Chapter 3: Esme
The storm ravaged around me, but I didn't even notice. My body blocked out the sting of the raindrops as they pounded against my skin; my mind ignored the terrifying howl of the wind, it was already occupied. They only thing I did feel was my hot tears streaming down my cheeks. The only thing I could think about was the heart wrenching images flashing over and over again in my mind. He was so young, I had barely gotten to know him, and he was already dead. It just wasn't fair. I survived so much, so much pain, so much misery. It was obvious that there wasn't a God; he wouldn't punish me like this. He took my son away from me! I was officially alone in the world, no one would miss me if I left. The tears continued to flow freely. In one swift movement I threw some pebbles over the edge of the cliff and into the churning black abyss below. I watched as they fell until disappearing into the water. It seemed so easy. Was that all it would take to end my pain?
I wasn't nervous; should I have been? It was obvious to me that there was nothing left for me in my life. Taking one last breath, I flung myself over the edge.
"No!" I heard as I fell helplessly to my immediate doom. Nobody cared about me, so I didn't care. And then, then I felt nothing.
The voices rose and fell. They ebbed and flowed through the burning pain like the tide, making it difficult to grasp the conversation going on around me.
"How long does it take?"
"I don't know."
"Is she in pain?"
"I don't know."
"Will it work? Nearly every bone in her body was broken."
"I don't know, Edward!"
"Why would you do this to her then!?" the pain intensified, causing me to cry out. I felt someone gently hold my hand and caress my cheek softly.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," one of the voices, the one I presumed wasn't Edward, whispered. "It'll be over soon, then the pain will stop. I know how much this hurts, but soon you'll be one of us." He paused. I thought that I was drifting away into the fire, but then the voice started again. "My name is Carlisle Cullen, I don't know if you remember me, and my son's name is Edward. I was born in the seventeenth century, and he was born in the early twentieth century. We are vampires, and soon you will be too. It was the only way I could save you after you jumped." The pain intensified, and I cried out once again. This was worse than death. Why would he save someone like me?
After what felt like an eternity, the pain trickled away to nothing. I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful man in the world standing next to an unlit fireplace. Carlisle, that had to be Carlisle. Vaguely I recalled him talking to me. All those tings they had to be untrue. Vampires couldn't be real. He turned to face me and smiled.
"Good morning," he said calmly. There was a rude snort from a teenage boy I hadn't noticed in the corner with a book in his lap. I felt an unquenchable thirst begin to creep up my throat.
"What happened?" I rasped in an unfamiliar voice. Carlisle crossed the room with surprising grace and speed and took a seat in the armchair across from me.
"What do you remember?" he prompted with avid curiosity.
"I remember jumping. And I remember the pain; it felt like I was on fire. And I remember your voice talking to me." The thirst continued to consume me, instantly distracting me. I needed to find a way to stop this feeling.
"Carlisle," Edward, I presume, warned. Carlisle nodded ever so slightly.
"What's your name?" I had a feeling he already knew the answer to this question.
"Esme." I felt the urge to attack, to quench this thirst. A growl began to form from deep within.
"Carlisle!" Edward's voice was laced with urgency. I couldn't take it anymore, and I lunged towards him blindly. In a flash, Carlisle had his arms clenched tightly around me from behind. I struggled to find a way to break free, and I nearly did before but he kept regain his grip at the very last second. I knew that I was stronger than him, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt him.
"Let me go! Let me go!" I cried.
"Esme, Esme, please listen to me. I know how hard this is for you. I've been there; Edward's been there. You're stronger than this; I know you are. I've seen you got through worse." I spurn around to look at him. I looked up deep into his eyes and instantly recognized those soothing topaz eyes.
"Dr. Cullen?" I breathed. Suddenly I knew that everything was going to be all right.