Chapter 9


Kagome and her family flew back to Japan on a commercial plane. As the other passengers were Japanese tourists visiting the Olympics, they instantly recognized her as the silver medalist, and they all applauded her, with some of them trying to touch her medal. She was more than happy to allow several of the passengers feel her silver medal, before taking her seat near the back of the plane. All this attention surprised her. Was she really so popular, even though she had finished in second?

Upon arriving at the airport, she was met by a large group of Japanese media members, taking her picture and wanting interviews. Her mother tried to get her to ignore them, but she obliged to a few interviews. Afterward, she joined her family in their car as they drove back home.

As she sat in the back seat of her car, she began to wonder about InuYasha. Surely he had gone back to the feudal era with Kikyo, as he clearly favored Kikyo over her. But would it still be worth going back to the feudal era? She knew her friends Sango, Miroku and Shippo would be happy to see that she won a medal of some sort. So despite InuYasha's behavior, she was ready to forgive him and continue her journeys with him, as she figured he would not stop her from staying with him.

Once her family arrived back at home, Kagome was the first one to walk through the front door of their house. What she saw came as a complete shock to her.

It was InuYasha.

Why was he here? To further rub in the fact that Kikyo had won? To tell Kagome never to come back to the feudal era?

"I - I'm sorry."

Kagome stared at InuYasha closely. Had she heard him correctly?

"I'm sorry," InuYasha repeated. "I – I ruined everything. It's my fault."

Kagome was having a hard time believing what she was hearing. Was the ever-stubborn InuYasha really apologizing for what he had done to her?

"Kagome," he continued, "this competition did prove something to me when it comes to you and Kikyo."

That Kikyo's better than me, right? Kagome thought.

"It has nothing to do with archery," InuYasha went on. "I saw the true Kikyo – and the true you. And now, I know which one of you I deserve. It's Kikyo."

That figures, a disappointed Kagome thought.

"What I mean is," InuYasha continued, "the lousy half-demon I am doesn't deserve a girl as pure and wonderful as you. I did everything I could to spite you, you suffered greatly because of me, and yet you never took out your anger on Kikyo or me. I understand if you never want to return to the feudal era again. If I were you, I wouldn't want to be around me either."

Kagome gave InuYasha a look of compassion. This was a side of him she had never seen before.

"Kagome, you are a true champion," InuYasha said.

She walked over to him, then whispered in his ear, "I forgive you." When he gave her a look of shock, she then did something she had always wanted to do.

She kissed him – right on the lips, with her family watching silently. Sota noticed something glowing brightly in Kagome's pocket – it was the jewel shards, completely purified.

"Kagome, I would be honored if you would return with me to the feudal era," InuYasha told her.

"Gladly," Kagome replied. She then took his hand and headed off towards the Bone-Eater's Well, with her family wishing her good luck.

"You've got to show this medal to Miroku, Sango and Shippo!" InuYasha told Kagome. "This is a true honor!"

"It is only a silver medal," Kagome replied. "Second place."

"In my heart, Kagome, you are second to none," InuYasha responded.

That was all Kagome needed to hear. She quickly turned to InuYasha and kissed him again, and as she did, a great weight lifted off her.

She had finally defeated Kikyo.