NOTE: Well, gang, this is it. So this two-story arc has reached its end. Thanks to those who have read and/or reviewed. Muchas gracias goes especially to my co-author/editor Janee for her usual brilliant input and support (especially in transition scenes). Lots of special thanks to Roadrunner74 and Gentlelady for their input and comments (especially their hilarious comments on Speed's efforts to do housework and the pranks that he and Spritle pulled on one another)!

But not to leave dear ol' Rex out...Let's just say, it looks like big brother gets the last word in.

EPILOGUE: Some Final Thoughts From The Masked Racer

You know, it seems that fate has some very odd ways of bringing a family together.

When I left both my persona of Rex Racer and my entire family behind that fateful day at the Sunny Downs track only to later become Racer X, international man of mystery (as some sports announcers nowadays are found of calling me---and not always in a positive light), little did I know how things would turn out for all of us as time marched on. Nor did I ever think how my rescue of my younger brother Speed from a near-fatal house fire two weeks ago, would be the catalyst for bringing me back into the Racer family fold (if only for a moment that I truly wish, could have been frozen in time). The chance to spend time with my two younger brothers and my parents again, the opportunity to get to know little Spritle better (although Spritle's sleepwalking and the post-race hijinks at the dinnertable did make for some rather awkward moments on my part)...The look of shock and disbelief on my father's face that Sunday night post-Western 500, the tears of joy running down everyone's faces as Pops and I finally put the past behind us and made up, putting an end to what could be termed the ugliest chapter in Racer family history...Then the emotional embrace that Speed and I shared afterwards, as only brothers could...

...I couldn't possibly have imagined a more fitting conclusion to an otherwise wild adventure.

Do I have any regrets about the way I left my family six years ago? Absolutely, it was probably the worst mistake I could have ever made. Do I regret what I did afterwards, shrouding my true identity behind the monikers "Racer X" or "The Masked Racer"? No, I don't---given my current status in the international community as an agent of Interpol, it's better this way. I know my family will be safe from those who will stop at nothing to silence me. (And it also makes it that much easier for me to keep a close watch on Speed this way, too!)

Racer X, X, Masked Racer, Racer 'Hex,' 'Harbinger of Boom'!...Fierce competitor, champion driver, loyal elder brother, prodigal son...Call me what you will. Just don't call me, 'Cupid X'!!

See you at the finish line of our next race, Speed.

RexRacer (aka Racer X)