Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Epilogue—ten years later…

"Emily slow down before you kill yourself," Alice said to her five year old, youngest daughter. Emily had inherited Alice's short, dark hair, and dark eyes, looking like a miniature version of her mother. But she was a lot like her father, quiet, intuitive. A real sweetheart.

"But we're playing tag Momma," Emily protested, freezing in her pursuit of her one year older cousin Robert. He was almost an exact replica of Emmett with the dark curly hair and strong build, even at such a young age. But his eyes were the same sky blue as his mother's.

"Well at least play outside before you break Bella's furniture," Rosalie said to Robert. It was bright and sunny in Florida, a comfortable, breezy summer day.

"Fine Mom," Robert sighed, rolling his eyes, half jogging back to Emily. "Let's go play outside. Bryan, Audrey, wanna come?"

"No thanks," Audrey answered instantly. At ten years old, Audrey already thought she was too good to play with the little kids. Audrey was beautiful, of course, but what else could we expect her to be with Rosalie as a mother? She had long, curly blond hair that fell half way down her back. Her eyes were an icy, electric blue and her body was much more developed then most ten year old girls. She looked like a model already. The only time she looked like a child was when she smiled—she had Emmett's smile, all dimples and teeth.

"I'll stay here too," Josh said. I smiled at my beautiful son. He had always been small for his age, up until last year when a growth spurt hit, bringing him up to normal size. His asthma had developed more over the years, so he had to be sure to bring an inhaler with him everywhere. Luckily, he wasn't challenged in school, he was right at the level he was supposed to be at. All of the risks of such an early birth seemed to avoid him, except for the asthma of course.

He was so handsome too. He had Edward's bronze hair and his eyes were the purest of green, with brown specks through it, making his eyes shine even more with the contrast. I was happy to say the crooked smile was apparently genetic, since Josh had one too. Every time he flashed me that half smile, one cheek lifted up, showing a tiny dimple on his right cheek, I just about melted.

And he hero worshipped Audrey, naturally. He knew they weren't related, although they were close enough to be. Audrey and he were the closest in age, being only five days apart. And I was still set on the two of them getting married. Robert and Emily were best friends as well. They were a year apart, but still very close. When Emily was first born, Robert used to sit by her crib and stare at her, trying to figure out what she was.

Edward and I decided not to have any more children. It would be too risky with Joshua's premature birth, and we were perfectly content with Lexie and Josh. Edward and I got married about a year after Josh was born. Lexie was the flower girl, a task she took great pride in. It was a small wedding, only Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Rosalie and our parents coming, along with the children. We didn't want anything big. We just wanted to finally be joined in marriage, to finally have the small rings that showed everyone else how strong our love is. And we had been together ever since. I fingered the small golden wedding band on my finger, a single word engraved on the inside. Forever.

"Dad do you wanna come play with us?" Robert asked, turning to Emmett. Emmett grinned.

"Sure thing kiddo," Emmett answered enthusiastically. Emmett loved Audrey, and she was a total daddy's girl, but Emmett also loved playing outside with his son. He said he felt like a real father when he taught Robbie how to play baseball and football and hockey. He scooped Robert up, placing him on his shoulders and ducking low as Robert laughed.

"Come too Daddy!" Emily squealed excitedly, grabbing onto Jasper's fingers. He sighed, a bit reluctant, but Emily gave him her signature puppy dog pout—pretty much the same one Alice used to get her way—and Jasper followed behind her, Emily squealing excitedly the whole way.

"Hello, love." I smiled as Edward's arms wrapped easily around my waist, his lips pressing lightly to my neck. No matter how long we had been together, I still felt chills every time he touched or kissed me. I don't think being with Edward can ever get old. He was much too perfect.

"Hey," I answered breathlessly. Alice rolled her eyes at me, sinking onto the couch next to Audrey and Josh. Audrey was chattering on about the people in their school, Josh piping in his comments every once in a while. Audrey giggled and blushed pink at his comments, and I was pretty sure the crush was mutual. The thought made me smile.

"Where's Lexie?" he asked, untwining himself from me, but lacing our fingers so he could stand next to me.

"Upstairs. She said she has big plans tonight and she has to get ready," I answered. When Lexie turned thirteen, we had completely transformed her princess room into a total fashionista room. She was in love with it. She could spend hours in their, doing her hair, picking out outfits, doing her make-up. She was a lot like Alice in that way.

"You know Josh," Audrey said after a moment, giggling lightly. "I'm older then you. Usually the boy is older then the girl." I could tell she was teasing him, but Josh got a look of horror on his face and pouted at her.

"But I'm smarter, so that makes up for the age difference," he countered.

"But I'm prettier, so that makes up for the smartness difference," Audrey retorted. Josh sat up on his knees and crossed his arms over his chest. I could see one of their, what Alice liked to call "lover's quarrels" coming on, and I smiled as I watched. Edward squeezed my hand, letting me know he was watching too.

"But I'm taller so that makes up for the prettiness difference."

"But I'm…I'm…"

"One, two, three, I beat you!" Josh sang in victory as Audrey struggled to think of a comeback. She pouted briefly. "But you're still prettier," Josh added. Audrey instantly forgave him and launched into a new conversation. I felt Edward shaking with laughter next to me.

"Look's like he already knows the way to a woman's heart," he chuckled. "Just tell her she's pretty."

"My little ladies man," I teased back and we both laughed.

