sometimes she wonders if it's all already planned out.

ribbon box
s a k u r a

Sometimes, she wonders if it's all planned. Sometimes, it just doesn't feel real, like it's all just a movie and she's playing the main role, the budding starlet, and the entire world is watching her recite lines she thinks are coming from her heart but are really just part of a script that's too bad for her own good. And when she thinks about it like that, it makes a hell of a lot more sense, and it shouldn't.

Sometimes, she wonders what the village would be like if he hadn't gone away, if he hadn't traded his memories in the leaf for power and revenge. At first, she imaged it was be perfect—sasuke would still be there and team seven would still be team seven, not just naruto and sakura. But the more she thought of it, the more she realized how wrong it all seemed. Sasuke just wouldn't be the Sasuke she knew if he wasn't seeking revenge from his big brother, and that made her sad.

Why didn't she take the time to get to know him while she had the chance?

Why didn't he let anyone in so that he wouldn't have to bear all of that pain alone?

No matter how she threw the dice, she couldn't find anyone to blame. Not herself. Not Sasuke. Not Naruto. Not anyone. Because everything is right, everything has already played out and the pieces are all on the floor. And now, she's positive that its all been predestined.

Now she knows that this has all been planned. Because otherwise, she wouldn't miss him so much.

4 september 2008; 6.17 p.m.

n o t e s ;; slightly sakusasu. i couldn't resist. and if it doesn't make sense, i blame my lack of sleep due to school.