Me: Oh, hi there! Well, I didn't think the last chapter I made (The previous chapter 4) made sense and went with the story, so I decided to make this one. I hope I didn't make a mistake on that one… but honestly, I didn't like it very much, even if some of you did. I hope you enjoy this one better, and I'm sorry if you liked the previous one and want it back… I deleted the file and don't remember it's name.


Well, not the worst possible thing…unless you think Skeleton King coming in with a huge army and reborn Valina is good or okay.

Sabrina and Alyssa immediately froze at the sight, that seemed to be getting closer, and closer. The Hyperforce jet-packed back to the robot, not even waiting for Chiro's command.

"Team! What's going on?!" Chiro demanded, panicked. He had been playing a video game, and was so wrapped up in it he didn't notice the alarm blinking and going off.

Nobody answered, and he just went up his transport tube, taking his place in the robot.

Sprx gasped, "It's taking loads of citizens!"

Nova muttered, "Can we go any slower?"

Antauri just boosted to maximum power, and the team attacked, helplessly fighting of what seemed to be millions of formless.

Skeleton King laughed. "The poor Hyperforce. I have more in store for you."

He pressed a button on his throne, which sent out bombs to the robot and sent out millions more formless, distracting the team from the main scene: the town's destruction.

Citizens were screaming, running, and/or being captured, while the city was being destroyed easily, courtesy of Valina and Mandarin. Sprx did notice this, though, and disengaged the Fist rocket 3, making the robot tumble down to the ground.

"Sprx, what are you doing?!" Nova yelled through the communicator. He didn't respond, and Nova was forced to ignore him, and continue fighting, because SK had pressed the button once more.

"Activating Maximum Force arm attack!" Gibson shouted.

"What?" everyone still attached to the robot asked the blue simian, who had activated the attack. Every evil thing around them disappeared, and the town went back to normal, the people confused as Sprx was still disengaged.

"Sprx, come back immediately!" Antauri commanded, stern.

He did, and the team reviewed the past events. Suddenly, Otto brought up a good question: "What is the Maximum Force arm attack?"