One day at the Dream Gate, Owl, an ancient feathered being in the Night Dimension, heard the familiar sounds of a Visitor arriving outside. He waited patiently for the human from another world to walk up. He didn't want to startle them. Unlike another flying resident who also flew around the Dream Gate. Owl waited and waited. He wondered if the Visitor took the side roads outside the gate. Owl used his powers to teleported to his perching post outside the gate.

"Oh. How unusual," Owl said upon seeing the Visitor.

"Hey, Owl!" Came a loud voice from behind Owl.

"NiGHTS!" Owl cried out.

"That's me," the purple flying acrobat said with a twirl in midair. The gender neutral being then placed its hands upon its hip. "So, I heard there's a Visitor here." Nights looked to the left and right. "I don't see any."

"Look ahead of you, Nights." Nights did so.

"It's just a basket."

"The Visitor is inside the basket."

"Tiny Visitor." Nights laughed before floating over to the basket.

"Yes. Yes it is."

Nights peered into the basket and was shocked to see the Visitor. "Owl... This is..."

"A very young Visitor," Owl said in a solemn voice. "In their world, they call this a baby."

"I know what a baby is! I just... never saw one before. I didn't know babies could come to the Dream Gate."

"It's very rare that they do, so this is a most unusual, if not most delighted surprise."

Nights reached down to touch the little one. The baby reached up and grabbed Nights' finger. "Oh look, Owl, it likes me."

"They always do. Why don't you pick the child up? Babies like to be held."

Nights made a little noise. Nights looked at the baby and realized it didn't have the slightest idea of the proper way of picking a baby up.

Owl noticed this. "Oh, why don't you just bring the basket over to the fountain then."

"Right..." Nights could at least do that with the baby. Nights felt a little miffed that Owl obviously knew more about babies. Setting the basket down by the serene sounding fountain in the middle of the Dream Gate, the two dream creatures admired their young guest.

"Mmm," Nights mused. "Kinda looks like a Nightopian," she said referring to the small inhabitants of the paradise known as Nightopia.

"Hoo," Owl laughed. "You're right. I do see the resemblance." Nights smiled and decided to try again at holding this thing. "Now Nights make sure you have one hand behind the baby's head," Owl instructed Nights. "The other should be behind the baby's body." Nights wanted to make a comment it knew what it was doing, but that would be a lie. Nights finally lifted the baby up and held it close. The baby was warm.

"There we go! Out of that basket now. You're a cute lil...a cute lil..." Nights stopped to hold the Visitor out and get a good look at it. The Visitor shared Nights perplexed look. What was this purple jester doing?

"What is it, Nights?"

"This Visitor. It's hard to tell if it's a boy or girl."

Owl looked at Nights. "You're one to talk..."

"What was that, Owl?"

"Nevermind. Actually Nights, in our language, it's not polite to call somebody 'it". A being with no gender is supposed to be called 'she'."


"That is, actually, grammatically correct for English - a person of unknown gender is supposed to be called 'he'. A person with no distinct gender is 'she'."

"So, what you're saying is that you're going to call me a 'she' for the rest of the time?"

"It'll make it easier for the author."

"Carry on then."

"Right, I suppose judging by the baby's blue shirt with a puppy dog print, I think this is a boy Visitor."

"Hello there, young sir. I am NiGHTS." Nights bowed her head. The baby wasn't accustomed to concept of bowing, so he used his chubby hand to push Nights' head back up to look at him. Nights had to laugh. "Okay. Okay. I'm paying attention to you. So much for formalities. Alright. How about we Dualize?"

"Dualize? Hoo, Nights, you don't mean to tell me you're going to assimilate bodies with this baby and fly around?"

"Why not? It's what I do with every Visitor."

"Babies haven't developed the same motor skills as older Visitors." While Owl was relaying this important information to Nights, she gently flew around with baby in her arms. "The baby is just learning to walk and you want him to fly already?"

Nights looked up for a second as if she was seriously considering Owl's concern. "Let's have the baby decide." Nights held up her hand. "If you touch my hand we can Dualize together." The baby looked at Nights' hand. While not understanding this dualwhatis thing they were talking about, he did know this was going to be fun.

A spiral of light surrounded them as the baby placed his hand upon Nights. When they baby opened his eyes he didn't see Nights in front of him anymore. In fact, he didn't feel anyone holding him up. He looked down. He floated several feet above the ground.

"What do you think?" It was Night's voice. The baby looked around for Nights but didn't see her. He held his hands up to perhaps wave her down. He looked at his hands and saw they were Nights'.

"Hoo." Owl chimed in. "I can tell the Visitor is coming to the realization you are of one body now." The baby was now reaching and feeling his and Nights' face.

"Yes, that's our face. Now, go ahead and try your hand at flying." She raised her hand and point at Owl. "Just move forward to where the old Owl is."

The baby had no idea what they were talking about. He did start to move forward. However, it wasn't his legs or arms that moved him forward. He just flew. He moved his head to look at how they were doing this and the movement caused them to spin. The baby let out a jovial laugh and started flying freely through the air.

