Song or Suicide
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z. I do, however, own any original characters that appear in this fic.
Note: This is just an idea for a Gohan and Videl fix that I have had for a while now. If you are sensitive to graphic images, such as rape, abuse, foul language, and/or violence, please be aware that those will appear throughout the text, though I am thinking not in this chapter. In any case, this is the first chapter, and if no one seems intrigued by my idea, I probably won't continue. On with the story…
Chapter One
Thinking of Tomorrow
Walking through the woods, he began to whistle. There was no tune to this piercing sound. He just wanted to be doing something while he waited.
God Damn it, where are you? He thought to himself, thoroughly annoyed that she was so late, again.
I must tell her. She will not be happy… He began to form ki balls and shoot them in the air, catch them, then toss them into the air again, out of sheer boredom. His thought began to drift to the girl he was meant to meet. I think I really like her. The fact that we meet in secret is…enticing. I've never met her match.
Gohan, eleven years old, was falling in love, falling hard. And, as was his fate, he was falling in love with a difficult person. A secretive, intelligent, cocky girl whom he could never forget, even if he were to try. His ears pricked up at the sound of a snapping twig.
He almost chuckled. "Where in the world have we been?"
She emerged from the dense trees, though she was shrouded in a mist, her identity a secret to Gohan. "I apologize greatly, Gohan, forgive me. I was playing the piano and…"
"Got lost in the music, I know, I know." He rolled his eyes at her and bore a toothy grin full of amusement. "You seem to be doing that more and more lately."
She shrugged, though Gohan noticed that she winced slightly. "I guess my passion is flaring."
"My dear, your passion is always ablaze. Now, stop feeding be this bull and tell me the real reason you are late."
She gulped. "I told you…lost in music…"
In a flash, Gohan was in front of her, glaring with the full intensity of his onyx orbs. "Don't lie to me."
"Gohan, honestly, it's not important."
"To me, you are the most important thing in this world, in my world."
"Drop it, Son." Gohan could tell from her voice, though he could see nothing of her expression, that she was getting quite angry at his persistence. He casually glanced at his watch.
"Fuck!" he exclaimed. "I must go soon to…"
"To what?" She leaned in closer, obviously curious.
"I must leave you to fight Cell."
An eerie silence swept through the clearing, blowing her black, silky hair about her nebulous face, her plain white blouse dancing, her jeans slightly ruffled.
"You are to fight that monster? You cannot! I will not allow you to be hurt, even for the good of the entire universe. I value our friendship too much. I value you too much."
"I promise you, on the life of my mother, that I will not die. I will not."
She then closed the gap between them, embracing him in a tight hug. He, too, grasped her firmly, taking in her scent, the most unique smell in all the world. It smelled of forests, the wilderness, a woodsy air that always calmed him, made him feel good. Should I tell her that I love her? I may not return, promise or no. I do not want to hurt her by leaving her my heart and not living. If she were to feel the same, she would be devastated. I will not, not until after I kill this monster.
"Goodbye, Gohan. Please, remember your promise. I need you in my life."
"I need you, too. Goodbye."
He leaned toward her and—
Something heavy impacted with his chest.
"Gohan! Gohan! School, school, school!" Goten exclaimed, jumping up and down on his drowsy brother, giggling all the while.
In mid-jump, Gohan caught his brother and gently threw him off the bed. Goten, unfazed, stood up and grinned at Gohan. "Are you excited?" he questioned.
"Of course. I get to, finally, receive an education." At that, his voice was dripping with sarcasm. He rose out of his bed, stretched toward the ceiling, stripped of his boxers, and walked into the bathroom. He quickly climbed into the shower and let the warmth wash over him.
He though back to his dream, a recurring vision of his sleeping hours. "Who is she?" He asked to no one.
In the final battle with Cell, after the Kamehamehas were fired and the monster defeated, there was an incredibly violent energy wave that hit Gohan. He was knocked out, and therefore, lost all memory of the year before the games. Unfortunately for him, that was the time span in which he met this mysterious vixen.
"Just my luck." The water became frigid. He turned the nozzle, shutting the water off. He stepped out, refreshed and cleaned. Wrapping his waist in a towel, he walked back to his room to find Goten jumping up and down on his bed. He chuckled lovingly at his little brother's display of childish innocence. Gohan put on a crisp midnight blue long-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose fitting jeans. He quickly raked his hand through his gravity defying hair.
"Boys, breakfast!" Chi-Chi called from the dining room.
"Food!" Goten yelled, running down to the delicious smell.
Gohan followed at a more controlled pace, though he was equally as hungry. His mother pounded manners into his head as far back as he could remember. He sat down across from his brother, who was visibly drooling at the food set before them. Chi- Chi also joined them and nodded subtly. Goten practically jumped onto the table, grabbing anything within his reach and stuffing it into his mouth.
His mouth filled with food, he said, "If vreeely goof, mum."
"Goten," Chi-Chi sighed, "how many times have I asked you to not speak with your mouth full?"
"Come one, mother. It's hard to think clearly when eating your food. It's complete ecstasy for a Saiyan."
Chi-Chi smiled at his compliment and then glanced at the clock. "Oh, my, Gohan, it's time for you to leave."
"I don't want to be late. Goodbye, mother. Goodbye, Go—"
"My baby boy is off to high school. Oh, he has grown up so fast. Go! Find a nice girl that will give me lots and lots of grandchildren!" She started to push Gohan toward the door eagerly.
Laughing his head off, he kissed his mother's forehead and waved at Goten through the window. Gohan then took off, waving again to the shrinking form of his mother. This is going to be interesting…
A/N: I bet none of you know who the girl in Gohan's dream is! (koff, koff, begins with v, koff koff) Anyway, I'm writing this as I go, so if you have any ideas at all, no matter how ridiculous, tell me. I may use them in the story, giving you credit, of course. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW. This is my first fanficton. Try to be constructive, for my sanity, but be honest!
Thanks for reading,