Bella's POV
I ran to the window to see who was outside.
Oh GREAT. Edward bloody Cullen.
Someone shoot me.
My name is Bella Swan. I am a senior at Forks High school. I get perfect grades in English and Science, and am top of the class in everything else. My father is a cop and my mother died when I was three, so I don't really remember her very well. I DO remember that she looked like I do, but older obviously. I didn't spend enough time with her to miss her.
My fathers name is Charlie, and we get on very well.
I have two best friends, Jacob Black and Angela Weber. We are all geeks and do you know what? We don't GIVE a damn. Get over it, so what if we know pi?
Sometimes I think Jake wants to be more than friends, but I'm sure I'm wrong. No way does Jake have a crush on me; he's never even HAD a girlfriend!
Edward Cullen is still outside.
OMG! He has a spray paint can. He'd better not...
Please don't tell me he just spray painted Charlie's cruiser. Please no!
No way can I have a crush on him…