Whispers in the Dark

Whispers in the Dark


This fic….is like a songfics without the lyrics. It goes to 'Whispers in the Dark' by Skillet. This is a week after Shanks left.


Ace laid Luffy on his bed. Another day of teasing, another day behind, another day without Shanks…Ace sighed at how helpless his little brother was, when it came to the village teens. Luffy might be young, and made of rubber, but he had more heart and zeal than all five of those kids combined and doubled. He tucked the twitching boy in the sheets and opened the window, allowing the warm summer breeze into the room. He shut the door and headed for his room, grabbing his backpack and a pencil. He had been so busy smacking those retards around with Luffy, he'd forgotten his homework. Ace smiled. He sat at his desk and took out a folder, and began scribbling tired answers on the page.


Luffy floated in the tiny boat, crying. Shanks gave his arm for his sake, his life. Shanks just smiled. Not feeling the pain. Not caring for his own life. Luffy hated him for it. He hated everything. Everything. The sea monster headed for them. Shanks appeared in the boat. And the mountain bandit. He could either return the favor, or kill them both. And in a minute, a six year old became a murderer. He blacked out.


Ace stopped writing. He heard whimpering. Luffy. He shot up and hurried to Luffy's room. He was twitching and crying. A nightmare. A really horrifying nightmare. Ace sat beside him and stroked his brother's hair, which was damp from sweat. Ace got up and soaked a cloth in cold water. He placed it on Luffy's head and positioned him onto his lap, so the six year old's head was resting on his chest.

"S'okay Luffy…It's okay…I'm here." He whispered, rocking the panicking boy. Soon he started to calm down. Just a twitch now and then. Ace started to sing a lullaby. He remembered being sung it when he was small.

"I'm here, for you, I always will be, through thick and thin, through happy and sad" Luffy nuzzled into Ace's shirt.

"I will always be here for you, for you, for you, my little Luffy, now hush little one, forget the fear, let me protect you, always, fight off the goons, the ghosts, the monsters, I will always be here for you…" Ace stopped hen Luffy mumbled his name. He wasn't awake, though. All he could hear were his whispers in the dark. Luffy mumbled again. "I love you…" He had woken up and looked to Ace. "Did you mean that?"

"Every word." Luffy wrapped his arms around Ace's neck. Ace embraced the six year boy; he had started to cry again…"Hey, hey." Ace looked to Luffy. "Wanna see a trick?"

Ace took out some matches and some sort of blue powder. Ace pinched some powder on his and and began to draw on it. He asked a sniffling, but intrigued Luffy to light a match. He gave it to Ace, who then put it up to his hand. A fiery smiley appeared, and Luffy laughed. Luffy remembered how to do it. He pinched the powder, and drew on the floor. He lit a match and watched. A very bad doodle o Shanks' flag appeared. Ace laughed. Luffy pouted.

"I guess we'll have to skip school tomorrow for fire picture practice." Ace watched Luffy for a response. His little brother lit up. He leaped into Ace's lap and hugged him. "Oh and Luffy?"

"Hm?" Luffy didn't ant to break the hug.

"Love you."




So how was that? Please R&R!!