"GOSH!!" said Tuesday, slamming the door behind her.

Truman and Mrs. X stared at the door a moment longer, before Mrs. X glared down at Truman. "Wwwwwwwwwwhy are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"Well I dunno! Who else here makes SNOT powered FRIZ machines?!" asked Mrs. X, sarcastically.

"Oh? Well just last week dad made... a TOOTHPICK! All... By... Himself... Impressive I know," said Truman, nodding his head in amazement.

"You, Room, Now," his mother grunted, pointing to the stares.

"Ah man!" he complained, grumbling something as he walked.

"What? Did I just hear you ask for bathroom duty too?"

"What?! I'm not touching your toilet! Did you SEE what dad was doing in there last night?!" Truman protested, shuddering at the thought.

"But you'll get to use the super death ray plunger," Mrs. X sang.

"... I'll think about it!" he said, dashing off to his room.

Mrs. X laughed before picking up the "snot powered frizz machine" before anyone used it as a "cup" that being what the machine's desine was based off.

"Hi honey! Did you have a WONDERFUL day?" Mr. X asked, barging through the front door with mail and a book in hand.

"Yeah, snookumz," Mrs. X said, snatching her husband into a warm, cozy-wozy hug. "Did you?"

"Yes! And guess what...? Superior just released a new isue of the spy manual!!" he sang.

"Great! What does it say," his wife said with false inthuseasum.

"LET'S see," said Mr. X, peeping open the manual.

As soon as the manual pages were opened, out popped a hologram of Glowface and his assistant, standing there with pride. "Greetings X's! I, Glowface, am going to steal from the Zoo's gift shop at exactly thirteen hundred hours (whatever that means)," Glowface, mumbled under his breath.

"It means "one o'clock" sir," Lorenzo stated.

"Right, so I'm gonna steal from the Zoo's gift shop at 1 pm tomorrow!! And there's nothing you goody two shoes X's can do about it!"

"Hey! We have a little Glowface now!" Mrs. X said in delight.

"You're RIGHT!" Mr. X said, poking the hollogram, going right through lil' Glowface's kidney. His wife joined in poking him soon after. "Hey! Quit it already! I'm only on for like, five minutes! Oh and this book's gonna self distruct in 3 2 1..."

The book exploded in their hands soon after, making their face's black in smoke.

"Well this'll be fun. I finally get to use my new nucular powered bazooka." said Mrs. X, polishing her radioactive weapon.

"Yeah! And I get to use my new toothpick!" Mr. X said, holding up his toothpick.

"You made a toothpick?"

"A MINT POPPING toothpick," Mr. X corrected, smiling in absolute delight.

His wife stred at him for a moment before replying, "cooool" she said, smiling.

"Yay!" they both said at once.