Please sing out loud for the final segment! I mean it, no matter where you are, warm up those vocal chords...

Live in New York! It's the Annual Super Hero Awards, with your obligatory crappy cameo, Jay Leno!

"And the winner of Super Hero of the Year, goes to? Batman for defeating an army of ninjas and weird Irish/ English guy!" Jay Leno proclaims.

"Ah crap! Why the heck do I bother showing up to these things. I don't even know anyone here." Hellboy mutters.

"Hay, don't blame me. I voted for Captain Marvel." The Mask replies.

"And the winner of Best Super Villain of the Year goes to. Scarecrow!" Jay Leno announces again.

"Thanks. Cause all the hell I've gone through I deserve an award." Scarecrow mumbles.

"That's what she said!" Superman yells.

"Shut up Superman! You're movie was rubbish and written like a bad fan-fiction!" Scarecrow yells back.

"Don't spoil it. I haven't watched it yet." Green Goblin yells.

"Here's a Spoiler! The finale sucks!" Tony Stark yells.

"O.K. And now we're mocking our producers. We should end it here."

"O.K. Cancel the trophies for best Stan Lee cameo and best crappy female counter part rip off." Jay Leno concludes.

After the Ceremony...

"Ha! This award is going straight on E-Bay." Batman grins.

"Excuse me Mr Batman? Could you sign this autograph?" a little kid asks.

"Sure thing. If I can change the life of just one kid, maybe I truly have achieved something. What's your name son?" Batman realises.

"Dick Grayson. But my friends call me Robin."

"Oh hell. Get lost Dick. I'm horrible and evil. And the Easter Bunny isn't real!" Batman yells.

Back to actual events...

"Well back to being boss of Wayne Industries. Maybe I'll get a name in this scene." Boss thinks aloud.

"Hay! Ned. You're fired!" Lucious yells.

"What business bla bla bla! I'm the boss bla bla bla! Business bla! Public limited bla bla!" Ned Boss rants.

"Bla bla bla. All your stocks are belong to us. Bla bla bla bla, you're fired. Bla bla." Bruce Wayne retorts.

"Bla bla bla?"

"Listen. I'm the main character so get lost!" Bruce concludes.

At Wayne Manor, well Wayne Manor was there once...

"So you're Batman Bruce." Rachel says.

"Yeah. That's why I couldn't spend time with you. And why I was hanging round with those sexual deviants. Any why I'm tired a lot. And why I don't floss." Bruce explains.

"What about the time Batman didn't save those orphans?" Rachel asks.

"I was too busy being Batman. Will you have sex with me?" Bruce asks.

"I don't know. Whose name would I yell out during sex?" Rachel ponders.

"Either, I'm good."

"Bruce. I can't have sex with Batman. He wears tights and a rubber outfit. Maybe one day when we don't need Batman we can have sex."

"O.K. We'll probably both live to see that day. How long can that be?" Bruce speculates.

And the finale...

"Well Batman we've saved the day. And I've been promoted to Lieutenant." Jim smiles.

"That's nice. But in my heart, you'll always be a lackey." Batman replies.

"But there's a problem." Jim says.


"Well now that it's O.K to dress up in tights and act with eccentricity, without the fear of being called gay. We might have a whole ton of tight wearing queers on the street soon." Jim predicts.

"Yeah, that would be a problem. Any evidence that it'll happen soon." Batman asks.

"Well yes. Look at this." Jim reveals.

"Son of a (cesor)ing (censor) with (censor) on the side and a dollop of (censor)ing (censor), it's a playing card!" Batman proclaims.

"But more than that attached was a CD, it played the following..." Jim reveals.

#Yo! I'm the Joker and I'm here to say!#

#I'm the most Bad Ass Villain in the USA!#

#You may have though Jack Nicholson was pretty camp!#

#But let me tell you. I'm off the ramp!#

#And if you think Batman is pretty cool!#

#Let me tell you I rock, Old School!#

#Rewind... Old School, Rewind... Old School! Rewind... Old School#

"It goes on like that for a while." Jim finishes.

"Wow. Well he make think he's good, but he's trippin' if he thinks he can take me!" Batman states.

"Oh please don't!" Jim begs.

#So this is a story all about how!#

#My life got flipped, turned upside down!#

#And I'd like to take a moment so sit down pretty!#

#And I'll tell you how I became protector of Gotham City!#

#In the richer part of Gotham, born and raised!#

#In Wayne Manor is where I spent most of my days!#

#Chilling out, maxing, relaxing without haste!#

#Until a ton of Bats flew in my face!#

#Than a random thug up to know good!#

#Started making trouble in my neighbourhood!#

#Got in one little fight and my parents got shot!#

#And I said Gotham sucks, I'm buggering off!#

#I whistled for a cab, but after a course with some ninjas!#

#I decided I'd come back and protect these wingers!#

#And if anything I could say this job was wear!#

#But I thought nah forget it, I'm Batman! Who cares!#

Few! That was a difficult last musical finish, I hope you were all singing! Anyway, read, review, enjoy if you must. I'm doing a similar YouTube project which I'll finish soon and I'm starting up my next fan-fiction project soon.

And remember, uh, hell, now I run out of funny stuff...