Escape Artists Never Die

Summary: After some bad stuff happens to Sakura, she ends up with Syaoran.

Being totally lost within eachother, they forget something, and Sakura ends up

pregnant. But her past is threatening to come back and get her, with a vengeance.

NOTE: Please don't flame. I just wanted to write and this was the best place for it.

I hope you enjoy what you read, but please refrain from flaming. Thanks!

Chapter 1: Saved!

Sakura opened the fridge and tugged out her favourite Vanille ice cream. Feeling low,

she made her way towards the television in her fathers living room. She missed her father.

He had been away for several months for a series of lectures, leaving no one but Touya to

drop in and check on her. She had relied on her recent creep of an ex-boyfriend, Kohaku,

to stay with her. But the thought of him now sent shivers down her spine. She had thought

of calling Syaoran over, but then figured she wouldn't want him to see her so upset and

she'd rather be alone.

She sat and watched her favourite comedy show, to try to cheer herself up. Kohaku had

done the dirty, and was caught with another girl, Minami. When Sakura had told him she

no longer wanted him, he had begged her not to go, but then he had thrown some harsh

and almost scary words, that Sakura couldn't seem to get rid of in her head.

"I can't believe you did this! You're a disgrace!", Sakura yelled hysterically.

"Sugar, I didn't know what I was doing, please don't do this!" Kohaku begged, causing

Sakura to look away with frustration.

"NO! Don't call me sugar...I don't want you, all you do is cause pain...Syaoran was right about you.

I should have listened to him!" she yelled back.

"You know that fucking kid is a lying shit. I wouldn't be surprised if you've been with

him behind my back. I could pass you off as a whore anytime!"

Sakura gasped at his words, stuttering to get the better of him "I...I..."

"Whats the matter? Cat got your whorish, hypocritical, dirty tongue? I'm going to

make yours and his lives hell! I'm going to get you back, whether kicking & screaming

bloody murder are necessary or not!" Kohaku raged, walking off in a hurry, fuming beyond

all realisation.

Kohaku hadn't been seen for a while, a note on his family house door said they had gone

for vacation. Sakura turned off the TV, not wanting to put on any sort of false happiness when she was

by herself. There was no need. She was afraid of what might happen in future times. She

wanted to avoid Syaoran, in fear of him getting hurt.

She sighed and walked towards the front door, hoping to get some fresh air to cool her hot,

teary eyes. When she was done, she turned ready to close the door when a hand wrapped round

her mouth, to muffle her scream. Her attacker closed the door, and pushed her hard into the living room.

Her knees connected with the table and she fell over it, breaking it with the impact of her fall. Her eyes

opened in shock when she looked up and met the eyes of a face all too well-known. She opened her mouth

to speak, only to find her fear masking her voice.

"I guess this is a surprise. I would've thought you might've listened to what I said" Kohaku said, grinning maliciously

as he stepped closer to her frozen form.

Sakura felt the feel of her body come back and starting backing up, finding her feet.

"I..I thought you had gone away" she said hesitantly.

"My family have. I told them I was staying to study. You know with both of uswith empty houses, we could have

some real fun for once" he said vilely, winking at her dirtily at his last words.

Just as Sakura was about to open her mouth to question him more, Kohaku jumped at her knocking her to the floor.

She screamed in pain as the shards of glass from the glass-top table that were imbedded in her side, inched in deeper.

"My, my, I didn't think you would be screaming in pleasure this much!" Kohaku laughed hard as he pinned her down.

Sakura couldn't speak, she just stared at his face in fear and disbelief.

"You know, I've got myself somewhere to live in Hong Kong. Perhaps I should take you there so I can have you

all to myself."

He started to lean down to kiss her on the lips. When he reached them, Sakura did the only thing she could possibly do.

She bit down on his bottom lip drawing a fierce amount of blood.

"Ow! You bitch! That hurt! You're gonna pay!" He spat in her face as he ripped of her shirt she was wearing. Sakura made

a weeping sound of protest and tried to fight him off. He laughed at her attempts and began to kiss down her body, reaching

her innocent hips where her shorts interrupted his plans. He soon started undoing the buttons and zip, while Sakura wriggled

around, trying to escape him, causing as little amount as pain as possible to her fragile and damaged body.

Neither Kohaku nor Sakura hear the front creek open.

Syaoran stepped through the door timidly. He could hear rustling from the living room. The lights were off so he just dismissed

it as Kero being up to something weird as usual. He began to ascend the stairs, when he heard a weak cry, and someone

whispering something to someone else. He stopped in his tracks. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Sakura's bedroom light on

outside. He quietly walked down the stairs, inching closer to the living room door. He heard more whispering.

"You're going to regret breaking up with me, my dirty little slut. That's all you'll be now" Syaroan heard someone say followed by

a soft cry that sounded like the girl he cared about so much. He began to flare with pure anger as he switched the light on and

ran at whoever was in there hurting his best friend. He launched himself at the figure laying on top of Sakura, throwing a punch.

Syaoran didn't have time to deal another blow before Kohaku jumped up running from the room, Syaoran in close pursuit. Kohaku

threw the front door open and ran into the night. Syaoran stood there for a moment, his chest heaving with anger. Then he

remembered Sakura was still in the living room. He rushed back in, stopping when he took in the actual sight of her. She was

laying on the floor in her underwear, leaning on her elbows for leverage, with the biggest look of fear in her eyes than he'd

ever seen in his life. She had glass stuck in her side and there was blood seeping from the wounds.

Once he had overcome the shock and controlling his urge to stare at her half-naked body, he ran over, taking her in his arms

to give relief to her arms holding her up. Sakura burst into tears, unable to control the speedy flow.

"Shh it's okay, no one is going to hurt you while I'm here" He said soothingly, rocking her gently so as to not make her pain any worse.

He pulled out his cell phone, dialling Touya's phone number.

"Hello?" a voice came from the end.

"Touya, Sakura's been attacked, I need you to come rou-" before Syaoran could finish, Touya had hung up. Syaoran took this that he

was on his way.

"Sakura..." he said looking at her sadly, "Why didn't you call me and ask me to come over? You shouldn't have been alone"

"I..I...didn't want to bother you with this stuff...I thought I was better to be alone. I'm s..s..sorry" she said, passing out from the pain,

and shock.

"You wouldn't have been bothering me." he said softly, brushing the tear soaked hair from her face.

Touya and Yukito both came flying through the door, pausing with shock also at the scene infront of them. Sakura was in a state, but

with eyes closed in that kid that always annoyed Touya so much's arms. That kid looked up at them momentarily, with watery, confused eyes.

"Sakura!" Touya yelled running over to where Syaoran had her in his arms. Yukito ran off and quickly returned with a blanket, some iodine,

some cotton wool and some stitching wire that had been in the cupboard for Aid purposes.

Touya held out his arms demandingly, wanting to hold his little sister. Syaoran stared at him, thinking it best to just hand her over in the

situation. He gently passed her to Touya. Yukito passed Syaoran the blanket, with which Syaoran delicately tucked round Sakura leaving

her glassy wounds on show so Yukito could treat them. Whilst Yukito tugged and prodded and cleaned Syaoran just stared as Sakura's

peaceful face. Something turned in his stomach and punched up into his chest as he watched her. Touya switched between watching

Yukito and watching the expressions going from soft, to angry, to pained, then back to soft again on Syaoran's face as he stared at Sakura.

"Oh boy..." Touya thought to himself.