"Hoo hoo! It seem I am wrong about your judgment, Nights. Our young Visitor seems to be doing just fine."

"Of course he is. Now if you'll excuse us, I'm going to take him for a tour around the Dream Gate." With a spark of Twinkle Dust from Night's wrist, she took control and flew off. While higher in the air she'd let the baby resume control and she was enthralled by the infant. Night always enjoy letting Visitors enjoy the freedom of flight, but this experience was just different from other Visitors. They would try their very best at flying gracefully, which always made Nights proud, yet the baby was just having fun tumbling in the air.

They flew between the trees outside the plaza of the Dream Gate, Night let their hand run over the small lake. They let themselves get caught in the updraft from the cave below and flew over and under the floating pieces of land next to the Dream Gate. All with the grace and finesse of a one year old.

"That was fun, wasn't it, little one?" The baby returned Nights' question with a gurgle of giggles. Just then a distance sparkle caught Nights' eye. "Hmm?" Nights looked back at the Dream Gate. Something popped up and Nights had to see what it was. Upon landing, Nights disengaged from the baby and held his back to her stomach, so he could see what was in front of them. Doorways.

Nights held the familiar sound of Owl's flapping wings. "Owl... this baby has Ideyas."

"Yes, Ideyas, the power to open up the door to Nightopia."

"I know that, Owl, but this baby hardly lost any of his Ideyas on the way to the Night Dimension."

"As you know, Nights, Ideyas are the power of purity, growth, intelligence, hope and courage. It'll be a sad day if a baby loses all of his or her Ideyas." Owl gestured towards going through the door. "Now, shall we?"

Nights looked down at the Visitor who momentarily took his eyes off the first door to look back at her. "Yes. Shall we, young sir?" The baby didn't answer only continuing his stare at Nights. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Nights carried the baby through the doors to a Nightopia.

Looking around the huge world of Nightopia, Night couldn't help but notice it resembled a Visitor's home kitchen. There was a stove heating bottles full of milk, pacifiers laid about the counter tops. The ice box had magnets holding up papers with globs of paint splattered on it. Some papers had impressions of an infant's hands and feet. There was a tall pile of dish towels, baby bibs and shoulder rags next to the dish drying rack. There was even the kitchen sink. These things seemed mundane but in Nightopia, these normal objects were huge. In comparison, Nights was the same size of a salt shaker in this world.

Nights had already Dualized with the baby was looking for spots of interest. She heard splashing and it went to the kitchen sink. There was a smaller plastic tub in the sink. Nights read the words on the side. "'Bath Time for Baby.' This is one huge pool for a little Visitor like you." Nights looked at the water and saw Nightopians swimming in it. Some were in candy striped life savers, others swimming alongside a giant rubber ducky in their green polka doted swim caps.

Owl had caught up with Nights by this time. "Hoo, hoo" Owl panted. "I really do wish you would slow down once in awhile, Nights."

Nights heard Owl but acted as if she didn't hear it. "Hey, let's introduce the baby to the Nightopians."

Owl nodded and they descended. While they did, some of the Nightopians took notice and used their rosy colored wings to fly over to the two. Nights and the baby separated and she put him on the counter. "Look," Nights said as she hovered down a few inches above the ground. "The Nightopians want to meet you." The awe-struck baby turned to the several toddler sized creatures who had halos on their pointy heads. Besides those characteristic, Nights was right: they did look like babies.

They landed near the Visitor and walked up to the sitting baby. They were all smiled and soon they began talking. Their language sounded exactly like baby gibberish. The baby chimed in with his own. This made the Nightopians even happier. "Hoo, I would say their little play date is off to a good start, wouldn't you say, Nights?"

Nights nodded and continued to admire the group. It didn't last longer as Nights noticed the huge shadow descending upon them. "Owl, move!" With a dash, she opened up her arms scooped the group up before a huge cylinder crashed down in the spot where they once sat. Nights turned back to survey the situation. It was a can of powdered tile cleaner that fell. What caused it to fall? Nights looked around, but couldn't see anyone or anything.

"Dear me!" Owl said when he teleported besides the group. "That could have ended terribly!"

"Owl, we need to find out what happened."

"...Yes. Let's go."

Nights picked up the baby and the three floated over to the base of the cylinder. Course powder form the cylinder had fallen everywhere. Nights and Owl secretly hoped that this accident was just the misfortune of a group of rowdy Nightopians, but they both knew they were not strong enough to move this container. They got closer to where the base of the cylinder stood. What they saw did not ease their suspicions.


Owl sighed. "Nights, I think I may know a little more about the matter then I have told you."

"What is it, Owl?"

"I must admit, I didn't tell you at first because I felt you would think me getting on in my old age." Nights bit back a comment she wanted to make about the old bird. "You see, for a short time now, I've been hearing things in the Dream Gate. When I look around there is nothing. Sometimes I even feel a presence so close I think I feel its breath. Again there is nothing in sight. Yet, this event makes me believe there is an invisible creature out there."

"An invisible creature? Perhaps it's just a creature who hides itself."

"That could be as well. This creature is quite good at hiding."

"I can understand there is a creature out there hiding...My question is why is it walking around and leaving footprints?"

