Hey you guys! Thanks soo much for all the wonderful reviews! :D I hope you like chapter 2!! (oh and if you like Sweeney Todd check out my other story I have recently started as well!)

Read and Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from I Am Legend.

Chapter 2: Sausages!

I felt claustrophobic as unfamiliar people pushed and shoved against me. Hundreds of the uninfected were herded into another room of the hospital; like cattle. A young soldier was screaming incoherent words over the crowd as exit doors were thrown open. The prospect of getting out of the cramped space caused the crowd to surge forward with such intensity, that I felt a small hand slip from mine.

" Ashley!" I yelled in horror.

I watched as the little girl with blond curly locks was stampeded from my view. I hurriedly yank my mother's hand back as she came to a stop. Resulting in my father being jerked back as well.

" I lost Ashley!" I tired to yell over the rushing crowd.

My parents shared a look of pure terror turning against the crowd. My family linked hands trying to block our way against the crowd, hoping to see my little sister. Although it proved to be useless as the Californians pushed against us. Much like a tugboat trying to get across the angry waves of a stormy ocean. With yells of protest and grunts of pain, we were forced through the exit.

The outside wasn't much better as we were met with the sight of people rushing just as frantically. There were rows of buses loading in the uninfected destined to go to different safe communities. My ears were assaulted with orders from the soldier's practicaly throwing the people on to the buses, the sound of the helicopters swirling above my head. The worst sound of all was the screams of loved ones being separated, which my family had contributed too.

I squinted my eyes, searching for any sign of Ashley among the crowd of strangers. I turned to the left, screaming my siblings name hopelessly. Suddenly a mop of blond curls caught my attention, flowing down a blue dress with white daisies printed across the front; just like the one we dressed her in last night.

" ASHLEY RYANS!" I screamed, pushing my lungs to their full extant.

Sure enough a porcelain faced turned towards me as brown eyes connected with my own. Ashley smiled with delight as she recognized me, shaking the man's shoulder as he held her in his arms. Without thinking I pulled myself away from my mother's grip as I ran as fast as I could towards my sister.

" Abbie!" She squealed with relief.

" Let her go!" I ordered the stranger, coming to a stop behind him.

An older man with dark eyes and dark hair turned around surprised. Instantly I gathered the eight-year-old from his arms as I held her close to me.

" Oh God, Ash." I sighed, falling to my knees.

" Where's mommy and daddy?" She questioned pulling away from my embrace.

" They right-"

I looked behind me to find that now I had lost my parents. Where they once stood a group of soldiers were forcing people onto a city bus. While clutching Ashley with my other hand I scraped my fingertips through my bangs in disbelief.

" MOM!?" My hoarse voice yelled. " Dad!?"

Quickly I started forward, with Ashley in a tight grip, searching for my parents. Suddenly before I could even take a few steps I was grabbed by the back of my hooded jacket.

" You must get on a bus!" A voice above me yelled.

The front of my jacket choked me as it cut into the soft flesh of my neck. Through watery eyes I looked up to see a man in uniform attire holding me, his eyes cold and uncaring. Instantly I struggled against my captor, gulping for air as he pulled me back again.

" Let-me-go!" I spat through gasps of pain.

I felt Ashley let go of my hand as she started screaming at the strange man to leave me alone. I looked down through my tears only to see the young girl pounding at the man's leg.

" Carter!" I heard the soldier above me yell.

Suddenly another soldier appeared from out of the frenzy of people. With a gesture of my captor's head the soldier wordlessly scooped up my sister.

" Abbie!" She cried, kicking her small legs.

Another pull of my jacket took away my breath. Although I couldn't let her be separated from me. I've already lost her once and my parents are gone, I can't leave her like this!

" SOMEONE HELP!" I pushed my raw voice. " PLEASE!"

" I need another soldier." The man shouted over me.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of another figure coming towards me. No! I'm not going to go down so easily, I made my decision as I fought harder than ever. I kicked my legs with much more force, twisting my body in odd angles, making it difficult for the soldier to hang on to me much longer. Just when I was almost free from his grip I felt another hand grab my shoulder.

" NO!"

I gasped awake, hearing my heart thumping erratically in my ear drums. The sleeping bag which used to be warm and protective became hot and constricting. I silently wormed my way out of the zipped up contraption, careful not to wake my sleeping companion. I glanced back only to see him snoring peacefully on his pillow, lost in a world of his own. I then stole a glance at Snickers who was peering at me through sleepy eyes, noticing my leave. I sent her a smile before she closed her eyes and decided that Parry's stomach would be a much better surface to sleep on.

The scene brought a whisper of a smile to my face, before the dream came flooding back to me. I sat up and faced the sealed window, wondering what time it was. I quickly glanced at my glow in the dark wristwatch, discovering it to be six-fifteen. I wondered if the sun was at least rising but remembered that the almanac was left in the trunk of the car.

My ears strained themselves for any sign of the infected. Quietly I put my socked covered feet on the soft carpet, creeping to the open door. I squeezed through the small opening, not wanting to risk anyone or anything hearing it if it creaks. I positioned myself as close to the door as possible without disturbing the couch positioned against it or the table.


