Okay, this is it! I'm very sad to be posting this, the final chapter - but when it's time, it's time. I have other fics that are begging to be written... My endless thanks to all of you who were so kind and encouraging - you kept me going at times when I was doubting myself. You really are all so wonderful, I just can't say enough. So, I really hope you like this last (long-ish) chapter - if you do, drop me a line! And once again, thank you.


The apartment was dark, quiet. Everything was neat and clean; nothing was out of place. A peaceful air permeated the space, subtly accented by the dim murmur of traffic on the street below. That peaceful air was broken with alarming thoroughness when something large hit the outside door with a resounding thud.

"Jesus! Holy - "

"Hurry, Booth. Hurry!"

A metallic scratching filtered through the door, followed by another, louder thump.

"Shit – shit!"

The door burst inward, spilling Booth and Brennan to the floor. They rolled, grappled, rolled again. He fought to grab the door, but it was just out of reach. "Bones – God, let me close the door…" His eyes crossed when her hands slid down his body, coming to rest on a particularly sensitive area. "Oh, goddamnit – shit, Bones…" He managed to hook his toe on the door, and he pushed it hard, praying that it shut. If not, this is gonna happen with the door open…oh, Jesus…She was on top of him, rocking against him as she ripped at his jacket. "Bones…slow down…"

"Uh-uh." Her tongue lapped at the skin bared by her attack on him. "This time it's your fault." She dragged her tongue down his chest, flicking the tip across his nipple, then sucking eagerly. He arched his back, and the evidence of her effect on him only encouraged her. His stomach trembled against her lips, his powerful muscles soft and warm to the touch.

"Oh, god…" He was panting now, short, hard rasps burning his lungs, making him dizzy. Her hands were streaking roughly along his upper body, making short work of his shirt. "My fault?"

Flinging the now-ruined shirt across the room, she trailed her hands down his bare chest. "You started it." When he would have brought his hands up to touch her, she grabbed them, pinning them to the floor. Her fingers twined strongly around his, forestalling his attempt to free himself. "You started it at my office, and now I can't think until I have you." He tried to sit up, and her mouth collided with his as she used her leverage to force him down. When she was satisfied he would stay put, she sat up, kneeling over him like something feral. "You know, Booth - you really have excellent bone structure, and your body is extremely well-built. These attributes send out a signal to the female of the species that you would be an excellent progenitor, but..." She bent close, just inches away, analyzing his upper body intently, and then focusing on his face. He caught his breath as a wave of intense desire spiked through him. "…it just makes me want to taste." Without warning, her head dipped down, and a groan was forced from him as she scraped her teeth on his bicep. "Oh, I love your arms…" He had barely recovered from the shock of having her teeth on his skin when she launched herself forward and inhaled deeply against his neck. "Mmm, and this spot, it just smells so good." She pleased herself, nuzzling his soft skin. "But my favorite spot?" She leaned in, running her tongue lazily along his collarbone, pleased with his helpless shiver. "I can't get enough of your deltoid muscles." Without warning, she fastened her teeth on his muscular shoulder and he jolted, raw lust spearing into him.

"Temperance…" Some wild mood had overtaken her and left her completely out of control. He was powerless under her, caught up in a whirlwind of eroticism with her at the core. Her hands were busy, frantic, struggling with his belt buckle. Intending to slow her down, he ran his hands along her legs – then his fingers vised tightly on her as her hand slid inside his trousers. A long, urgent curse burst from his lips as she firmly stroked, kneaded. Feeling the release rising rapidly within him, he was shocked to hear himself beg. "Oh God, Temperance, please, stop, stop..."

She did stop, and he inhaled, relieved. Then hissed out again as he realized, too late, that she'd only stopped in order to drag his pants down that one last inch. In a flash she lowered herself on him, took him in until they were joined completely, and folded forward to kiss the sexy moan from his lips. Her hips rotated, swaying slowly forward, backward, until she felt him move under her. In her. His hands slid back up her thighs, past her bunched up skirt and under her blouse to her breasts. Callused thumbs grazed her sensitive nipples ceaselessly until she started moving faster, panting into his mouth. "More…I want more," she murmured, erotically, boldly. She continued to kiss him, hot, open kisses that scoured his mind of everything but her. Her body rose and fell tirelessly above him, over and over until he was nearly delirious from the pleasure. Mindlessly his hands had moved again, curling around her hips. He pulled her down onto him repeatedly – hard, full strokes, matching her fervent rhythm, gasping and groaning in time with her.

