Disclaimers: I don't own Inuyasha no matter how hard and long I dream about it.
Chapter 1
'I'm so bored.' thought Inuyasha as he lay on his bed. It was summertime, but Inuyasha had nothing to do. He planned to spend the summer with his best friend Miroku, but found out that he was spending the summer with his grandparents in America. Sango was spending the summer with her parents in Europe. Before school ended, Inuyasha broke up with Kikyo. He found her kissing his enemy Koga. Now Inuyasha was all alone for the whole summer. Sighing, he got up. 'I wonder if anybody is online.' He walked over to his computer and sat in the chair. He checked to see if anybody was on, but found no one. He decided to search the web. After fifteen minutes Inuyasha was about to give up when something caught his eye. He stopped scrolling and read the title of the website.
"Find your friend or soul mate." he read out loud. "What a dumb title for a website." But something told him to click on it. When he did, he made an account with the screen name: Big dog. He sat back and waited for someone to message him. A few minutes later, someone with the screen name: Innocent Angel messaged him.
Innocent Angel: cool screen name
Big dog: thanks and its true
Innocent Angel: what's true?
Big dog: I'm a big dog
Innocent Angel: *rolls eyes*
Big dog: what's that suppose 2 mean
Innocent Angel: nothing
Big dog: what about yours
Innocent Angel: what about it
Big dog: I seriously doubt that it's true
Innocent Angel: oh really
Big dog: *grins*
Innocent Angel: anyway, what brings u here?
Big dog: boredom, its summertime and I have nothing 2 do. All my friends left me
Innocent Angel: u poor thing
Big dog: yep, I found this website and thought this would keep me entertained 4 awhile
Innocent Angel: u must b really bored
Big dog: sure am, so y r u on this website
Innocent Angel: well, it's the only way I can talk 2 my friends besides phone
Big dog: I take it that u don't live near them
Innocent Angel: yep
Big dog: where do u live
Innocent Angel: I live in America while my friends live in Japan
Big dog: I live in Japan. R u friends with a girl name Sango
Innocent Angel: yea, how u know
Big dog: she talks about her friend that lives in the states and how much she misses her
Innocent Angel: yep, that's Sango. Well, it's getting late here
Big dog: r u on every day?
Innocent Angel: yea
Big dog: well I guess I'll talk 2 u later
Innocent Angel: yea
Big dog: b4 u go, can u tell me ur name
It took her a while before she replied.
Innocent Angel: it's Kagome
Big dog: my name is Inuyasha
Innocent Angel: well talk 2 u late Inuyasha
Big dog: u 2 Kagome
Inuyasha exit the website and leaned against his chair.
"Kagome," he said softly. He wondered what she looked like. 'Maybe this summer won't be so boring after all.' he thought smiling.