smelled faintly of cigarette smoke and sterilized hands…Wait, cigarette smoke?

"That Stein, getting his cancerous stench all over my blanket." She mumbled softy beneath her breath. But she did admit it was nice and comforting, a pleasant reminder what it could be like… he was such a stiff guy though. Snuggling closer to her body in a tight ball, Marie accidentally bumped into something from behind. A little surprised but to lazy to check and see what it was, she closed her eyes and sought for more quietness.

There was a rustling against her back and she froze. Slowly the thing she clung to her breast lifted itself and rearranged around her waist in a firm hold. There was a glimpse of boney white knuckles and slender fingers as they disappeared from her horizon.

Was that a hand?

Turning around as gently as possible her suspicions were confirmed as Marie stared dumbstruck at the mop of white hair in her face. The hand was now dangerously close to her upper left butt cheek and she dared not move any further, least it stray lower. She regretted her actions of turning as his hot breathe sweltered her nose and chin. They were inches from each other.

Bad idea bad idea!

Stein lay opposite of her, peacefully asleep until his features contorted with pain, immediately concerned Marie tried her best to unravel from him, without success.

The only thing she could do now was wait until he rolled over or woke up.

God I hope he doesn't do that!

She'd die of embarrassment! While trying to distract herself she found that she'd never been this close to the mad scientist since…quickly she shoved the thought of her past lover from her mind and focused only on him. His breathing was light and she would never have noticed it if not for the rise and foundered depths his chest made against hers. In out in out… Glancing up and holding an intake of air she peered closer to the lines woven into his skin.

Where had he gotten those? Did he do that himself? Was there a terrible accident and this is all the proof left? Maybe he tried an experiment and something went wrong….

The thoughts tumbled out, each holding a questioning end. They floated around her mind and eventually solidified themselves firmly into purposed advances… A drifting hand wandered a little to close as she lightly traced the scars.

Before she knew what was happening his eyes shot open and pieces of blue ice stabbed into her gentle brown orbs. He didn't say a word of protest or a single sound of surprise, but just continued to star at her expressionless. But she thought she saw a flicker of insanity in them, deep and hidden. A fire quickly clenched.

"Um…St-stein! It's not what you think! I was just—and then you had your hand and—don't kill me!"

Then he did the last thing she would have expected, he laughed. A long hearty sound that warmed her to the core and tingled her toes, but it also unnerved her to no end. As it changed into an almost hysterical cry of pain that made her wince. It was worth it though, because he had laughed.

When have I ever heard Stein laugh? Great, now I'm going to die here and the last thing I'll hear is this lunatic's crazy laugh and the soft feel of his hands ripping into me…Jesus! Pull it together Marie! Stop thinking like that! It's a bit absurd but I swear he knows what I'm thinking! And when he hears me I'll be done for, lights out for me. After hitting the can no doubt I'll be asked how the ol' gal went and I'd say:

"Yeah I slept next to an unstable doctor who liked to dissected things." On which they will undoubtedly respond.

"Not the brightest bulb in the box is she…poor hun. No wander she can't get married…"

Oh God I'm rambling now aren't I? If my mother could see me know…

Marie was so engrossed with her inner ramblings that she hadn't noticed when the strange noise stopped, but was immediately reminded when a frigid hand clasped over hers and lips moved against them in a silent smile.

"Marie…I think I have the answer."

She gasped and remembered where she was, "Stein! What are you doing? Wh-what answer? Hey!"

He hadn't stopped at just her suddenly rigid hand, but continued slowly up her arm. He appeared not to be listening to her, but in a silent trance. His mouth following an invisible path up and up…leaving a blazing trail behind it.

Lets look on the bright side, he hasn't murdered you yet and he's totally like eating your arm! Good sign if I ever saw one. Besides I'm not even cold anymore.

Because she was on fire! Her heart was beating so hard she could have sworn she was bleeding inside. Bleeding love, bleeding lust. She was trying to pull away now. But he still had a grip on her lower back and grunted at her efforts.

"Don't Marie …I want you."

Shit! What to say to that! Yes, I know you wanted me all along, glad you've come to your senses? Oh this is a mess!

"You're not thinking straight Stein! We have a mission. There's no time to be fooling around. I mean, what's got into you!"


"You're confused you idiot! I mean, what man in his right man wouldn't try anything waking up with me next to him, right? (Even she had trouble believing that with her low self esteem.) But that's not the point! And stop that! I can't think clearly when you're molesting my elbow, it's very distracting."

With a predator gleam in his eyes Stein nipped her skin and bit down harder causing Marie to cry out. The flame was back, but it was of a different nature.

"Why are you questioning me? This is what you've desired. I've seen it. I know. You can't hide the truth from me Marie, you know why? Because there is no truth. It's all a lie. Everything has been a lie to me. But I'm making it right. I'm being honest to myself for the first time since this thing inside me has been unleashed. I'm—

Looping his other arm around her head and stringing his fingers through her warm hair. "Taking—

Again he pulled her closer and made her flush against him. They were so close, nearly skin-to-skin. His lips formed the doomed words that told her she had lost. And she wasn't so sure why she was fighting in the first place, looking into those dominant blue eyes.


She gasped as he stared her straight on and suddenly crashed his lips against hers to prove his point. It was hard at first, seeking, desperate. But then it slowed and became a passionate kiss she'd never known. It was real, it was confident, it was what he wanted. Unlike their first clumsy kiss. Their lips molded together and his tongue dances with hers. There were no words for it. It. Was. Amazing.

When they did break and they both were panting he smiled. "See, You can't resist a charmer like me." Inside he was shaking, he was going to loose it. He really wanted her, more of her, all of her. But he couldn't now. Not while he wasn't sure he would still be him afterwards. In moments of high anger, sorrow, or ecstasy brought the demon out. And no matter how much his lust burned would he endanger Marie.

She smiled back and purred in her throat. It was soft and alluring, sending another wave of desire through him. When she spoke they struck every cord that strung tight within him, enchanting him. "Dr. Stein. You have a way with words. I better not have caught your cancer."

Laughing he burrowed his head into the crook of her neck and breathed. Not only was his lips still tingling for more but he also believed he'd solved his question. She's my angel, my guide back to heaven… With a heavy sigh of content he murmured something soft and unheard. When Marie asked, "What was that?" he replied in a deeply dark tone.

"You are my antidote."

A/N: I love writing this!