No sounds of dying animals, screams of hunger, or even woodland animals scurrying around in the morning. I decided it was safe to at least check out the kitchen. I walked from the living room into the kitchen, jumping back a bit when my toes brushed from the warm carpet to the cold tile. I then went to the refrigerator, wondering if there was anything still edible inside of it. Let alone if it still worked, light brightened the room as soon as I opened it. Okay, it still works.

Which would explain how the lights worked yesterday. We were in much to of a hurry to wonder how the electricity was still working. That must means there's some sort of generator not hooked up to the town's source. I opened the door, the cold air hitting my arms and face. I then looked to see that there was a shelf stacked with water, the next shelf stocked with various perishables. I hungrily eyed a strawberry flavored yogurt as I flipped it over, the bottom facing me. I was delighted to find that there was another few months before it was expired.

That must mean the people who were here before hadn't left long ago.

Where did they go? Did they go to New York? Is there another safe community still out there? Questions zoomed through my mind as a familiar aching presented itself at the top of my temples. I shook away the confusing thoughts, letting my hunger over take me as I opened the lid greedily. I then realized that I didn't have a utensil as I looked around the various kitchen cabinets and drawers wearily.

" Spoon, spoon, spoon." I muttered, bending down to the bottom cabinets.

" Second drawer on the right." A voice spoke.

" Shit!" I cursed turning around to see a very amused Jake.

" You almost made me spill my yogurt." I whispered coldly.

" You don't have to whisper, it's six-twenty. The sun rose at six-ten this morning." He said in a normal volume, striding to stand next to me.

" Fridge works?" He stated more than asked, peering at my yogurt.

" Mmhmm!" I replied happily, taking a rather large amount in my mouth.

Without another word Jake switched on the overhead light as he peered into the fridge. He looked around for a moment before he froze, a smile threatening to break out on to his normally passive face.

" What is it Jake?" I questioned, setting down my empty snack.

Jake reached within the fridge and pulled out a long carton. I wasn't able to see the label as he turned to another cabinet and pulled out a frying pan. He then set it on the stove top, testing the gas before it sparked to life. I maneuvered myself next to him only to see now a broad grin stretched across his features.

" Eggs." He said simply.

I laughed and shook my head before going back to the fridge, a particular item catching my interest. I then pulled out a package wrapped in tinfoil as I turned to my happy companion, a smirk of my own plastered on my face.

" So I guess some sausage wouldn't be such a bad idea either?" I suggested holding up the fresh meat.

Jake's smile never faltered as he gave me a kiss on the head and grabbed the sausage. I was then ordered to go get the fold out table from the door, as well as move back the couch. I obeyed his order with a salute and walked away, I could have swore I heard him humming.

" Meow!"

Another noise caught my attention as I notice a familiar furry body rubbing itself against my leg. I looked down to see Snickers sliding her claws on to the carpet as she arched her back, her mouth stretching into a noiseless yawn. I gave her back a stroke as she purred in content. I then shooed her a few feet away so she wouldn't get either one of us hurt in the moving process.

A stretched my arms over my head and yawned, loosening up my muscles. I then removed the table, shoved next to the couch in an odd angle. I was surprisingly light weight as I carried it too the living room and set it down. I spotted a few fold out chairs in the corner of the living room that had been concealed by the shadows of the night. I then set up three of the four chairs around the small table, envisioning a breakfast we were soon to have. I refocused my attention to the couch pressed up against the door, now that was not light at all. With a grunt of frustration I was able to lift the old couch free and on to the carpet right side up. I felt the effects of my fit full sleep as I tugged the couch to it's rightful place.

I collapse into the soft material tiredly, my back scolding me to never do that again. Snickers jumped on my lap, giving my hand licks for attention. As I mindlessly petted her, I looked at the door, a grimace presenting itself on my face. Knowing that if I was going to reach the door, I would have to move from my peaceful position on the couch. Suddenly smell teased the tip of my nostrils, even Snickers had her nose in the air. I stuck my face forward into the air, breathing in deeply to make sure it wasn't my imagination. Is it...yes!


I jumped at the sound slamming open, Snickers jumping off my lap in fright as well. Soon after I heard heavy footsteps running towards the living room. Parry busted through the door, his sandy hair sticking in every direction, his eyes wild. He didn't even care that the one button he bothered to button on his flannel shirt was completely off. Missing the designated hole about three down, not to mention the fact that pants weren't obviously that important. Seeing as he was standing in the living room with diamond patterned boxers.

" I smell sausage!" Parry growled, looking at me expectantly.

" Jake's cooking some-" I started.

Without another word, Parry rushed off into the kitchen.

"- In the kitchen." I finished lamely.

I leaned my head back against the back of the couch. Glad that there was something else to support the heavy weight of my head. Soon the smell became to much fore me to even me to bear as my stomach answered with a growl. With another heavy sigh, I lifted myself off the couch and made my feet move forward towards the kitchen. Snickers followed me at the heels as she ventured into the kitchen to find out it's alluring smell.

