Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Author's Note: I can't believe I'm writing yet another story. Sorry, but I just couldn't get this one out of my head! This is kind of like a songfic, but not really. It's actually my first mystery/suspense story along with romance and comedy. Well, enough of my rambling. Please read and review!

A Summer Plan

"Will you two actually get up and make yourselves useful around the house?" Sesshoumaru demanded. He had just returned from work to find his house a pigsty. Cushions thrown all over the carpet, assorted condiments and food items laid on the counter, unwashed clothes scattered randomly in untidy bedrooms. The only room that managed to survive was the clean study. Of course, Inuyasha and Miroku would never set foot in there.

"We did," Miroku said, keeping his eyes glued to the TV screen. Currently, he and Inuyasha were sprawled on separate couches, watching wrestling.

Sesshoumaru rolled his topaz eyes. "Other than eating to your heart's desire."

"Like Miroku said, we did," Inuyasha lazily argued from the leather sofa. "We had to look for the remote all over the house."

"And yet, you couldn't even clean up after yourselves?" Sesshoumaru's left eye twitched uncontrollably.

Miroku shrugged. "We could've, but we decided not to."

"We could always get the maid to clean up," Inuyasha added.

Miroku looked at his best friend. "Inuyasha, we don't have a maid."

"I'm talking about Sesshoumaru."

An idea popped into Sesshoumaru's head. "You know," he said as he rounded the coffee table to sit on the loveseat. "Kagome and Sango were going to come over in an hour. But since the house is messy, they'll probably leave." Sesshoumaru crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat. He shrugged. "But who cares, right?"

The plan worked. Inuyasha shot up from the couch. "They're coming over?" he shouted. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't think you'd care," Sesshoumaru bluntly replied with a shrug.

"Well, you are wrong," Miroku said. He stood up and put up a fist. "I cannot let my dear Sango think that I am irresponsible-"

"Which you are," Sesshoumaru added.

"Right. As I was saying . . . Sango shall see me as the man she deserves-"

Inuyasha scoffed. "Like that'll happen."

"You may be right. But I will try, and I shall impress her-"

"Good luck with that," Sesshoumaru muttered.

"Will you two stop interrupting my speech?" Miroku yelled. "My lovely Sango will not see me as a perverted lech, but a charming-"

"Ha!" the silver-haired brothers scoffed.

Miroku dropped his arms to his sides in defeat. "Oh, screw the speeches! I'll just clean already!" The monk turned on his heel and stomped towards the kitchen.

Sesshoumaru glared at his younger brother. "You better get your ass moving, too," he muttered dangerously.

"Whatever." Inuyasha jogged up the stairs to get started on his room.

The demon smirked and sat back, satisfaction written all over his handsome face.

Kagome and Sango Higurashi were close sisters that lived in a cozy shrine a few miles away from the Takahashi household. Miroku and Inuyasha had been best friends with the girls since they were in preschool. Now, the four of them were graduates from high school.

But it wasn't just the four of them. There were three other individuals that were befriended in kindergarten. Ayame Iris, a female redhead wolf demon; Kouga Wolf, a male black-haired prince of the wolf demon tribe; And Kagura Saimyosho, a beautiful wind sorceress. Strangely, Sesshoumaru was somehow pulled into this friendship circle. He didn't know how or why.

Sesshoumaru and Kagura were the only ones out of all their friends that weren't eighteen-year-olds that just barely graduated from high school; They were mature adults. Kagura rented an apartment for herself, had a job, and was twenty-two years old. Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, owned a two-story house, also had a job, and was twenty-six years old.

InuTaisho and Izayoi Takahashi had died after Inuyasha was born. Sesshoumaru was only eight, so Toutousai, an elder family friend, took care of them until Sesshoumaru was old enough to own the nice house his parents left behind.

Not long after the Takahashi brothers moved into the house, Miroku's parents weren't so lucky either. A rumor going around says that they were sucked into his father's cursed Wind Tunnel. Desperate for a place to live, the eight-year-old Miroku went to Inuyasha's house. Sesshoumaru felt pity for the young monk, and let him live with the brothers.

Sesshoumaru shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. He stood up and went outside to get the mail. He opened the little door to the rectangular box, and grabbed every envelope and paper. The demon kicked the front door shut behind him as he sorted through the mail.

Sesshoumaru mumbled, "Bill, bill, bill, coupon, bill-" He stopped when his eyes saw a swimsuit magazine. He glared at the cover girl striking a pose in a bikini. "Monk!" he bellowed. "Stop subscribing to these stupid perverted magazines!"

