G Force

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Take it all as fiction, but please enjoy! All the Military information I give is my interpretation of what I have researched so just for legality sake view it as fiction.

AN: So, this is the last chapter. This has been such a joy to write. There were times that I felt like my head was going to explode from having to write the emotion and intensity, but I feel that it has helped me grow creatively as a writer so it totally worth it. I really hope that yall have enjoyed this story as much as I have had writing it.

I really want to thank everyone who has stuck by throughout this entire thing. I know the past few chapters have taken a bit to get published, but it's only because I didn't and don't want to short change yall. I really hope I didn't.

I have to thank JB CG and Dalia for all the support and kind words while writing this. I also have to give a shout out to Vivi who has only spoken to me with the words G-Force accompanied by various smilies requesting and begging for updates for the past several months. You will never know how much I appreciate your dedication, not to mention the hilarity in it. Thanks hun. I can't forget runninequalslife who gave me advice and support that really helped me when I felt bogged down.

Thanks to all the readers. This was a new and different attempt at a story and Im glad and grateful for all the interest.

On to the final chapter. I hope yall like it. Please let me know!

Chapter 31

Troy's navy concerned eyes bore lasting holes into the side of her face as he watched her push around the salad along the plastic edges of her container. Her skin was still pale against her dark flowing locks and the purple circles were still present under her eyes. Gabriella had yet to mutter a word since they left the graveyard. She had merely shrugged when Troy asked if she wanted to eat at the restaurant, to which he took as a no. So, for the past thirty minutes they had sat blanketed by silence while Troy finished off his sandwich and Gabriella nibbled at the dark and light greens inside her plastic to go box.

The conversation that they had at the cemetery had left him with a bit of ease, but as soon as the ease had hit him it was taken away. A sharp breath had been pulled into her lungs as they took the final step from the green grass that held her mother and the blank emotionless stare and stance had consumed her body once again. Fighting every instinct in his strong form he let her be. He let her digress for a moment thinking that she was only evaluating what had taken place over the past numerous hours, but it had been almost three hours since they left and her stature had slumped more and her eyes were a dark tar.

He couldn't take it any longer. He stood from the side table that was positioned across the room from the bed she sat upon. He slowly took the several steps towards her. Taking a deep breath he gradually eased his weight onto the bed next to her as he watched her very carefully hoping to not jar her.

"Gabriella…you haven't said a word since we left the cemetery. Talk to me. Tell me what's going. You can't digress like this….I won't let you digress like this." Troy stated sternly as his pleading eyes fought for her to look at him.

Gabriella let out a staggering breath as she slowly lifted her head to look at him. She took her bottom lip between her teeth as her dark orbs gazed into his. The distress present in the eyes that always made her heart sore sent a guilty weight to her gut. She needed to try harder.

She reached for his face and threaded her nimble fingers through his soft stands. She hadn't anticipated the sense of finality that would wash over her the second she stepped away from her mother. It was a step from the past and into the future. A future that she could actually see, a future that the sun rose and fell in, which was something she hadn't fathomed in quite some time. She was scared, but not of what would come, but if she could be the person who actually saw happiness, felt happiness. It had been so long since either lingered in front of her. She loved Troy with all her heart and she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him, but she wanted to give Troy what he deserved and he deserved a woman who could feel love, represent love, and give love all the time. She was scared she couldn't. She had forgotten how.

"Troy" she began as her fingers curled around his locks, "I love you…I will never be able to thank you or tell you how grateful I am for having you at my side. I don't know if I'll ever again be that girl that was able to show you outwardly the love I feel inside and that scares me. You deserve to have that, but I can't do that right now. All I can do is tell you and hope that one day I'll be able to express how wonderful you are and how you will forever have my heart in yours." She swallowed hard as a few tears streamed down her cheeks, "I just"

Troy wet his lips and shook his head to silence her. His thick hand embraced the side of her face, "I know Brie…just don't keep me in the dark. Don't sit in silence letting things eat away at you."

Gabriella nodded into his hand, "okay" she said just above a whisper.