" Good God Parry! Where are your pants?" I heard Jake's voice complain from the kitchen.

With a chuckle I entered to see a very disturbed Jake trying to keep the cooking food away from a very hungry Parry. Parry didn't seemed to be affected by the question at all while he stared, drooling, at the sausage in the pan. I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene as I leaned myself against the door frame.

" When is it going to be done mate?" Parry questioned, I'm guessing the millionth time.

" Not until you put yur pants back on, you probably scarred Abbie for life!" The forty-old-teased, grimacing at the his companion. " You old pervert."

" Hey I'm only thirty! That means last year I was only twenty-nine." Parry drew his attention away from his food, protecting his ego.

" Oh look, he knows how to count too!" Jake smirked, flipping the sausage.

" Besides I don't think Abbie minds at all." Parry added, knowing that suggestive comments aimed at me were the best way to annoy to Jake.

" You wish." I mocked, ignoring Parry's wink.

All the same I couldn't help the blood that rushed over my cheekbones. Parry joined our original group when I was only seventeen, he was only twenty-six then. A hot, surfer bodied, messy blond, blue eyed twenty-six year old with an accent. I admit, with my raging hormones adding to the situation I fell fast for Parry. Not to mention I was the youngest of the group and the only people of the opposite gender were old, married men. We quickly became friends, I mean, the only other one closest to my age was twenty-nine year old Isabel Norrinson. Needless to say I was heart broken to find that Parry had started a relationship with her, while we stayed at a safe community in Selma, Texas. Poor girl never made it out, that seemed to put my petty, selfish, childlike attitude in check. Knowing that there were much worse fates out there than a broken heart.

Although the loss only seemed to bring me and Parry closer, Jake keeping a watchful eye out of course. I consoled him through that tough year, just listened while he talked. Talked about his family, home, while in turn he learned about me as well. Soon I was eighteen and he finally noticed that I wasn't just a little girl anymore. So while we were walking in the early dawn morning around the community fields of Kansas, I admitted my past feelings. Before I knew it we were kissing but if felt really...weird. Not only weird, it was awkward, like a first kiss. Doing it because our bodies told us too but knowing that this relationship would never really last. Since then we decided that all we needed was friendly company and it's been that way ever since; I wouldn't have any other way.

" That's not what you said last night." Parry replied evenly.

Although he never did stop with the innuendos, it's still Parry after all. I chose to ignore his retort with an eye roll, diverting my attention to Snickers until the heat left my face.

" What did you do with your pants anyways?" Jake asked skeptically, glaring at the younger man from the corner of his eye.

Jake, that old softy has known me longer than Parry. Softy has also put Parry in a headlock more than once because of some of the more outrages innuendos as well.

" It got too hot in that sleeping bag." Parry answered with a shrug of his shoulders. " Plus I didn't grab my portable fan, you know I can't sleep without it."

" That's what I thought." Jake muttered, emptying the sausage and eggs onto three different plates.

" About time mate!" Parry cut in excitedly, grabbing his plate away from Jake's hands.

I couldn't help the laughter bubbling in my throat while Parry grabbed the first fork he saw and dove for the table. Jake handed me my plate and utensils as he stood next to me in the doorway.

" If you don't smack him by the next joke he utters, I'm going too." Jake stated plainly, folding his rather large arms around his equally firm chest.

" Okay dad." I answered, setting down Snickers; whom was eyeing the sausage rather greedily.

I instantly regretted my choice of word when I saw his reaction. Jake's upright stance slacked forward into a defeated hunch, his eyes dropped downward. I could almost see the memories flashing through his dark eyes, feeling the guilt set into my conscience.

" I'm sorry Jake." I instantly stated.

Jake looked down at me disbelievingly, while I shifted my plate so I could squeeze his free hand with mine. A smile replacing his frown for a moment before he strode forward. His stance returning to it's old position as he slid in the seat between me and Parry. We soon settled into a peaceful silence each basking in the privilege of fresh cooked meat in our mouths. While I sneaked a piece of egg to the begging cat beside me, as I gave her another piece a flash of electric green caught me eye.

I looked down at my watch to see it was already eight in the morning. I couldn't believe how fast the past few hours had went. I then hurriedly gulped down the rest of my meal, knowing that I couldn't have the luxury for much longer. We only had so much time left of daylight and there was much more that needed to be done before sun down. I took my empty plate and automatically threw it in the sink, Snickers not bothering with me as she went to annoy her next target. I looked at the empty plate longing, the smell of the meat still fresh in the air. I just hoped that those who lurked in their dark spaces couldn't smell it either. I know just as well as Parry and Jake, that they would follow that seductive scent all the way here.

Then it wouldn't be my hunger I would have to worry about.

There goes chapter two! I really love stories with long chapters so I'll try to make my posts this long every time. Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, I really wanted to expose more background on Abbie! Anyways, if you would like to see more don't forget to REVIEW!

Much thanks!