Thanks so much for reading this story I hope that you have enjoyed it!!!! Thanks for all of the wonderful reviews! I am so thankful you guys have enjoyed this story. I am sorry that it has taken this long for me to update!!!! Please forgive me!

The songs mentioned in this chapter are: If It's the Last Thing I Do by Brooks and Dunn and Home by Blake Shelton.


"What you got, Abs?" Gibbs asked, he and Jenny walking into the lab.

Abby's computer started beeping, "Perfect timing, Gibbs," Abby said, typing on her computer. "The car is parked at a truck stop thirty miles west of Knoxville, Tennessee."

"I will see if I can hack into their cameras," McGee said, typing on the computer next to Abby.

"She drove almost 400 miles in less than eight hours," Jenny wondered aloud, smirking while she shook her head.

"Boss, got it," McGee exclaimed, wheeling around to look at the group.

"Where is she?" Tony asked, looking at the big screen.

"I couldn't get access to the ones inside the store, but that's the car she stole from Fornell's men," McGee pointed at the black car parked in the corner of the parking lot.

The group stood there watching the live feed intently, just waiting for any signs of Ziva. Every time the gas station door opened, they would hold their breaths hoping it was her.

"There she is!" Tony said, pointing at the body slipping out of the door.

"Are you sure?" McGee said, looking closer at the screen.

"I don't know, Probie. I think I would recognize my own WIFE!" Tony shot at the boy. "That's the hoodie Ziva took with her," he pointed out.

"Can you zoom in closer?" Jenny asked the two techies. "She's hurt."

"She shouldn't be driving," Gibbs said. "Contact Tennessee State Police, have them pick her up," he told Tony who nodded solemnly.

"Boss, what if she refuses them?" Tony asked, stopping at the doorway on his way to the elevator.

"Tell them to call you," Jenny said, and Tony gave a small grin before leaving.

Somewhere in Tennessee

Ziva searched the radio stations as she flew down the interstate. Every station she found seemed to be only playing slow, sad songs. She needed something loud with a beat to keep her awake. Pausing on a country station, Ziva listened to the music for a bit.

If it's the last thing I do
If it takes me from Tupelo to Timbuktu
If it's the last thing I do
I'm gonna dodge every roadblock, speed trap and county cop
To get my hands on you
If it's the last thing I do

Ziva turned the volume up a little more and listened to the rest of the song. Right after that song, a slower song began. As Ziva reached to change the song, she was stopped by the man's voice belting out from the speakers.

Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Whoever picked the music for this station knew exactly how she felt. No matter what it took, Ziva was going to get back to Tony and Laila, nothing was going to stop her.

Another airplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
I've got to go home

Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

Ziva's concentration on the song was disrupted by the sound of sirens behind her. Sighing frustratedly, Ziva turned her blinker on and pulled off to the side of the road. She sat there grumbling as the officer walked up to her window. This was wasting her time.

"License and registration, please, ma'am," the state trooper asked as he leaned towards the window to look at Ziva.

"Here is my license. This is a borrowed company car. I am a Mossad Liaison at NCIS Headquarters in Washington, D.C. I'm sure they can vouch for me," Ziva explained to the man.

"I was hoping it would be you," the man said, straightening up. "I received orders to bring you with me."

"What are you talking about?" Ziva asked confused.

"Central received orders from a Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo to find you and take you into custody until travel arrangements could be provided," the officer explained.

"I do not believe you," Ziva said. He could be part of Ivansic's group after her.

"I was told to give you a message," the man said. "I believe it was, 'Laila tov, cara mia.'"

Ziva's eyes grew wide with surprise. So it was true, she thought to herself. "Did he say anything else?"

"Just that you would be stubborn at first and be dog-tired."

"He will pay," Ziva mumbled under her breath, getting out of the car.

"Ma'am, you look like you have been put through the mill," the officer said, noticing the bruises all over Ziva's face. "Are you alright?"

"Do not call me ma'am," Ziva hissed. "I am fine."

"Agent DiNozzo also said you would say that. I'm under orders to drive you to the hospital and have you examined."

"I do not need a hospital," Ziva insisted. "Just get me to the airport. I will go to a doctor when I am in Washington."


Ziva was anxious, she decided. Her plane was making its final approach at the D.C. airport. No longer did she have to worry about her family being threatened. Ivansic and his men were behind bars.

Gibbs stood at the gate Ziva's plane would be landing at. He could not decide who was antsier, Abby or Tony. Both were pacing back and forth, watching the runway. The whole team went to the airport to meet their team member. The Tennessee Police told them that she had refused medical care, but did not look to be in good shape. Ducky joined the team to check her out. Jenny and Tony had decided that it would be best to keep Laila in the dark about her mother's return, just in case.

"It's landed!" Abby squealed, jumping up and down.

Jenny and Gibbs stood back away from the group. Having talked to Deputy Director David, the two knew somewhat the extent of Ziva's injuries. But, no one was prepared to the sight the saw coming off the plane. Ziva looked horrible. Her eyes had dark rings circling them. Her hair was hung down covering much of her face, hiding the bruises on her cheek. She held both arms stiffly beside her, her hands inside her pockets to keep them from moving. This was not the tough, free-spirited Israeli the team had seen not long ago.

Tony felt his heart break at the sight of his wife in such a condition, yet he was ecstatic to see her there. Walking slowly, Tony went towards her, speeding up as she looked up at him. "Zee-vah," Tony whispered, reaching her.

"Tony," Ziva said, laying her head on his chest, sighing at the comfort even that slight contact had. Tony gingerly put his arms around Ziva's body and held her close.

"You are safe now," Tony whispered into her ear. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she mumbled not leaving his arms. "I am radish," Ziva sighed.

"Beat, Zee-vah," Tony chuckled. "Come on, let's get you checked out," he said, guiding her over to the others.

There's the End! I hope you enjoyed this story! I think I liked this ending better than the ones I had in my mind throughout the whole time I was writing this.

I have a lot of ideas for song fics if I ever find the time to sit down and work on them. I hope to be able to as soon as I actually have time to breath. Christmas at Kohl's is horrible when you are the check out girl!