this is a story i thought of in like july! i did my homework for this story. like looking up sytoms, hospitals, schools, everything. but you have to give this a chance before you totally judge. this is a pregnancy story! but it's not during high school. i don't always like those stories anyway...but here you go.

August 31, 2008

Okay hmm how to start this? I actually for once in my life don't know how to start a report! Professor Rossum this is all your fault! Okay so maybe not but you did assign this project. I just don't get the point. Okay I know you want all of the sophomores to write a year long report about their experiences this year. So then at our last class together we can talk about what was different this year than freshman year. I already know that it's going to be boring. Even the fact that classes started a week earlier than usual is boring… I still don't know how your going to read 400 students reports at the end of this year. I know some kids will most likely write each day with one sentence. But I never do a half done job, I don't plan on starting either. I don't know really what you mean by tell me everything but I may as well give you background now so later you won't read this and be confused.

Name: Gabriella Anne Montez

Birthday: December 14

Status: taken

Quick Bio: I am 19 years old, 20 in December. I have a great boyfriend and amazing friends. I'm an intern at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. I went to East High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I wear glasses/ contacts. I am an only child. My mom re-married to this guy Robert. He is so nice almost like a real father. I was raised though with a single mother. My father died when I was 3 he was in the army. My mom raised me to believe in god and follow the rules of the church. I of course follow her wishes but don't always let those rules rule my life.

Fun Facts: My best girlfriends are Taylor Danforth (doctor) and Sharpay Baylor (fashion designer). Taylor and I go way back. I met her through a tutoring session at our elementary school. She was in fourth grade when I was only in second. We had a lot in common we both loved the spice girls and had the same back pack. Of course we hit it off. She introduced me to Sharpay and her little brother Ryan soon after. Ryan is my age but he's older than me. (more about him later) Sharpay and Taylor were both older than me but we didn't separate at all. We tell each other everything and they have and will always be here for me no matter what. Oh and did I mention that they're married! Taylor married Chad Danforth as soon as they both turned 18. Then had a little boy Corbin Zachary Danforth (4 yrs.)soon after. Many people thought they were crazy. Truth is they were simply crazy about each other and still are. (more about Chad later) Sharpay married Zeke Baylor a year after Taylor and Chad married. Of course they did it because Shar was pregnant! I will say no one was shocked though. But we all were shocked when we found out they had twin girls. Ashley Chanel and Kelsey Sophia Baylor(2 yrs.). Sharpay says they're the names of stars I have to agree.

On to the boys! Okay so I guess Ryan (acting coach) should go first. Well Ryan is gay. I think I should address that first but he's my best friend so I don't care one bit. He is always there when I need him and we still have sleepovers once a month. I bring the bed and food he brings the movies and magazines. I live for our sleepovers since no one else is invited. Chad Danforth. Where to start? I hear that you had Chad once Professor Rossum. Well I'm sure you know he was drafted to the Lakers. Yes he is still the 

butthead he's always been. His hair is still his prized possession even Corbin has Chad's hair! But that was kind of expected. He is my big brother and he is very protective of me. I mean very protective. I go out with him all the time when I'm bored and if one guy even gives me a second look Chad pounces. I love him though I mean he means well. Zeke Baylor. He makes amazing food! I adore his cakes have you ever had a Baylor cake? Well if you haven't you had better find a reason to get one. His food is amazing and I'm just lucky he's my friend. I get free food! But he has great advice that can last you a lifetime.

Okay who's left? Oh right, Troy.

What can I possibly say about the Troy Bolton? I mean he is my everything. He knows when something's wrong with me and how to make me smile. I love him with my whole heart. He was my first kiss, my first crush, first boy I held hands with, my first everything. We've been dating I'd say 5 years. Yea long time I know. But Troy is 22 and getting ready to turn 23 in October. He also was drafted to the Lakers and is number 14. He is a tough guy with a soft side that only I get to see. He is really protective of me. But it's expected of course. We live together in this huge apartment off campus. Sure I get followed by paparazzi because of his fame. But if dealing with them means being with him. Bring em on.

Well tomorrow is Labor day and I need rest for the party.


Normal view – September 1, 2008

Gabriellas POV

"Gabi!" I looked over and saw Sharpay and Taylor waving to me. I smiled and walked over. We all hugged then separated and started walking into the strip mall.