Troy lifted her chin with his other hand as he scooted closer to her. His face drifted upon hers and lightly peppered kisses to her lids, nose, cheeks, and finally her lips, "I know you love me…that's enough baby…and I love you." He let his lips linger long and lovingly against hers, "Your touch lovingly scorches me and you…" he shook his head in awe, " giving me the pleasure to be inside you" he kissed harder this time, "tells me all I need to know" His tongue grazed the crease of her lips as his hands threaded through her curls, "know that Brie…please"

Gabriella whimpered in need, pleasure and acceptance as his slick wetness coaxed her lips to part and slid into her sweet mouth. Her lips brushed his in a rhythmic caress as her tongue traced the opposite contours of his mouth that his tongue was currently grazing in hers.

Troy shifted his weight as he eased her onto her back. He soaked up the lingering ruminants of her on his lips as he stared down in her chocolate irises. He pressed his chest against hers as he moved his hips to connect with hers as if they were a puzzle. He outlined the curvature of her cheek as he swallowed the bubbling emotion rising from his gut up his esophagus and into his throat, "I admire you"

A hitch caught in her throat and her heart began to beat out of her chest. The deep huskiness of his voice always sent a tantalizing surge from her toes to her head, but now, those words, this moment forced the intensity and the surge to a level she had never felt. She could see the adoration written in his eyes and all over his features. He was going to give her the time she needed. He wasn't going anywhere. This was something she honestly knew underneath the moment she saw him again, but it wasn't until this moment it inked itself to her heart, to her mind, to her body.

She grasped his shaggy strands between her fingers and squeezed as she tugged his lips to meet hers. Her leg wound around his waist as she lifted her covered core into his zipper, parting his lips with her itching tongue. Her fingers moved from his hair to claw at the bottom of his navy t-shirt. Her nails dug greedily and with need into the muscular contours of his back as she forced the soft cotton over his head, capturing his lips as soon as the offending fabric was discarded.

She could show love right now. She could show happiness right now and it was all because of him. She didn't know what emotions would consume in the hours to come and what she would be capable of. One thing was for certain, she was going to try to fight through it and not shut him out. Right now though, she knew exactly how she felt, what she wanted, who she wanted it with and how she wanted. She was going to make love to Troy they way he liked it, they way they always liked it. With love, intensity and a soaring orgasm to boot.

Troy captured her fumbling hands as they forced the button of his pants from its captor, "Gabriella" he gasped out, "this will probably be the last time I ever ask you this, well because fucking you is the most amazing thing and you possibly halting me from getting to do that would fucking suck, but I feel like I need to ask you"

He was halted by her warm wet lips. A soft smirk twisted her swollen lips, "shut up Troy"

Troy deeply chuckled not needing to be told again. He pulled her shirt over her head and then pushed his pants down his defined thighs and over his calves, stepping out of them. He popped the band of his grey boxer briefs enjoying the delightful growth of her pupils as he straddled her waist pulling her bottoms from her slender legs, never letting his penetrating gaze leave her hot needy one. His fingers tickled the skin below the thin band of her panties that covered her protruding hip bones and then slowly walked the journey of her taut stomach. A low growl fell from his lips at the feel of her stomach flutter and clinch under his touch. He brought his chest back to linger upon hers as his fingers forced the cups of her bra over her rapidly rising breast to which his tongue quickly devoured.

Gabriella let out a loving and pleasure filled groan as she arched her back forcing her breast further into his warm mouth. Her fingers franticly pulled at his hair as she released all thoughts from her head and let the feelings, tingles, scorches and love Troy was giving her that she desperately wanted to reciprocate in every way possible. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and rapidly brought his plump lips to meet hers. Her lips curled around his and she urgently slipped her tongue into his mouth. She bent her legs at the knees brought her toes to curl inside the band of his boxers and push the thin cotton over his burgeoning erection.

She ripped her lips from his as took a gasp of air "off…off"

Troy lips traveled the length of her neck nibbling and sucking the sweet sweaty nectar as he forced his boxer over his ass and down his legs. The expanse of his hands glided up her smooth legs until he reached the legs of her panties and tugged down over swollen wet sex.

Gabriella pushed up on his chest allowing her to jump upon his waist and compel him onto his back. She bent down and kissed him long and sweet on the lips pulling away slowly so that her dark chocolate orbs could linger on his loving desired filled navy. She bit down on her lower lip as she smiled letting him know he had her heart, "I love you" she said just above a whisper as she lifted herself onto his saluting erection letting her channel fully engulf him in one swift intake. She sat up and slowly rocked her hips never letting her gaze leave his. A low moan escaped her lips and soft smirk pulled at her mouth as his hips began to buck into her every grind. Her hands slowly slid up the sides of her face and into her black trestles as she arched back.

