Yeah you're alowed to hate me. Especially FI lol. But I'm seriously soooo sorry for talking this long. For give me ppl!!!

\ parked the car outside our drive way, where three other cars also stood. Getting out, I went up to the door opening it. Alana came running at me. And I saw Audra leaning against the stairway looking at her toes.

"Hey," I said smiling as I hugged her back.

"I've missed you so much! Do you know what these people do when they hear about babies? Its like a synced 'AW!!!' every time there's an announcement about it."

"it?" I asked, shocked she'd call her own child that. "What's with Audra she seems nervous,"

"I am Audra," She said laughing her blond head off.

"What?" I ran my eyes over her face and sure enough, it was Audra standing next to me.

"You really have been gone for too long. I can't believe you forgot who I was, that's so like mom." She giggled walking with me to Alana, who looked like she was looking for a way out.

"Hey," I greeted her. "Why so serious?" I joked, raising my eyebrows.

She just slightly shook her head and hugged me back. "No reason, just missed you is all."

"I missed you too, but tell me. Did you two switch places since you left?"

We all giggled and my mom came running in throwing her arms around my waist. "You're home! Oh!" She cried.

"Hi mom," My words were mashed together as she planted a kiss on my forehead.

"We have so much to do!" She looked around and then raised her eyebrows. "Where is Embry?"

"Um he got caught up with work," I explained running my eyes over the house.

"Alright, well maybe he can come later on," Audra said smiling again. I wasn't used to her being so positive. I nodded agreeing.

The day went by like that. I still felt like they were keeping something form me, and I felt left out. I dialed Rachel and Embry, but no one picked up, so I fell asleep.


"What…?" I mumbled covering my head with the comforter.

"Light blue or dark blue?" Audra came into the room.

"Should I care?" I asked not opening my eyes.

"Please?" She whined asking me again. I lifted the comforter off me and examined her jeans, "The light ones," She beamed and then walked out leaving the door wide open. I hated it. I was about to go to brush my teeth when my ring tone went off. I flipped on my bed trying to find it.

"Hey," I breathed when I found it,

"Did you take the medicine this morning?"

"No Rach, I didn't b--"

"Up now, what are you still doing in bed? It's like 10 am."

"Exactly," I said smiling but getting up. I went over to my suitcase and opened the first zipper.

"Its in the third pocket," She laughed.

Right next to the laced silk dress, if you could even call it a dress it was more like a shrunken shirt, "What's this doing here?" I asked knowing she knew just what I was talking about,

"You know just what its doing there," I could almost see her smirking, "Embry's still trying to get Sam to let him off for the week,"

"Really? I called last night but no one answered."

"I was at Paul's and Embry was on Patrol,"

"Oh," I said missing him,

"But he's here right now…"

"And you're making me talk to you?" I laughed.

"Hey babe,"

"Hey, you're coming?" I asked excited,

"Yeah, I'm trying to… maybe tomorrow, if not by tonight."


"If it'll be okay with your parents…"

I stupidly nodded into the phone, and all too soon realized he couldn't see it, "Yeah, it is."

"Alright, it's just the new ones still need help and the others are all helping but there's so many," he sounded tired, like he hadn't been sleeping.

"I understand,"

"I'll try to come by tonight, I miss you, honey."

"I miss you too,"

I got dressed and headed down stairs, greeting everyone. At the breakfast table.

"Where's Alana?" I asked Mason,

"She's with--"

"She's out," Audra intercepted.

"Oh…Kay, Embry said he'd be here by tonight," I informed, I'm sure my smile must've been smug.

"That's great, he'll be coming to the weddings won't he?" My mom asked handing me my plate


"I'll schedule the both of your dress fitting together."

"Sure" I shrugged, taking a bite of the omelet. I'd missed my moms cooking.

Once we were all done, we sat around the TV and played a movie, just us sisters. I sat on the edge with Alana in the middle of Audra and I. She still looked nervous, playing with her fingers and twisting her hair into braids and then undoing it. "You okay?" I asked.

She just nodded looking over my shoulder. "What movie is this?"

"Men in Black" Audra smirked. It was her all time favorite movie, of course she'd pick it.

Alana took the opportunity to sneak into the kitchen and get some water. I followed her. "Whoa! You scared me," she clutched her chest frightened.

"Oh sorry," I apologized. "Is there something you want to tell me Lenny?"

She shifted so she was on her left foot "Yes."

I waited for her to continue "Anytime you're ready"

"Alright," She took a deep breath, then started again "I'm gonna come out and say it… Mason isn't the dad." It took me a minute to see what she was referring to. She touched her stomach gently with one hand and held one of my hands in her other. "Nick is"