Miroku poked his head up from behind the couch in the living room. His face brightened up. "It finally came!" he joyfully gasped. He snatched the magazine from Sesshoumaru's hands.

"Damn perv," Sesshoumaru muttered, shaking his head. He shifted his gaze back to the mail. "Bill, bill, bill . . . Screw this! They're all bills!" He threw down all the envelopes on the armrest of the couch.

"Hey, Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha called from the top of the stairs.


"You girlfriend's on the phone." Inuyasha descended the staircase, two steps at a time.

"What girlfriend?" Sesshoumaru questioned, heading for the kitchen phone.

"Kagura. Who else?" The hanyou smirked as he plopped on the couch.

"Oh, shut up," the youkai muttered. He entered the kitchen and reached for the phone.

"You know it's true!" Inuyasha yelled as he flipped through the channels.

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and pushed a button on the cordless phone. "Hello?"

"Yo," Kagura coolly greeted.

"Yo, yourself."

"Thanks . . . I guess."

"Why'd you call?"

"Oh, right! As you know, every summer, I visit my parents, right?"

"Yeah, and what of it?"

"This year, my dad said that I can bring along my friends."

"And . . . ?" Sesshoumaru prompted.

On the other line, Kagura sighed. "Get this through your thick skull . . . friends." She emphasized the last word slowly and loudly so that he could get the idea.

" . . . And . . . ?"

"Ugh, I'm seriously gonna go over there and kick your ass."

"Psh, I'd like to see you try."

"Shut up!"


Kagura sighed again. "What I was trying to say from the start is do you, Inuyasha, and Miroku want to come?"

Sesshoumaru shrugged. He peered through the open, arched doorway dividing the kitchen and the living room. His housemates, clad in sweats and T-shirts, were lazily lying on the soft cushions of the sofas, watching a zombie movie. "I suppose I could go," he replied. "But I'm not sure about the idiots."


Sesshoumaru covered the mouthpiece. "Hey, do you two want to-"

"No!" Inuyasha interrupted, tilting his head back.

"Shut up. Do you want to visit Kagura's parents' place?"

Miroku wrinkled his nose. "With you two? I don't think so! You'd make out the whole time!"

The demon's fists clenched in anger, and his jaw flexed. "We only kissed once," he corrected, his blood boiling.

"Ugh, that was serious lip lock," Inuyasha said with disgust, remembering the college party that Sesshoumaru threw. The hanyou was only a young teenager surrounded by drunk college kids and couples who desperately wanted to make love. Inuyasha shuddered at the memory. Wow, that was the worst day of his life.

Before Sesshoumaru could choke his housemates, he muttered into the mouthpiece, "They don't want to." He nodded as Kagura said something, then put the mouthpiece on his shoulder. "Sango's going."

Miroku abruptly sat up. "Well, in that case . . ."

Sesshoumaru glared at the careless Inuyasha propping up his feet on the armrest. "Kagome's going, too," he added.

Inuyasha shrugged. "So?"

"Kouga's going, too."

Inuyasha sat up. "I'm going." He got really annoyed whenever Kouga flirted with Kagome.

Sesshoumaru smirked. "They're both going now," he said into the phone.

"Good. We'll use your blue car. You know, the one with a lot of seats?" Kagura asked, hoping he knew which one of his four cars she was talking about.

"Yeah, okay." He nodded. She was talking about the Explorer.

"Okay, be ready tomorrow morning. Pick me up first around eightish. The trip to the house will be, like, two or three days, depending on the traffic. Oh, and we're staying there until August. You got all that?"


"Alrighty then, bye!"

"Bye." Sesshoumaru hung up the phone and entered the living room.

Miroku turned from the TV screen and smirked at the dog demon. "So, how's your girlfriend?" he asked.

"Burn!" Inuyasha shouted, sounding excited.

"Shut up. Pack up, you idiots," the demon said in a monotone voice. At the foot of the stairs, he paused. "Oh, and Miroku? At least I can get a girlfriend, unlike you." He gracefully climbed up the stairs and disappeared in his bedroom.

"BURN!" Inuyasha yelled again. Miroku glared at his best friend. Inuyasha put up his hands in defense. "Sorry, but that was a good burn."

Author's Note: Sorry, it's not much or that exciting. But it's supposed to be an introduction, like all of the first chapters. It will get exciting though, I promise! Please R&R!