Owl looked at Nights confused. "Owl, why isn't this creature flying?" Nights had a point. There were very few creatures in the Night Dimension who did not fly or even floated like balloons.

"Nights, I'll go to investigate this matter further. Prehaps, this invisible creature left behind some powder behind its trail. Why don't you stay and guard the Visitor?"

"Of course." With that Owl began to follow the footprints.

With that, Nights turned her attention back to the baby. "That sure was scary wasn't it? Do you realized we were almost crushed?" She moved back over to the sink and sat the baby down. "Hey, do you want to see me perform some music? I'm rather good if I say so myself." Nights sat up straight, crossed her legs, took her hands and arranged them as if holding a flute. She closed her eyes and soon flute music could be heard. The baby looked curiously at Nights. Where was the music coming from? While Nights was playing more Nightopians gathered around to listen to Nights' song. Nights usually played with her eyes closed, but she couldn't help but keep peeking one eye open to look at the baby.

On the other side of the sink, Nights noticed a pair of Nightopians. They were catching soap bubbles in the air and laughing when they popped them. One Nightopian suddenly stopped catching the bubbles and looked at the other. "Minu," was the sound it had made trying to get the other's attention. The other one didn't hear. "Minu," the first one repeated. This time the other heard it. "Minu," the other repeated and stopped playing with the bubbles. The two started to fly towards each other and collided

"Eif!" They both went as they bounced off each other, followed by a 'plop' noise. In the space between them, now rested an egg which then landed safely a foot below them. However, the two Nightopians seemed unfazed and went back to playing with the soap bubbles as if they had not just reproduced.

Nights would have smiled if she was not already playing her flute. Still seeing another Nightopian egg made her happy and she would have to go over there to help hatch the egg later after she finished her performance.

Her attention turned back to the baby who watched Nights. His plump cheeks amplified as his bottom lip was pushed upward making his chin look bigger than usual. His eyes set on Nights. It was such a serious face on such a cute baby that Nights couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha! And what is that face for?" Nights continued to chuckle at the cute little baby when she noticed a large object move on the other side of the sink. Was that a giant green rubber duck? Nights eye widen in shock as she realized what it was.

A Nightmaren.

A seahorse-shaped Nightmaren who headed straight towards the new Nightopian parents. It was going to eat them.

"The Nightopians!" Without a second thought, Night flew off as fast as she could to rescue them. Just as the green Nightmaren was about to gobble up the oblivious Nightopian, Nights touched it making it spin in midair. With a push, Nights had defeated the Nightmaren sending it flying. Unfortunatly, the defeated Nightmaren had bounce off the nearby counter and crashed back into Nights.

"Wotcha!" Night cried out in pain and surprise. The defeated Nightmaren continued to rebound and collided with a nearby Nightopian.

Plop. The Nightmaren's and Nightopian's collision had created an egg between them. The defeated Nightmaren bounced off one more surface before disappearing.

"Ugh," Nights groaned as she rubbed her head. "That's what I get for not aiming." Nights looked over at the two eggs. She reached over to the first egg, touched it and it hatched. Out came a normal full grown Nightopian. She then turned her attention to the newest egg and hatched it. This one had the body of a Nightopian but a simplified version of the defeated Nightmaren's head. Both babies looked happy and immediately started to playing. Nights smiled at them.

"What's going on?" came a yell Nights recognized as Owl's. She looked back over to see Owl flying over to her. She started to answer Owl's question until she looked down and saw the baby crawling urgently towards her. She met him halfway and picked him up.

"Oh! Were you worried about me? See. I'm alright." After reassuring him she was okay, Nights turned back to Owl. He stared at the Nightopian with the defeated Nightmaren's head.

"A mepian?" Which was the name given to a child of a Nightmaren and a Nightopian parent. All of sudden Owl started to shake and his voice became quiet. "A Nightmaren was here?"

"Yes. It was a Seapo."

"And..." Owl began. "And you left the baby alone?!" His voice was no longer quiet but stern as he yelled at Nights.

Nights panicked. She was in the wrong. "What? I... I had to take care of the Seapo!"

"You can't leave a baby Visitor alone! They can't take care of themselves like other young Visitors! Did you not heed my warning about an invisible creature wondering around? It could have snatched this Visitor up while that lower ranked Nightmaren distracted you!"

Nights, wanting foremost to get the blame away from her, changed the subject "I'm worried about why that Seapo was here."

Owl looked down. "You know what this means right, Nights.

Nights already knew the answer. She didn't want to say it.

Owl looked back up, directly at Nights. "This means that two Nightmarens have survived the defeat of Wizeman the Wicked."

A/N: For the record, I feel it's perfectly fine to write NiGHTS as a male or female (or both). It depends on what the writer wants. It's also fine for a writer to spell NiGHTS name with all capitals or just the first letter capitalized. I choose to use 'NiGHTS' for the first few times to establish the purple Nightmaren and then use the lower case version.

Thank you SO much, Ironychan, for the gender writing advice! I would have banged my head many times against the monitor if I couldn't use pronouns for NiGHTS!