In the dim light she almost seemed like a fantasy, outlined by the faint spill of light but not fully illuminated. She was a fury, feasting on him ravenously, and he wanted nothing more than to let her have her way. Soon, too soon, they reached their limit; she locked tightly onto him, quaking violently. Mindlessly his arms banded around her, pulling her even closer as he rocked, rocked, bucked up into her.

Seconds passed, minutes fled. When his revved system had begun to torque down, he cautiously moved and shifted until he was sure nothing was broken. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to see again, but he cautiously eased an eye open. Not blind - oh thank God. He sighed with relief as familiar shadows appeared around him. Shadows offset by the light from the - Oh, shit. "Uh, Bones?" Her only response was a wisp of a sigh and a lazy arch of her back. "Bones, you might want to let me up for a minute." He felt her lips curve against his skin an instant before she spoke.

"Now why would I want to do that?" She flexed against him, a lithe twisting of muscles.

The husky tone and empowered satisfaction in her voice made his blood surge momentarily, until rational thought prevailed. "So I can shut the door."

"Hmm. What door?" Her question was answered by the sound of voices moving closer. Surprisingly audible voices. Her eyes flew open. "Oh my god!" In one adrenaline-pumped movement she flung herself off him and rolled, batting at the door with her arm. Luck was with her, and the firm click of the latch was just in time – the voices passed, faded.

In the silence, he wasn't able to determine her mood. He sat up, straining to see her, but to no avail. With the door shut, he could no longer find her at all, and he hoped she wasn't too upset. From the darkness he heard her move and she collided sharply with him, knocking him flat again. An unexpected noise filled the room, and he realized she was…giggling. Temperance Brennan was giggling. His mouth dropped open in shock, and then a smile stretched across his face. His chest started to shake and they were laughing, brow to brow, embracing weakly.

When their hysteria had finally passed, she settled indolently on him, her fingers tracing light patterns through his hair. "Do you think anyone heard us?"

"Nah, I'm sure no one did. The door was only cracked an inch or so. And no one walked past, either." There was a long pause, and he continued in a considerably less comfortable tone. "I think." His good humor quickly returned as she burst into laughter again. He rolled her swiftly over, leaning down into her laughing lips, his smile molding to hers. "Oh, God, Bones, I love you…"

Her hands traced the shape of his face, to better know him in the blackness. "Booth. You know I love you, don't you? Do you know how much I love you?"

He felt a sudden rush of nervousness in her; he could hear it in her voice. Surprised at her unexpected seriousness, he answered her honestly. "I do, Temperance. I absolutely know how much you love me." He sensed that he had reassured her, but a curious tension was still running through her body, and he wondered at it. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She sat up, reaching for the wall switch. As light flooded the room, they were distracted for a moment by the state of their clothes. A small, slightly bashful grin flitted across her face as she tugged down her hopelessly wrinkled skirt, rubbing it distractedly. "I guess I was a little rough with you…"

Fastening the button on his pants, he walked slowly, sensuously toward her and draped his arms around her waist. "A little rough? Hell, Bones, you tore my shirt clean off me. You had your way with me." He bumped his forehead against hers until she raised her face to him, and then kissed her, hotly, seductively. His shadowed eyes looked cagily into hers. "You think I'm gonna complain?" Another heated kiss abraded her lips. "I'm not that stupid."

She smiled up at him, linking her hands behind his neck. "Good. So you won't mind if it happens again, then." She enjoyed watching his eyes darken still further, and gasped when he pulled her intimately against him

Oh, no, Bones, I don't think that'll be a problem for me. Just do me a favor next time," he whispered, rubbing his nose against hers, "and close the door first." Her chuckle was swallowed up by his mouth. When at last they broke for air he swung her around, his arm circling her waist. "Okay, Bones, let's change and eat something before we pass out from hunger."

"Wait - wait!" She stopped, pulling at him when she realized he was heading to the bedroom. "I have something I want to show you first."

He studied her as she moved away from him, noting the tension in her shoulders, the hint of fear in her eyes. "Bones – what's going on?"

"I have something for you." She gulped nervously, her confidence rapidly fleeing.

