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This is my second Naruto story, I thought I change it up a little bit from my last story. I love to read those reviews so please let me know what you think.

"speaking" ' thinking'

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"If she isn't alive, we have to bring her body…back."

Naruto turned his eyes to the soft whisper behind him.

'If she isn't alive…', he thought again and again. He wanted to punch something; he wanted to rip something from limb to limb to ease the pain that was aching at him.

'How did it end up like this?', he cursed himself.

He was on the brink of insanity not knowing if he would recover. He had to be strong, the leader of the group, but she made him tear down the high walls inside his heart, and he hated that.

He turned and shot a glance at Sasuke who did not meet his gaze, but stayed focused on jumping from the broad branches.

They were moving at an incredible rate of speed, not even letting the moon trace a firm shadow on the ground.

They had to hurry; it might be the deciding moment for her.


"Naruto, Naruto" screamed an excited Sakura as she made her way into the Ramen shop. Naruto placed down his empty bowl and quickly wiped his face leaving green onion rings around the rim of his lips

"I have such great news. I am going on an S-class mission with Sasuke-kun.", she squealed.

Naruto fell out of his chair. '"Aw Sakura-chan you are still chasing after Sasuke even at the age of twenty-two."

Sakura helped him to his feet and wiped away the green onion rings from his face.

"Baka, sometimes I really worry about you" she sighed giving her best friend for years a disapproving nod.

Naruto just looked up and smiled, "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, this will finally be the chance I need to get him to fall in love with me. Once he sees how tough I have become he will most definitely notice me more than a friend."

Naruto let out a weary smile. No matter how much he tired to prove to Sakura that he loved her she would always brush it off as friendship.

"Well I hope the mission is a success", Naruto gave Sakura a wink and began to walk off.

"I'll come see you guys off tomorrow."

And sure enough the next day Naruto came to bid farewell to his best friends. Not dwelling much on the feeling that Sakura was going to make a move on Sasuke, but rather hoping for their safe return.

"When we get back we all should hang out to celebrate" Sakura stated.

"Just the four of us Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke, you and I", Sakura screamed as she headed out the gate of Konoha to Naruto. He simply shook his head in agreement and was gone in a flash.

The snap of a fragile tree branch brought Naruto out of his thoughts, as he turned back to glance at Sasuke once again.

Sasuke had a tranquil, unyielding look on his face, but Naruto knew his teammate and best friend better than anyone.

Sasuke on the exterior looked calm, but inside he was just as troubled about Sakura as Naruto. He knew he would never show his emotions for face value, but it was something you had to learn to adjust to; he was an Uchiha after all.

Sasuke did not allow the team to rest he wanted to consistently be on the move. Every second counted on reaching Sakura.

He cursed himself mentally for letting his friend end up in this mess, and vowed to do whatever it took to bring her home.


"The mission was a success, we can began to head home in the morning", let out an exhausted Sakura. She was finishing bandaging up the last wounded member.

All together there were only minor injuries acquired by the high class ninja, nothing too serious to worry about; the group would be home by nightfall.

Sakura scanned around and found Sasuke leaning against a tree. He hadn't even been scratched.

"As expected from the Uchiha" she giggled.

She stood up and casually made her way over to him, and took a sit. Sasuke didn't even turn to look at her as he began to speak.

"We should head out now."

Sakura didn't look at all amazed at what he was saying, Sasuke never liked to kill time.

They had been away from the village for over two months, but now that it was all over they could go home. She closed her eyes and leaned against the tree.

"Sasuke we are perfectly safe, there is no ru…"

She couldn't complete her sentence, because Sasuke had grabbed her, threw her on the floor and pushed his body on top of hers. She opened her eyes in shock, and turned the brightest cherry red.

"Sasuke-kun, what kind of a girl do you think I am? We should at least date first before…." she stated but stopped as she looked up at him.

To her surprise he wasn't even looking at her but instead at the place her head had been. Hanging in the tree was a kunai. She hastily realized they were under attack and Sasuke had saved her.

The campsite was quickly surrounded with rouge ninjas. They quickly began a killing spree among the campsite. Not soon after they attacked only Sakura and Sasuke were left alive.

Sasuke wouldn't give up, he fought each one off one by one, but as he killed one many more would appear. He had to protect Sakura, and at one point told her to run while he slowed them down.

Sakura stood her ground and fought just as powerfully as Sasuke, but the rouge Ninja outnumbered significantly. Soon she fell to the ground utterly drained of charka. Sasuke stood above her fighting for quite some time until he too fell to the floor drained fully of charka and almost on the threshold of death.

"Sir, should we kill the Uchiha, he killed many more men than predicted. Do we want the chance of him coming after us?", asked a grimy rouge ninja.

"…No, let him live and die out his days in the forest, he is on the brink of death, let him squirm. But…take the girl, she may prove interesting", a small grin came across the face of the head rouge ninja.

Sasuke increased his speed breaking every branch he landed on from sheer charka. He couldn't believe he wasn't able to protect Sakura. This was all his fault and he would hunt ever last person down to bring her back.

The team stopped swiftly on top of a hill, only to be greeted by Kakashi.

"This is the place", Kakashi instructed.

Konoha had gotten a lead that Sakura if alive was being held captive here in the Hidden Village of the Mist on a deserted compound.

It had been over two months since her disappearance and Kakashi knew better that the chances of her surviving were slim.

He also knew Sakura was like a daughter to him, and he would at least try to save her if he could, even if there was no hope at all.

A small unit had been comprised to bring her back. The Hokage was worried of letting Naruto go, but there was no stopping him.

"Naruto", Kakashi spoke in a firm tone as he turned to face his former student.

"We don't know what's down there; you need to keep your cool…for Sakura's sake."

Naruto knew what Kakashi was saying was right. As much as he wanted to run down there and scream Sakura's name from the top of his lungs he had to be rational.

All his years as an ANBU advised him to take matters slowly, but he still couldn't control the aching feeling in his heart.

'if she isn't alive...'

"Hang on Sakura…we're coming", he whispered.

Let me know what you guys think, and if I should keep going, I have a great idea about what should happen next!