Two years after beating back Kronos, eighteen months after accepting the inevitable, a year after convincing Sally and Athena and Poseidon to accept it, and six months after finally acting on it, I let go of Annabeth and collapse against the pillows, breathing heavily.
"Wow," I mumble. As special as the first time had been, it was amazing how much better things got with practice. Looking at Annabeth beside me made my heart ache just to be with her.
I touched her shoulder gently. "Was it--" I swallowed. Even after this long, it felt so strange, talking about it. "Was it-- good... for you?" All I really knew was that I'd enjoyed it.
Annabeth pulled the covers up over her chest and curled into me as I lay back. "Ye gods, Percy," she gasped. "I felt the Earth move." She settled in beside me with a contented sigh.
It takes a minute for the words to sink into my addled brain, but I open my eyes when they do. I stare up at the ceiling, counting heartbeats, and listening to Annabeth's steady breathing catch a little.
I roll over onto an elbow and stare down at her. Her eyes are closed, but there is a smirk on her face. I keep staring. Finally, she lets out a theatrical snore.
"Annabeth," I say evenly. "Exactly how long have you been waiting to make that joke?"
She opened one eye at me, then both. "Oh... Since your dad gave you that sign." She brought her hand to her mouth and snickered.
I can't help it. I'm snickering too. But at her words, my mouth dropped open. "Annabeth... I was twelve!"
"Yeah, well?"
"You were thinking of that line that when you were twelve?"
"It came to me when we were twelve," she said. "It doesn't mean I thought I'd get a chance to use it, um... at the scene... At least... not until six months ago. So, I guess, I've only been waiting six months."
"But, Annabeth," I said, "You thought this up when you were twelve!"
"Hello!" said Annabeth, giving my shoulder a playful slap. "Daughter of the Goddess of Wisdom, here? I read certain books. I knew certain stuff. I just didn't tell anyone."
I let out the breath I am holding. Of course, it makes sense. She would know, and she'd hide it. The girl had depths, the better to stuff random bits of knowledge in, until such time it could be best used. It almost made me want to ask what else she knew.
But, more importantly, she had chosen me. Me! So I decided to just accept this, and remind myself yet again that I was the luckiest man in the world.
"I love you, Annabeth," I said.
Her smirk faded to something softer. "I love you too, Percy." Then she gave me a sly look. "You know, that wasn't the only line I came up with, either."
I swallowed. "Oh, really," I said. "What else did you come up with?"
She gave me a smile that took my breath away. "Just you wait and see, Seaweed Brain. Wait and see."
I shake my head and lie back down. Beneath the covers, I take her hand, my fingers lacing through hers.
"Good night, Wise Girl," I said.
"Good night, Earthquake Boy," she replied.
My eyes snap open again. Then I roll over and bury my face in the pillow. But, truthfully, it's to stop myself laughing.