

Chapter 1: Carlisle

The fire burned deep within me, nearly handicapping me. I knew that it wasn't safe for me here in the open. Them, those creatures, would be back soon and who knows what they'd do to me then. There was little use, however, the pain was excruciating; I had to be dying. Whatever thoseā€¦things had done to me I had never encountered before in my life.

Somehow I managed to stumble to my feet. The street was completely deserted; the mob had moved on for the time being. Not wasting any time, I forced my legs to push me towards a nearby alley. The least I could do was make an attempt to hide. Each step, each movement, provided unbearable pain, but I knew that I couldn't stop now. Voices were making their way down the darkened street. I couldn't tell who they were, but it wasn't worth the risk. There was no way I could go down without a fight.

The first thing I saw in the alley was a large bin, large enough for me to hide in. Without a second though I wrenched open the lid and threw myself inside. I landed on the lumpy cushion of potatoes. I cringed and writhed in pain. Every fiber of my being told me to scream at the top of my lungs, but I couldn't risk being found. Whatever was happening to my body I was forced to endure in silence.

Time itself seemed to blur together and was immeasurable. All I could measure was the pain; that never faded. No matter how hard I tried, there was no way to become numb to the pain. What was happening to my body?

Slowly I regained my grasp on reality. I felt my heart accelerate at an unnatural rate. It pounded against my chest, harder and harder until it stopped altogether. The pain began to melt away, starting at my outer extremities, my fingertips and toes first, and slowly seeped inward until it reached my chest and, at long last, disappeared. Despite this, I knew that something wasn't right. That attack had changed me; no longer was I the man I used to be.

Very carefully, I climbed out of the potato bin. Once again it was night, as if no time had passed me by. Wait, was it really night? Sure, it was dark outside, but everything looked different. Instead of actually being dark, everything looked like it just had a dark blue hue to it. What in the world had happened to me? Without a doubt, the man I had been just a few days ago was gone. I fought to cling to the hazy memories of my past life. Everything was so crystal clear in my mind now, everything after being attacked that is. Out of curiosity, I held my hand up in the moonlight; it looked like a glistening, flawless piece of white marble. What was I?

A/N: Sorry it's so short, the others aren't!!
