Lightning slashed across the sky like a diamond dagger and the wind howled through the empty streets of Konoha

Disclaimer: hahaha no Naruto isn't mine, hahaha sobs

This story is dedicated to Mrs-N-Uzumaki coz she adores naruxino so i wrote this for her. READ HER STORIES! THEY ARE AMAZING!!

Lightning slashed across the sky like a diamond dagger and the wind howled through the empty streets of Konoha. Rain came down from the heavens above like a waterfall drenching all in sight, as one blonde haired seventeen year old cried silently under a tree within the training grounds, a blood soaked shirt that was once white, clutching her slender form.

She didn't understand what went so wrong. Ever since her mother died, leaving her fifteen year old daughter and her husband alone he became abusive towards her- blaming her for the death that was inevitable when going on an S-rank mission with the survival rate as low as ten percent.

Every night since Kumiko Yamanaka's name was carved onto the memorial stone he had beaten his daughter, the beatings increasing in pain and sadism each day. Ino never once thought that she would say that she would fear for her own life when left alone with her father, but now, she was surprised she had survived. Inoichi Yamanaka no longer was satisfied with pounding his young daughter with his hands; he found that her screams were much more pleasing to his ears when mixed with the scent of her blood. Yes, kunai were good weapons to use when 'disciplining' his child.

The thought of going through that again only made her cry harder. 'Mom, why did you have to go?'

"Man it's good to be back in the village" Naruto Uzumaki said softly to himself whilst walking through the rain down from the Hokage tower. As he walked he would occasionally stop and tip his head back, enjoying the soothing feeling the droplets gave him as the cool water hit his head. 'I always did love the rain' he thought while heading in the direction of Konoha's K.I.A stone, in search of Kakashi. ' I hope Kakashi-sensei falls for my trick, I mean it's not my fault that I lost my wallet on a mission and don't have enough for dinner- yeah that'll work' he thought, grinning foxily as he removed his headband and shook some of the water our of his hair, causing it to fall down from it's usually spiky style.

As he neared the memorial stone he his cerulean gaze fell upon a seemingly distraught and wounded figure. 'Ino?' another look confirmed his thoughts and Naruto rushed to her quickly, worry and concern evident on his masculine face.

"N-Naruto?" Ino whispered breathlessly as she caught sight of the very boy who has been the object of her dreams for the last two months, due to reasons unapparent to her, charging at her. 'Why is he running at me like that, unless' she slowly looked down at her top. Her heart stopped at the sight of the blood she had obviously forgotten to clean, her sapphire orbs filled anew with the tears that didn't seem to end. 'H-he s-saw the b-blood'

"I-Ino, what happened to you?" he said, his eyes roaming her body for more injuries, and an answer to his question. He looked into her eyes, his own demanding answers, and that's when she cracked. The tears returned with a vengeance and she collapsed into his arms, gripping his ANBU uniform like he was her life-line, her only hope of surviving. Slightly shocked, he looked down at her as her tears soaked through his already wet uniform, warming his skin.

"Ino, you can tell me." He whispered into her ear, dropping his porcelain mask to return the embrace.