Authors Note!

I'm so sorry please don't kill me! *crawls out very nervously from behind the couch as I wait for the gun shots to go off and the angry readers with pitchforks chase me to the brink of death* I know that it's been months since I last updated for either of my unfinished stories, Wind on the Seas and Washed Away, but life's been so incredibly insane that its almost literally painful =P school started and field hockey started and the daily drama started, so my life's kinda been a train wreck for the past few months. I'm so incredibly sorry for my readers having to wait this long, but I wanted to get this out: I've decided to rewrite Wind on the Seas, at least for sentence structure and grammer, but also for some of the insanely stupid ideas and pointless and uninteresting plot twists. My laptop crashed two weeks back, so I lost all of my work, but I got it back through internet =P so, I can still keep some of the original works if anyone so desires, expect for chapter 1, which I can't change back *oopsies* it'll take me some time, but I hope to start getting some of my old chappies redone and up. And for the record, I have up to chapter 12 written out, I believe, on paper, so they still need to be typed and edited, etc, but I DO have them written!!! As for Washed Away, I'll fix up some horrifying problems I realized I had with it, and try to put it up as soon as possible, the same as with Wind. Just please please please don't shoot and be patient for a little while longer… I'm SO sorry for this HUGE delay =[