"So Gabs ready for the party?"

"Hell yea I live for these parties…even though I can't drink…much." Taylor rolled her eyes and checked her phone.

"Can we get Starbucks?" Sharpay asked obviously spotting a store.

"I thought you were cutting back?" Taylor asked giving Shar a look.

"I am! I just want a frappicino! Is that too much to ask? I'll even get a grande." Sharpay smiled obviously thinking she won this battle.

"I don't know Shar. Maybe you should stick to water." I stated.

"Oh don't you start! Your worst than me!"

"I am not! Taylor am I worst than Shar?" Taylor looked up from her blackberry and nodded smiling.

"Whatever! I want a frap too." I said following Shar to the line.

After we ordered our drinks we headed to the party store and bought the hats, cups, streamers, balloons. Sharpay was heading towards the small wine section they had when Taylor stopped her.

"No wine!"


"No wine. I don't think we should drink this time. We should just have fun. I mean there will be children at this party." Taylor was glaring hard at Sharpay.

"Well they will most likely be knocked out by oh 8. So we still will have time." Shar whined.

"What about Gabi?"

"What about me/her?" Me and Sharpay asked at the same time turning to look at Taylor.

"Gabriella sweetie I hate to tell you but your only 19. Drinking underage kills brain cells. Your very smart and we don't need you loosing any more cells."

"You let me drink last year and I was only 18" I pointed out.

"Yes we did. But all of us were still living up the fact that we were 21 and were living up the fact we could drink and get into clubs. Now we are all more mature to the fact of drinking. So simply we won't buy any. The guys are getting two bottles and when those are done no more drinking." My jaw dropped as did Sharpay's. Okay so she has a point about brain cells but I hate being left out like this!

"What do you mean!! We'll be done with those before Zeke even finishes the burgers!" Taylor looked off as if considering this fact.

"well…" me and Shar looked at her hopefully.

"We can get one bottle…" Sharpay jumped up and down for a second then ran to get the bottles.

"I think I'll be watching her drinks tonight." Taylor whispered to me, I laughed and we went to follow Shar.

The Party

I fixed my dress one more time in the mirror. I had on a black halter dress that was low in the front. I bought it a while back and never got the chance to wear it. Oh I feel like a kid trying to wear clothes to attract a guy, even though I already have him. I slipped my strappy heels back on and re applied my lip gloss. My hair was down with soft curls going down my back.


They're here.

I walked to the bathroom door and walked out and down the hallway. Everyone was in the backyard currently, I peeked through the window at Troy. He wore what I told him to, dark jeans and a black button down. This just made me smirk.

"Gabi carry this out- oh my. You must be wanting some cuttin' tonight." Taylor said holding a tray of sandwich's out to me. I grabbed them and winked then started walking outside. As I left I heard Taylor say.

"Gone girl."

Troy currently had his back to me at this time. Perfect. I walked towards him sure I could feel people staring at me but I don't care. I haven't seen this man in 2 weeks, I'm going for the gold. I noticed Chad standing in front of troy his eyes got huge then he started glaring at all the guys watching me. Oh well. Troy was talking to Tyler who is in my creative writing class at UCLA.

"Damn," he said looking over troy's shoulder.

"Would you like a sandwich?" I said as seductively as I could I leaned all my weight on one leg. Troy turned around. Damn he's sexy. He looked me up and down and visibly gulped, I cocked my eyebrow at him and smirked. I quickly glanced at his…pants and notice a…bulge.

"Well?" Troy's eyes snapped back up to mine and the only thing his eyes said was 'I want you NOW'

Troy grabbed the tray out of my hand and shoved it at Tyler.

"Hold this," he then ripped his shirt off leaving him in a white beater. And wrapped it around me. Then he lead me inside.

"Bye Taylor." We said as we passed her.

"Well okay…"

"Bye Shar, and no comment." Then we went to Troy's Audi and drove back to our apartment to have a….fiesta.

soooo do you like?? and you all know what happens! i don't want to write about it... that's just ewwww. but lol. i want to know if i should continue or just stop while im ahead... well give me a chance first then tell me... but please review with your wisdom or whatever

love zoe (: