"A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy."
Benjamin Disraeli.
Phase 1: False peace.
"Miriallia, What do you think of this outfit?" Mine asked, holding up a white tank top and blue jean shorts.
"I think it shows too much skin on you legs." Miriallia, her best friend, commented.
"Huh? You think?" She held it up to her waist.
"Totally." She said.
"They're the only pair of shorts I have." Miriallia raised a finger to her lip.
"How about you wear them under that skirt." She pointed to a white short skirt.
"I hate skirts. I can't run in them." She sighed.
"Kira will think you look cute." Miriallia teased.
Mine blushed, "I don't like Kira like that."
"Then why are you blushing?" Miriallia teased.
"Because he's just a friend." She held up the skirt, "You think he will like it, though?"
"Ha Ha! I knew it!"
"Shut up!"
"Uh… Why am I here again?" Tolle raised his hand.
"Because we wanted to know your opinion." Miriallia answered.
"Look, I'm a guy. I don't care about this stuff. And I don't think Kira will either." He sighed.
"Come on, you guys can talk about football and video games, so why can't we talk about clothes and shopping?" Miriallia asked.
"You think he won't like it?" Mine spoke up. She was on the brink of tears.
"Uh, No! I think he will like it, he just won't say it!" Tolle spoke up.
She instantly changed her mind, "Okay! That's better! And since Kira is nicer than you, he will say it, because Kira is different than most boys!"
"Okay…" Tolle sat down. He sighed again.
"Go get dressed! I'll be waiting here with Tolle!" She ran inside the bathroom since Tolle was in her room.
"Why do you hang out with her?" Tolle asked.
"Why do you ask?" Miriallia answered slyly. She raised an eyebrow.
"She not even as old as flay. I mean, Mine's a newbie to our school."
"She's nice. Plus she's an old friend of Kira's so it shouldn't make a difference if she's younger or not."
"Yeah, but she's too childish. I know you promised Kira you would look after Mine, but she's just too weird."
"Like how?"
"Well, she acts like a four year old, she hangs on Kira's shoulder 24/7, and she's so annoying. Plus, she's the smartest kid in her class. She's just so weird." He leaned back in one of Mine's chair which, by the way, is pink.
"So? She's sweet, kind, nice, and a good friend. She wouldn't be friends with Kira if she wasn't." Miriallia argued.
Mine walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing the white tank top and the skirt. She was wearing a black pair of Mary-jane shoes and white knee highs.
"You look cute!" Miriallia started clapping. "Kira will definitely notice you!"
"Of course he will. I'm wearing a skirt." Mine always wore shorts.
"Wow…" Tolle's mouth was open. Miriallia quickly closed it. "Don't get any ideas." She said. Mine laughed.
"Now I definitely know I'm gonna get his attention!"
"You like him!" Miriallia said.
"No I don't!" She said.
"You like him!"
"No I don't!"
"You like him!"
"No I don't!"
"You like him!"
"No I don't!"
Mine started to cry. She was known for being the school cry baby.
"Now look what you've done!" Miriallia hit him upside the head.
"Please don't yell Tolle." Mine said softly
"Fine. Sorry. Geez."
"Okay!" She switched moods completely.
"What?!" Tolle was dumbfounded.
Miriallia started laughing.
"Mir…" Tolle frowned.
"Let's go!" Miriallia said, still laughing.
"Wait! Let me get something!" Mine walked over to her jewelry box.
"Another girle thing?" Tolle groaned.
"I wanna show Kira something!" She went over to a jewelry box.
"He won't be interested in jewelry."
"It's not just any jewelry." She opened a drawer. She took out a silver ring with an emerald stone. She put it on her ring finger. She walked over to her friends and showed it off.
"It's beautiful!!" Miriallia commented.
"It looks like a regular piece of jewelry." Tolle said.
"It's not just any piece of jewelry. My brother gave it to me!"
"You have a brother?" Miriallia and Tolle asked.
"No, I just call him that." She smiled. Miriallia and Tolle stared at each other.
"Let's go." Tolle said. They needed to remind Kira that he needed to see the professor today.
They spotted Kira on a bench doing his homework.
"Kira!!" Mine called out. He looked up and noticed her.
"Mine! How are you?"
She ran over to him and hugged the boy.
"Wah?" She smiled at him.
"I'm fine Kira!!" Tolle and Miriallia sighed. It was the same everyday: Mine would run over to Kira and give him the biggest hug to Kira and flirt with him, and then deny any affection for him. "Hey Kira, how's it going?" He said. "Hey kira!!"
"Uhh… Fine…" Mine let go.
"Professor Kato wants to see you in the Morgenrate lab." Tolle said.
"What! I still haven't finished the stuff he dumped on me yesterday." He sighed.
"Neither have I, and I don't plan too." Mine said. They all sighed.
"You should do your homework." Kira nagged.
"But I wanted to read my book!!" She smiled.
"That's no excuse. You need to do you homework." Mine frowned. She sat down and crossed her fingers.
"But I also had to find my ring."
"You lost it!" Kira eyes widened.
"Yes…" He sighed. "But I found it! See!!" She showed her ring.
"Well at least you still have it." Kira bird came up. It was a mechanical bird. It was yellow and green. It flew over to Mine and Kira. "Hey, Birdie!! How are you?"
"Birdie!!" It said. She started to laugh. It seemed like Kira was in his own world. Mine knew he was thinking.
"Kira?" Tolle and Miriallia walked to Kira and started to wave hands at him. He jumped.
