I Love You,Master!

Chapter 1

Summary : Suddenly the Hinamori family owe a lot of debt sold they're house and leaving they're daughter Amu Hinamori alone,but then a man name Ikuto Tsukiyomi,pays her debt and offer her to become his PERSONAL MAID?!because he paid her debt?!Or other reasons?what will happen and will love bloom between them?!(a bit like Hayate no Gotoku)


Amu's POV

Its been 5 days after my parents left me alone with a debt that they have to pay and the one who they owe the money with is aftering me.

My name is Amu Hinamori I'm still in school on the 7th grade actually,if I can afford paying the school fee of course,my parents made me quit school and then took the money since I quit school I lost contact with my friends.

Now I just walked around with no destination to an alley but suddenly along the way I knocked into a man,that man was quite cool and good looking his hair color is like the midnight sky and his eyes color are sapphire,he was wearing a black uniform with blue line on it,I can also tell that he is a lot older than me about 17 years old.

Then I apologize to him and he just nodded with a smirk making me blush,I walked to the alley and felt that someone is following me, I noticed it was the one who my parents owed the debt to, I ran quickly and they ran too aftering me,one of them got to me hold my hand forcefully and made me walked towards they're I scream as loud as I can,


Ikuto's POV

A girl knocked me earlier she was beautiful with her strawberry colored hair and her golden honey eyes,I was stunned my mouth can't say a word at all,I think that she is about 13 year old a lot younger than I I saw her, she was staring at me and then she apologized to me,I just nodded and gave her a smirk,I also want to reply her but I couldn't, so I followed her quietly to know about her more.

Then I saw some guys following her,she ran but they catch up to her,held her hand forcefully and making her walk towards their car, she screams. I came to them and said

"Hey,it seems she doesn't want to come with you guys"

Normal POV

After Amu scream,Ikuto came up to them and tells them that Amu doesn't want to come with them and the guys told Ikuto about Amu

"She is ours,her parents owed our Boss a debt,so we can do anything to her"

"Hmmh......I see and who is your Boss?!" , Ikuto asked them

"It's Kazuomi Hoshina-sama"

"I see,my step-father"

"W-Wait a second,you're Ikuto-sama!!!"

"Yes,I am"

"We are so sorry Ikuto-sama,we didn't know that it is you"

"It's alright,I have a favor for you all"

"oh,yes,what is it?Anything for you, Ikuto-sama"

"I'll take that girl with me,I'll pay the money she owes my step-father"

"Well,here's the money" Ikuto gave them a check under his signature and the guys nodded then left the place.

Amu's POV

I can't believe a total stranger help me,I was so stunned when he said that he'll pay my parents debt and also happy that those guys won't be aftering me anymore.

"mm.....Thank You!!!For paying my parents debt" I said to him with a cheerful smile then he shows me his smirk and talked to me,

"Your welcome,but you must pay for the debt that you owe me not those guys again"

"I-I see,s-so how can I pay you?" I said to him a bit flustered

"...I'll tell you later,okay?!Because I'm seriously tired here" he said still having a smirk on his face

"O-o-kay", I said to him

"Alrighty then you're coming with me", he said and carrying me bridal style,I was blushing very hard when he did that.

Ikuto's POV

It was a good idea for me to pay her debt and let her come to my house,well that's just an excuse for me to know her I saw her, I don't know its like love at first sight and I won't let anyone take her away from me.

I speak on my mind,while carrying the pink haired girl bridal style towards my house.

Normal POV

After carrying Amu bridal style Ikuto stops in front of his house and the pink haired girl just stared at his enormous

house and commented "Wow,your house sure is big"

"Yeah,it is,but if you're living alone its quite lonely sometimes", Ikuto replied to her while opening the gates to his house

"I know what you meant"she said

"hmm....you do?!" Ikuto said a bit surprised

"Yeah,I do" Amu said with a smile making Ikuto blush.

After that they enter Ikuto's house and Amu asks him what is her job,then Ikuto answers her with his trademark smirk,

"You'll Be My Personal Maid,And Do Anything That I Said,Until Your Debt Is Paid Full",Ikuto said, after minutes of silence, Amu reacted, her jaws drop and shouted, "W-WHAT??!!"