At a loss as to why she would be perturbed over a gift for him, he waited for her to get it so he could discern the cause of her swinging emotions. When she only gestured behind her, he moved into the living room, scanning the area for some type of present. His gaze swept past couch, television, coffee table, and then shot quickly back to the television. The brand-new television. The brand-new sixty-three inch plasma television. "Bones…" In disbelief he turned his head to her. "You bought a TV."

"I did."

Slack-jawed, he stared dumbly at her. "For me?"

"Well - yes, in a way. I felt bad that you could never watch anything when we're here – I know you enjoy watching television. And truthfully, I've needed a new television for some time."

"But look at this beast! It's top-of-the-line, the TV of my dreams!" His face fell slightly. "I would've gone with you, Bones, helped you pick it out – you should've told me."

I wanted to surprise you. I talked to Hodgins, to make sure I purchased the right set. He told me which set you liked – exactly what to buy."

He made a mental note to kiss Hodgins when he saw him again. "Bones, are you sure about this? I mean, I know how much this TV costs. You could've gone with something a little smaller. I hate to think you got this monster for me…"

"No, it's good." She smiled. "Actually, the science and nature shows are visually stunning on this TV – I was quite taken with it myself."

His eyes narrowed. "So, you're sure."

"Yes, I'm sure." She stumbled backward, her arms instantly filled with half-naked male. "Booth!" He swung her around, kissing her enthusiastically. "Are you crazy?"

His lips smacked against hers again. "You – are the best girlfriend in the world." Like a whirlwind he dashed to the table, snatched up the remote. "Alright, let's see what's happening in the world!" The television sprang to life, raucous sound filling the room as he whizzed from channel to channel, finally settling on ESPN.

He glanced back at her and grinned – that big, brilliant smile of his that she loved so much. Her stomach flipped and churned, and her nerve endings jangled. "Booth –" He turned back to watch a play before she could finish her sentence. She bit her lip apprehensively.

As a commercial began to blare, his head twisted toward her again. "Man, Bones, with a killer TV like this, I'm never gonna leave your place!"

Tension ballooned and fear spiked. She drew a deep, unsteady breath. "Okay."

His smile gradually faded, and he stopped. Turned. Focused on her. "What?"

Her hands tangled together tensely. "I said, okay." Her heart careened in her chest at his blank expression.

He blinked - once, and then once more. So this is why she's so rattled. Without looking, he pressed a button and muted the television. The sudden silence was startling – he could hear her quick breathing. Dropping the remote on the chair, he came to stand before her. "Why don't you explain what you meant by that?"

Headlong or dead stopped were the only gears she knew when she was nervous - so headlong it was. "I've been thinking that it really doesn't make much sense for us to retain two residences. We stay here or at your place, but if you moved in here it would be much more economical. I have more than enough room for all of your possessions, and although there would be a period of adjustment, I'm sure in the long run that this will be the most reasonable course of action." He was still silent, only giving her a long, appraising stare. "I realize that there might be some awkwardness with Parker, but I'm confident we could explain our cohabitation satisfactorily." Knowing she was talking too much, unable to control her nerves, her chin dropped, and she stared miserably at the floor.

She was shaking - quick, hard shivers that she couldn't quite hide. And she was trying to hide them. "You're terrified," he said incredulously. "Temperance, are you sure you want to ask me this?

Thinking back to the first time she'd told him she loved him, she remembered thinking that she'd never be afraid again. It seemed she'd been completely wrong about many things. "I am terrified."

He fought off the absurd disappointment her admission caused. "Don't feel like you have to do this, then. Things are wonderful the way they are – I don't want you to ever feel rushed into anything."

She pressed her lips together, hard, hoping to control the shaking, but it was no use. "You don't understand, Booth. I'm not terrified of asking you." Her round eyes were fixed on him, and her words came in a breathless, trembling whisper, nearly inaudible. "I'm terrified that you'll say no." She looked away again, unable to face rejection from him.

A look of indescribable tenderness grew on his face, and a gentle stroke of his finger under her chin turned her back to him. "Are you mine, Temperance?"

Her mind put up a faint, automatic protest about his possessive phrasing. Her rebellious heart would have none of it, however, and throbbed erratically, ardently, shoving her practical nature in a corner. "Yes."

"Then tell me why you think we should live together. The truth." End game, was all he could think. End game.

The time for fear was over. She knew it. All she had to do was open her mouth and tell him. Nothing would ever be as important – not ever again. "My heart just wants you here. I want you here. With me."