Mine started laughing.
Miriallia whispered something in her ear.
"I DO NOT!!" She let go of Birdie and Started to chase Miriallia. Miriallia was laughing franticly. Kira was dumbfounded, "What's that all about?"
Tolle sighed, "Nothing, it's just some girl stuff we're not supposed to know."
Kira laughed.
"Great. Let's go. Hey Mine!!" Kira called. She immediately stopped chasing Miriallia.
"Yeah?" She smiled. Miriallia was catching her breath.
"Hey Miriallia! We're going now!" Tolle finished.
"Coming!!" She walked over to them.
"Hey! I'm coming too!!" She ran over to Kira and Tolle. They start walking towards the lab.
"Mine," Kira began. She looked up at him.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Are you wearing a skirt?"
"Yes." She continued to walk. Miriallia started laughing. Tolle sighed.
"You said that you hated skirts."
"I do."
"Then why are you wearing them?"
"Because I don't have any shorts."
"You look good." Kira commented.
She instantly looked down. "Thank you."
He chuckled. "Wow… I can't believe you actually care." Tolle said. Miriallia elbowed him. "Oww… What?"
"I told you it's nothing like that!" They heard someone say. It was flay talk to her friends Misha and Sasha.
"What is it?" Miriallia asked.
"Flay got a love letter from Sai Argyle but she claims nothing is going on." Misha said.
"What!!" Mine said.
"No way!!" Miriallia said.
"It's nothing let it go!"
"Uh huh, yeah right!" Sasha said.
"Wow!!" Mine was blushing. Then again, she always does when she thinks something is sweet.
"Why are you blushing?" Flay asked.
"It's so cute!!"
"Nothing is going on!!" She said.
"Going on or not it's so cute!!"
"Come on, we gotta pick out a cute outfit for the event!!" Flay said. Misha and Sasha left.
"Looks like you have some competition Kira Yamato!" Tolle teased him.
"Oh Yeah!! You like Flay!!"
"What are you talking about?" Kira said.
"Ha Ha!" Mirialia said. She leaned and whispered in Mine ears something.
"Like who?" Kira asked.
Mine sighed, "No one."
"Miriallia keeps on bugging Mine saying that she likes you." Tolle said.
"DO NOT!!"
"DO TOO!!" Miriallia said.
"DON'T START THAT AGAIN!!" Tolle complained.
"What?" Kira said for like the umpteenth time that day.
"I don't like Kira like that." Mine complained.
"Yes you do." Miriallia said.
"Stop it Miriallia." Tolle commented.
"Hello? I'm right here…" Kira sighed.
"I DON'T LIKE KIRA!!" by now almost everyone was looking at them.
"Guys please…" Tolle and Kira looked at each other.
"If aren't going mind if we?" They turned around. It was a woman with black short hair.
"Uhh.. sorry." Tolle said. They moved past them.
"We should get going as well." Kira said. They all agreed and left to the lab.
"Mine, where's Sora?" Kira asked.
"I left her at my house. I told Sora to come over later." She smiled.
"Who's Sora?" Tolle asked.
"My bird." She smiled.
"How does it know?" Miriallia asked.
"It's like Kira's Birdie." She smiled. Tolle and Miri gave each other a look.
They opened the door to the lab. Kuzzy and Sai were there.
"Hey guys!" Sai called.
Mine noticed a person in the back. They were wearing a brown paper boy outfit. She walked over to Kuzzy, "Hey, who's that?" She asked.
"One of the Professors guests," He said.
"Ohh…" Mir said.
"Hey Kira, ask Sai about the letter!" Tolle said.
"What letter?" Sai asked.
"It's nothing!!" Kira said. Tolle put Kira in a strangle hold.
"Sora!!" Came a mechanical voice. Mine turned around.
It was her blue mechanical bird, "Sora, I told you to come later." Mine said.
"Sora! Sora!!" It repeated. Birdie came over to Sora, "Birdie!! Sora!!" They kept on saying.
"Kira, I think they're trying to tell us something!" Mine said.
Suddenly, the whole room started shaking.
"What's going on?" Mir asked.
"A meteor?" Tolle guessed. They opened the emergency stairs door. People were climbing up the stairs.
"What's going on?" Sai asked.
"I don't know!! All that I know is we're under attack by ZAFT!!" one said.
"ZAFT?" Mine asked.
"Sora!!" Sora started to fly away from Mine.
"Sora!!" Mine called. It ignored her and continued flying.
Kira started to walk away form the group. He was following the guest. "Kira wher asre you going!!" Tolle asked.
"Go on without me!!" He called.
"But Kira!!" Mine called.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Mine was about to protest, but she was pulled by Kuzzy.
"Kira said He'll be fine, let's go!!"
"But-" Things were happening so fast to Mine. She was with her friends and happy, then the next thing she knows she lost Sora, Kira is going somewhere, and they get attacked by ZAFT.
She didn't want any part in the war, that's why she came to Heliopolis with her foster parents. But why was Heliopolis being attacked for no reason? They were a peaceful nation.
What did ORB do so wrong to deserve getting attacked for? They were a peaceful, neutral nation… right?
This goes off of the storyline guys, so yeah. It's good though. My sister's not that bad of a writer. (THAT'S THE NICEST THING YOU'VE EVER SAID TO ME!! #cries#) Well, wait for the next chapter. (LOVE ME, HATE ME, FLAME ME!!) What she means is review even if you hate it. Opinions are always good. Be opened minded.