"Oh…fuck Gabriella" Troy moaned as his fingers dug into her hips.

Gabriella bit the inside of her cheeks as she began to swivel her hips into a slow looping circle forcing his dick to hit a deeper and new spot, "Do you feel how much I love you? How much you mean to me" she asked in a sultry and meaningful voice as she leaned forward so that her face was inches from his. Her hips alternated between a blissful orgasmic rock to a near breaking point swirl.

Troy threw his head back as the molten heat of her core sent a rocket pulse up and down his shaft alerting that his orgasm was approaching, "fuck…yeah…oh yeah"

He gripped her hips and harshly bucked inside her. His ocean bright eyes caught her dark brown, "do you feel me…do you feel how much I love you"

He was hitting it. He was hitting the ultimate girl pleasure zone and the ability to speak was muted. She nodded her head profusely as she wrapped her arms around his neck and fused their lips together sealing their love forever.

Gabriella and Troy walked back into her house hand in hand with soft smiles on their faces. Gabriella pulled Troy throughout the house looking for her father. It wasn't until they climb the stairs and wandered down the hall towards his home office that they heard the clicks of a keyboard.

"Um…maybe I should go so you two can talk"

Gabriella shook her head as she squeezed his hand, "no…I want you here"

Troy took a deep breath and nodded in acceptance.

She walked into the door frame and lingered against the door with Troy standing behind her, "Dad"

Admiral Montez looked up from his desk and a warm welcoming smile covered his face as he stood from his desk, "um…Hello. I didn't know when to expect you. You okay?" He noticed Troy standing behind her, "You two okay?"

They both nodded.

"Good" he said after a short silence.

Gabriella took a deep breath as she fully entered the office pulling Troy with her. Once they were in the room she released Troy hand and went to stand behind the desk where her father was still standing. She looked up into the eyes that now mirrored hers. The soft eyes that she hadn't consumed in years. She smiled genuinely at him as she reached from his hand and held it in her grasp.

Gabriella nervously gnawed on the inside of her cheek, "I want you to hear me out before you say anything…okay?"

Greg looked at her with a bit of concern in his eyes and then to Troy who shrugged. He nodded his head as he brought it back to face her, "okay"

Gabriella dipped her head urging herself to begin, "Going to see Mom… or what now represents Mom was the most painful thing I have ever done in my life. She meant the absolute world to me and all the discovery of her involvement on top of losing her nearly killed me inside" she took a deep breath and swallowed it. "I have hated you for so long and I blamed you for everything that has gone wrong in my life using Mom as my rock, my feet to stand on and not really trying to be anything more with you. Finding out that she knew or played a hand in making the person who held the key to my final happiness leave my life nearly ripped my heart from chest." She shook her head as stared regretfully into to her father's eyes, "But I was wrong"

Greg's brow turned inward and his jaw began to twitch.

Gabriella looked to a straight and a nervous face Troy and then back to her father, "Only I can determine my happiness. I choose who I want in my life and how I want my future to progress. This is really something I have always known, but I have let my anger and resentment cloud my judgment and thoughts. I'm not saying that I have healed or moved on from what has happen. I haven't gotten over losing Mom and I don't know how I will feel tomorrow, but…I'm willing to try to forge through all the sudden feelings to find the happy ones."

Greg nodded.

"I want to have a father. I got Troy back and I know he isn't going anywhere, but if you are willing I want to try and have a relationship with you. I want to get to the point that I feel comfortable to have you walk me down the aisle. I just want to have a Dad and all that encompasses. I'm just so tired of fighting and being unhappy and I'm trying to fix that." she forced out as gradual tears began to fall from her watering eyes.

Greg let the tears escape his eyes that had been fighting to fall in the presence of his daughter for what seemed like forever. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her into his solid chest. He kissed the top of her head, "I want nothing more darling. Nothing more…I love you honey. I love you Gabriella"

Gabriella let out relief filled sob, "I love you too Dad"

It had been a week since they had returned from Florida. It had been six days since Gabriella and her father truly decided to make an effort to be a family. It had been two days since Troy finished the aviation training program. After the obligatory years of service that were required of him when he signed up he would be free to choose where he wanted to fly. Where Gabriella and him decided they wanted him to fly.

