Author's Note: Well, this is the end. I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed this story. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me throughout this entire thing. Can you believe that I started this a little over two years ago? It honestly doesn't feel like it's been that long. Once again, thank you for everything!

I would also like to say that I've noticed that this story has gotten extremely sappy and fluffy. Oh well. I guess we better get used to it, because this story is about to get a lot more sappy and fluffy.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

Three Months Later

"I love snow."

Nick grinned at his girlfriend. "We wouldn't expect anything different from the ranger that can control water, Maddie."

Maddie smiled back at Nick and scooped up a handful of snow. She pressed it to his nose, and it melted on contact.

"That's no fun," Maddie said with a pout. But she spread the snow across her lips and then kissed him. He grinned against her lips as steam escaped from their connected lips.

"You two have to stop doing that," Vida said as she and Xander joined them.

"You're just jealous because you can't do cool stuff when you kiss," Nick stated petulantly.

"Oh yes I can," Xander said in the same petulant voice. He waved his hand over Vida's hair, and a green vine twined itself through her short locks. Light pink flowers bloomed along the vine.

"Pretty," Maddie said appreciatively.

"And it saves a hell of a lot of money. I don't have to buy flowers for my girlfriend," Xander pointed out.

"They're prettier, too," Vida added.

"Come here." Xander waved his hand over the right side of Maddie's head, and pretty little blue flowers appeared there as well. Maddie gave her friend a one-armed hug in thanks.

"Oh, Xander," Nick cooed in a high voice. "Can you make me some pretty flowers, too?"

Two snowballs almost immediately hit the side of his head. One, backed by Vida's winds, packed a particularly hard punch. The snowballs melted, but the initial sting was there nonetheless.

"You guys had to go and waste perfectly good snow on Nick," Chip said as he and Claire joined the group.

"What?" Nick slid an arm around Maddie and pulled her close. "I can't help that I'm hot."

"Oh, you're so full of yourself," Maddie said affectionately.

"I hate to ruin the fun," Claire interjected. "But we're going to be late."

"Udonna can make snow any time she wants to," Vida pointed out when Maddie pouted.

"It was nice of her to make the snow storm much worse than it would have been so we could start winter break early," Chip added.

Xander grinned as they all walked towards Rootcore. "I love magic."

The Light Court used to have a big Winter Festival every year. When the attacks from the Dark Court began, they had to stop. But now that Necrolai had been defeated, Udonna and Leanbow felt that now was the time to begin with the many festivals once again.

There was a ballroom somewhere deep in Rootcore. The festival was being held there, and workers had spent a week getting the ballroom ready. The room quite literally sparkled white, but there was color added by the clothing that the guests wore.

Udonna had informed the girls that it was customary to wear traditional dresses. So Maddie, Vida, and Claire had spent the past week picking out a dress for the festival. The boys, on the other hand, got to wear the traditional wizard's garb that they wore whenever they came to Rootcore.

Of course, Maddie's dress was blue, Vida's dress was pink, and Claire's dress was purple. Maddie's dress had gold embroidery, and Vida's dress was sleeveless and split open to a white petticoat. Claire's bodice had a black pattern over it.

They had even got to wear cloaks, which—though they wouldn't admit to anyone—excited them quite a bit.

"Look who finally decided to arrive," Daggeron said. "You're only the guests of honor."

"Vida took forever getting ready," Xander said.

"Don't you dare try and make me the scapegoat!" Vida exclaimed. She turned to the rest of the group. "He wasn't happy with his hair."

Xander gaped at his girlfriend. Daggeron just laughed and shook his head as Udonna and Leanbow joined them.

"It's about time the six of you got here," Leanbow said.

"That's what I said!" Daggeron exclaimed.

"Don't listen to him," Udonna said. "The festival started hours ago."

"That just makes us feel worse," Maddie said. "We should have been here hours ago!"

"The guests of honor can arrive whenever they want to," Udonna stated firmly.

"Good," Maddie said. "I'm sleeping in next time there's a big festival."

"So you came."

Katherine nodded her head as Daggeron. "So I did."

Daggeron had spotted the mother of his children standing on the outskirts of the dance floor, looking extremely uncomfortable in a pretty, gold-colored dress.

After a long moment, Daggeron finally asked, "Would it be weird if I asked you to dance?"

Katherine made a face at him. "Yes."

Daggeron held his hands up. "Just asking."

Before another awkward conversation could transpire between the two adults, Vida appeared. She latched onto her father's hand and began to drag him towards the dance floor.

"It's time for our first father-daughter dance," Vida announced. "Maddie expects one next."

Katherine leaned back against the wall and watched as child-parents couples filled the dance floor. Maddie switched with Vida halfway through the song.

Even though Katherine didn't necessarily get along with the father of her children, it was still brought tears to her eyes to see them dancing with their father for the first time.

Once the song ended, Daggeron walked back over to Katherine. She hastily wiped at her eyes as he leaned against the wall with her.

Daggeron didn't comment on her glassy eyes, and Katherine was grateful. They stood in silence for several long moments before Katherine spoke.

"How are the girls doing at Rootcore?"

"They're great. Things are great."

"I hope that you're keeping an eye on her and Nick. Having them live together might not be the best idea."

"Katherine, I have it under control," Daggeron said. "And you know that Maddie isn't like that. Vida on the other hand…" He chuckled. "I'm thinking that we need to kick Xander out of Rootcore for a little."

Katherine blanched at him. "Do you mean to tell me that they're sleeping together? Daggeron, you can't tell me that you actually let Xander stay over."

"Katherine, I don't, I—"

"You can't let them do that!"

"Don't tell me how to parent, Katherine!"

"Maybe we should go over there," Maddie said.

"Uh, no," Vida replied. "I'm trying to have fun here. There is no way I'm going to referee a fight between our parents."

"They'll figure it out," Xander said.

"Dude, they're talking about you and Vida sleeping together!" Chip exclaimed as he joined the conversation.

"What?" Xander squeaked. He whipped around to face his girlfriend. "We have to go over there."

"And say what?" Vida was clearly enjoying this.

"And… And I don't know! Try and diffuse the situation, or something!"

Nick chuckled and slid his hand over Maddie's. "Let's go dance," he said into her ear.

Maddie nodded her head. Together, they moved out onto the dance floor. Nick pulled her close as they swayed among the other couples.

"So," Nick said as they spun in a slow circle. "Are Fairies really as bad as they thought you were?"

Maddie grinned at him. "No. They're not half bad."

And then they kissed.

Author's Note: Okay, so I know that the ending wasn't that great. But I left it open for a sequel. If you all remember, I never killed Imperious off. If you would like to see a sequel, just let me know. Thank you, once again, to everyone who left me an amazing review. I hope you all liked this finally chapter!