Mulan Shippuden

"Sakura." Sasuke said from the mansion window.

"Oh, Sasuke- kun! Good morning!" Sakura was surprised to see him up so soon. She was in their backyard sitting on the stone bench under the cherry blossom tree that was a few feet from their lily pond. Sasuke was as cold as he ever was in the morning, but somehow, Sakura realized he acted colder than usual. He was never a morning person, but Sakura had lived with him long enough to know that he was never this cold looking.

He came out of the house dressed for battle with his sword at his waist.

"Umm… where are you going Sasuke- kun?" Sakura asked with suspicion.

"Out." Sasuke said coldly.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm feeling fine." Sasuke turned his back to Sakura and started away from the mansion.

Once Sasuke was out of site, Sakura made a dash for it after him. She bumped into Hinata, who had a few papers in her hand.

"Oh! Sorry Hinata. You wouldn't happen to have seen Sasuke, have you?"

"Yeah! I just saw him! He headed north… the way of the exams."

"What exams?" Sakura asked confused as ever.

"You didn't hear? The Godaime is arranging a team a ninja to go after Akatsuki. She's forcing people to join. Neji- niisan was sent a letter. He is at there right now."

"Oh man…" Sakura felt like throwing up. Everyone knew that Akatsuki members are an undefeatable team of elite ninjas. She didn't want Sasuke to leave her to go fight Akatsuki. She was afraid of what the outcome might be.

"Well, ummm, see you later Hinata!" Sakura said in a hurry. She dashed off after Sasuke. She came to the training grounds in Konoha where she saw a bunch of ninja gathered up around the Hokage. The only word she heard was "dismissed" and Naruto practically pushed her over.

"Oh Sakura- chan! Am I late? Did I miss it?"

"Sort of…"

"MAN!!" Naruto screamed. "I better go and see the granny Tsunade and ask her to reapeat everything… bye!"

"Sakura. What are you doing hear?" Sakura was glad to hear the voice of the Uchiha boy, and turned around to ask him what was going on.


"What are you doing hear!!" Sasuke yelled and interrupted Sakura with his question.

"I was just-!" But before the green eyed girl could respond, Sasuke started walking away. She ran quickly to go after Sasuke.

"I was just worried about you and wanted to see if you were ok…" Sakura said out of breath from trying to keep up with Sasuke's fast walking. Sasuke stopped short and Sakura slightly bumped him. He turned around with a gloomy and sad look on his face.

"You shouldn't have come, Sakura." Sasuke said slowly.

"Sasuke- kun… is it true that you're in the group to go and track down Akatsuki?"


"Oh… How long will you be gone?"

"About three weeks."

"Oh… that long… and you have to go?"


Sakura just thought of a brilliant plan… she was going to go in Sasuke's place.