His palm lightly cupped her face. "You didn't have to buy the TV to get me to stay...all you had to do was ask. I belong to you." A small smile touched his face. "You're the love of my life, Temperance Brennan."

With a relieved sob she leapt at him, hugging him fiercely, and he folded her into his arms. "I love you, Booth." He held her, a private embrace no one else would ever witness. Kissed her with a gentle passion she had come to depend upon. After a long time, she leaned back with a sniffle, wiping at her face.

He brushed a tear from her lashes. "No more tears, Bones. And promise me, no more doubts."

"I promise I'll never doubt you again, Booth. But the tears..." A soft laugh betrayed her embarrassment. "I seem to have a deplorable weakness in that area when it comes to you."

His lips twisted wryly; his eyes softened. "Well...alright, I think I can deal with that. But I don't want you to worry too much about the details, Bones. Parker, moving - we'll work it all out. It'll be alright. So - we're solid, right?" At the flash of confusion in her eyes, he chuckled and translated. "We're okay?" Finally, the smile he'd been waiting to see brightened her face.

"Yes, we're...solid." She leaned into him for another long moment, but pulled back quickly as a random thought struck her. "Wait. What about my gift?"

His brow wrinkled. "Huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "You said you had something for me. Where is it?"

He laughed, fully, thrilled with her thought process. "Only you could switch subjects that quickly, Bones. Only you. Look, it's just a small gift, nothing like the TV…"

"C'mon, Booth, you're driving me crazy! I want my gift..."

Her moist eyes flashed beguilingly at him, and he reached out, tapping her red nose. Making a sound of disgust, he turned, fished a small package out of the depths of the cabinet. "I'm gonna have to stop getting you little gifts."

"Don't you dare stop - ever. Besides, I did get a big gift. I got you."

His eyes glowed. "Alright, but remember I warned you, it's not a big deal –"

Hands on hips, she groaned impatiently. "Booth. Just stop talking and give it to me!"

He opened the box, concealing the object as he removed it. Then, as he had so often in the past, he stretched out his hand with a flourish, a winning smile on his handsome face. Resting in his hand was an exquisite, glossy red enamel apple with a tiny, delicate bite removed.

Lips parted, shock on her face, she scrutinized his offering for what seemed an endless amount of time. Just when he began to wonder if she liked it, a beautiful smile spread on her face, and she plucked the apple gracefully from his hand. "Booth - I love it – I absolutely love it." She stepped close, laid her lips on his. "I love you."

"If the shoe fits – don't you agree?" He didn't bother to avoid the easy punch she aimed at him, but stepped closer, crowding her.

Her smile morphed into a sly grin, and she toyed with him, looking at him out of the corner of her innocent blue eyes. "I don't know what that means."

"Oh, come on, Bones! I'm beginning to think you say that just to win arguments or feel superior – you use it just a little too often…" He drew her down on the couch next to him, refusing to let go when she struggled.

"What – I do not! Just because you can't accurately express yourself doesn't mean you get to blame me!" She pried halfheartedly at his hands, but he was immovable. Unless she hurt him, she was stuck. Heaving a long-suffering sigh, she avoided his kiss until he grabbed her chin – and then bit his lip.

Sulking, he let go of her. "Man, some girlfriend you turned out to be. You smack me down verbally, you buy me a gift, but it's really your TV, so you actually got two gifts and I got none!" The corner of his mouth twitched almost imperceptibly.

"Hey! I bought the TV for you!"

"That's bull." Gleefully, he wound her up. "You just wanna watch another basketball game, 'cause you secretly love basketball now that you watched a game with me."

"Actually, I only watched part of a game, and I found it quite disturbing that a number of the players suffer from various forms of bone deformities due to the stress placed on their abnormally tall frames. For instance, I noticed several players with aberrations of the ilium and sacrum…" She stopped short, surprised when he turned off the television. "What are you doing?" Too late, she realized his intent, but before she could scramble away he pulled her into his arms and kissed her nearly senseless.

"How about we don't watch TV right now. C'mon, Bones, let's neck instead."

She smiled and pulled him in.

Well, that's it. I had SO much fun writing this - I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you did, please drop me a line and let me know. Favorite chapter? Favorite moment? I'd be interested to hear what you thought! And thank you so much to everyone who read and reviewed - I could not have kept going without your valuable input.