"How do I look?" Everyone turned to the stairs to see Lexie standing there, a shy smile on her face. She was wearing a short red and white designed dress, which fell to a few inches above her knees. It was short sleeved with a sweetheart neckline and had a belt under her chest that was the same design as the dress. It was somewhat sexy, but still conservative. She was holding a white clutch in her hands and biting her lip.

Lexie's hair was my shade of brown, but as she grew, small highlights of bronze began developing in and her hair got a bit of a curl to it. Now, it hung down her back in waves, a bit of red shining when the light hit her hair just right. She was almost as tall as me now and so grown up at sixteen. It was crazy to think she was so grown up. She was only two years younger then I was when I had her.

"You look beautiful sweetie," I gushed instantly. I ran up to her and hugged her, suddenly overwhelmed by how old she looked—she looked so grown up, like a real adult. No longer my little baby girl, my sweet, innocent little princess.

"I've taught you well," Rosalie said proudly.

"You look a lot like your mom did at your age," Alice noted, smiling. Lexie made a face at her and we laughed.

"You look so pretty Lexie!" Audrey said excitedly, jumping up. Audrey had always looked up to Lexie from the moment she could walk and talk. Now, she looked up to her even more. The pretty older cousin who went on dates with boys and wore pretty dresses and make-up and jewelry. It was Audrey's life dream to be like Lexie.

"No way," Edward said suddenly. "You look about twenty five. You're not leaving the house in that. It's too short. And…low cut! No way."

"He hates it! That means it's perfect!" Lexie squealed excitedly. I giggled at the look on Edward's face. Lexie caught it too and bit her lip to fight a smile. "I mean, come on Daddy. Boys love what father's hate."

"It's true," I said reasonably and Edward scowled at me.

"Who said anything about boys? You're not dating till your thirty." Lexie laughed and rolled her eyes, sticking her cell phone and extra lip gloss into her clutch.

"So Mike should be here in a few minutes. He can even drive," she said excitedly, ignoring Edward's typical dad comments. "We're going to dinner."

As she spoke there was a honk from outside and Lexie did an excited little dance, squealing.

"Okay, okay," she said, taking a deep breath, waving her hands in front of her face, like she was fanning herself. "Is my hair okay Auntie?"

"It's perfect," Alice and Rosalie answered simultaneously.

"Okay. I'd better go then." She took another deep breath and took a step to the door.

"Wait," I said spontaneously. Lexie paused, confused.

"Yeah, bring this boy in. I want to meet him," Edward growled, glaring at the car parked outside.

"Well Daddy you already know Mike so there really isn't any reason for you to meet him again," Lexie said quickly. "Yeah Mom?" she said, giving me a hurry-up-before-dad-goes-outside-and-beats-up-my-boyfriend look. I reached behind my neck and unclasped the diamond necklace I was wearing—it was the same one Edward had given me for Christmas almost eleven years ago.

"Take this. It matches perfectly," I said. Lexie beamed—she had loved the necklace since she was five. She lifted her hair off of her neck and I clasped the necklace around her neck. She smiled, reaching up to hug me.

"Thanks Mom. I love you."

"I love you too honey," I said, choking up a bit. Giving her my necklace was so…symbolic of her growing up. I didn't want to think about my little girl leaving the house, dating, getting married, having children! It was all too much. Lexie pulled away, smiling, and wrapped her arms around Edward.

"You'll always be the number one guy in my life Daddy," she promised him and Edward smiled, his sexy crooked smile, and hugged her tightly back.

"Bye Audrey, bye Josh," Lexie said, pecking her younger cousin and brother. Lexie had always been protective of Josh, from when he was a baby on. She still felt that way, although I could tell she was starting to become more independent—to grow up more. Josh instantly wiped away her kiss, making a disgusted face, while Audrey beamed.

"Have fun sweetie, be safe and be home by eleven thirty," I called as she danced out of the door. I watched from the window as she climbed into Mike's car, smiling shyly, a small blush on her cheeks. Mike leaned over to peck her cheek once before driving away. Lexie was smiling the whole time.

"I can't believe she left in that outfit," Edward grumbled. Rosalie, Alice and I all laughed.

"Get used to it Edward," Alice teased. Edward made a face at her.

We all chatted. Audrey and Josh watched a movie together until Audrey fell asleep; her head leaning on Josh's shoulder as he gently stroked her hair, smiling peacefully the whole time. Emily and Robert played baseball with Emmett and Jasper in the backyard. Emily turned out to be excellent at sports, more of a tomboy then a girly girl. Edward rubbed my fingers as he held my hand on his lap. My friends sat with me.

I thought of how crazy things had been, how wild and out of control they had seemed, to wrapping up so nice and neatly. Having Lexie so young, dating Edward, having another child with him, getting reunited with Alice, getting married. Time is always flying, moments are passing, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years passing, a blip in the past. I knew someday Lexie would get her heart broken; someday Josh would become a father. But for now I was happy with living in the present, in the now.

Because with Edward, my family and friends and my two beautiful children by my side, the now seemed like a pretty good place to be.

Final A/N: Wow guys, this has been a crazy and wild ride. From Little Pink Envelope to 22 Weeks Later. I want to thank all of my readers who have been here since the very beginning, with LPE and followed the story all the way until now. I want to thank everyone who put up with my scattered updates and crappy chapters and busy schedule, all the while supported me and my writing. The readers and reviewers truly made this story possible, and I love you all for it. Thank you all so much, and make sure you leave one last review. I love you all, I hope you'll continue reading my other stories and never stop being the encouraging and wonderful readers you are. Thank you one last time.