Woot! 6 reviews! Like it really matters. But, still. I want to randomly say woot. IS THAT OKAY!? Allllright, this one is for Alienphantom, he suggested HaroldxLindsay. LOL! So, here goes!

Oh. I own nothing. DARNIT!

"Ohhh, Harold! I have to ask you something!" The busty blonde ran towards the Neapolean Dynamite ripoff.

"Like, yeah Lindsay?" The nerd looked towards her curiously.

"I heard that Britney Spears was ack-used of being a bad mom! And I want to tell the people that she rocks! So, help me!"

"Okay, here's the song:

Everybody claims I'm such a bad mom
So I figured I would try to prove them wrong

Lindsay was singing in front of a camera in a similar outfit from the "Gimme More" music video. Dancing around with glo-sticks, she sang in a very perky, pop voice.

I decided I would try to look
For a way to learn how to cook,
But I couldn't read the book

She turned around, her latex jacket flowing around her legs. A random tv fell from the sky, hitting Lindsay on the head.

Tried to watch the food network,
but I wasn't really learning
It was too much to take in... take in..
That's when I
Smelled something burning, burning..

She grabbed her head in pain after reviving from the blow. Taking a falling ice pack, she sang despite her frying head.

Despite the bad fumes,
The cooking shows resumed
I kept on trying, my brain was frying...frying.. frying..

She was watching Racheal Ray fry stir-fry. When she flipped the vegetables and meat in one pan, Lindsay did the same, resulting in more burns.

Didn't have the ingredients that day,
So I thought I would try to do it my own way.

Taking cheetos, chocolate, a pot, spoon, and some Rosemary, she put on an apron and started to cook. But, it exploded in her face.

The kids wouldn't eat it, they began to shout
So I went on the computer
To order take out.

She typed a million words, when an ad came up.

"iFood.tv? Hmmm..."

That's when I found Ifood.tv
It made cooking seem just so easy.

A series of recipes came up, along with links to different countries and such for different foods. Lindsay clicked on "India" and read the recipe "5-Alarm Super Hot Triple Spice Curry." After she cooked it, the idiot decided to taste test. She brought a smoking spoonfull of bright red soup to her lips.

"No! Lindsay!"

Too late, she slurpped it, and it slipped into her mouth. Smoke came every which way, out of her ears, mouth, everywhere.

Finding it was my one salvation
Now if only I'd wear shoes
To the rest room
At the gas station...

Lindsay slipped on water at a gas station, being the end of the video.

"Ummm, bravo Lindsay?"

I honestly didn't really like this. I have writers block! I surrender! P.s, this was also going out for VenetianPrincess on Youtube, (Yeah, I used her song), but this sucked! So, VP, I'm sorry I butchered your awesome song! I copyright you! And, may I use a different song for you? Please, VP, pm me on Youtube! Request a songggggg...Oh, and next thing:

Noah, "Zeke", Harold, and Cody: White and Nerdy

Couples: ZekeXHeather, BethXCody