Gabriella placed the last box of Troy's things into the spare room at her house, "You sure accumulated a lot of shit in six years"

Troy chuckled as he stopped unpacking the boxes from his dorm into his new room. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap as he plopped down onto the bed, "uh huh" he said against her neck as he kissed down to her collarbone, "mmm, I love that I get to do this whenever I want"

Gabriella giggled and turned her head and pressed her lips to his.

A knock stopped them from taking it any further.

"Troy, can I talk to you for a minute?" Greg asked as he tried not look at them. It was going to take some time to get use to seeing them together like this again.

Troy nodded, "I'll be right back" he said and kissed her sweetly on the lips and went to leave what would now be his room.

Gabriella smiled at the two men, "Hi Dad"

Greg mirrored her smile, "Hello Gabriella"

Greg ushered them into his office and shut the door, "have a seat"

Troy did as she was told as Greg sat on the edge the desk a foot away from Troy, "I want to complete my promise to you Troy."

Troy's eyebrows curled in confusion, "Admiral..."

He held up his hand for Troy not to continue, "I had always intended to pull some strings in hopes of it ending this way. I just never expected it to be so soon or go as smoothly." He smiled, "I guess my lovely wife is pulling some strings of her own up there" he said with a sweet smile as she looked up to the heavens for a moment and then back at Troy, "You won't have to do any service outside of the base"

"Umm" Troy began but Greg continued.

"If you agree to join on as faculty for the next three years in the form of a teacher for incoming recruits you will never have to go overseas. You will be able to stay stateside…marry my daughter and have that life I know you have dreamed of since you left"

Troy stared at him in awe and shock. He was all willing to do his duty for his country, but if they were willing to give him this as an alternative then he would certainly take it, "Wow….okay…thank you Admiral," he chuckled and looked up "thank you Mrs. Montez"

Greg nodded and stuck out his hand, "sure"

Troy smiled as he looked down the Admiral's hand and then into his face. He shook his head and then wrapped him in a hug, "we're family now"

Troy had been smiling like an idiot for the past two hours ever since he had come back from talking with her father. Gabriella couldn't take it any longer. She shut of the movie and lifted her head from his chest, "what gives Troy?"

Troy kissed her forehead and then nuzzled the nook of her neck, "what's up baby?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes, "usually sex only keeps you smiling like that for this long"

Troy laughed, "want to prove that theory?" he replied deeply as his hand glided up her thigh and under her skirt skimming the band of her panties.

Gabriella groaned in annoyance and mild pleasure, "maybe later…tell me what my father told you?"

Troy let out a husky grunt as he slipped his finger underneath the lacy fabric and began to lightly brush her folds as his lips nipped the curvature of her collarbone, "I'm not really into talking about your father at the moment Brie…I'm trying to get me dick…"

Gabriella pinched his lips silent, "tell me"

Troy smirked, "fine" he said between crunched lips.

Gabriella grinned as released her hold on his mouth.

Troy quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped her onto her back forcing a girly shriek from her lips, "Troy" she playfully scolded.

Troy pecked her lips, "Your father told me I never have to leave you" he said with a wide grin.

Gabriella shook her head in confusion, "what?"

Troy ran his tongue over his lips, "in exchange I have to join the faculty here for the next few years. With the help of your angel of a mother and the strings your father pulled, my working as a teacher on base will stand in for me having to serve overseas"

Gabriella laid in a shock silence for a second, "oh my God" she finally said.

Troy nodded and kissed her, "it's you and me every day for the rest our lives."

Gabriella felt her heart soar and tears begin to build in her eyes. She would get to finish medical school and he would be there for it. They would be able to get married and he would be there for all the planning. They were going to be able to have a normal future.

Her eyes drifted up to the ceiling and she said a silent thank you to her mother who she knew was looking down upon her and then she looked into the blue eyes that had stayed in her mind and heart ever since she was a teen, "I guess we are a force to be reckoned with huh?"

Troy smiled as he tightened his hold on her, "no baby….that's all you."

Thanks for reading!!