It's my first time to write a RyoSaku fic!! OMG!!

Sorry for the OOCness if you find one, I'm not really watching POT... I just want to write one for a good friend of mine who loved POT so much...

I would like to Dedicate this fic to Dianne Maye Regala!

Hui! Para sayo 'to wah! hehe...




CHAPTER1: Perfect

Today is like the usual day spent by Ryoma Echizen – practicing tennis, drinking ponta, and of course, the very crazy fangirls.

'Why are girls so weird?' he thought as he was resting at the rooftop.

It's lunch time and -as usual- he's in his favorite hangout –the rooftop. It's not a popular hangout, especially for girls, so most of the time he's always alone there which is good because he doesn't want anyone to disturb his nap time.

Yes. Ryoma Echizen, the tennis prodigy loves to take a nap, and he only has a few things that he loves; playing tennis, ponta, Karupin, and his teammates.

But there are a lot of thing that he hates. For example, his perverted father. Sometimes he wonders how Nanjiro Echizen became his father since he knows that the only thing they have in common is they both love to play tennis.

Speaking of his father he remembered the conversation they had two weeks ago…


His father is forcing him to read or at least look at his newly bought magazine but of course, he refused He tried to give him some tips in love, dating, and even sex but he still refused to listen.

"Are you gay?" his father asked, grinning at him.

"Not because I don't read your perverted magazines and listening to your tips means I'm gay." he replied with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Well…Yeah. But you're already at the right age to have a girlfriend!" Nanjiro replied, scratching the back of his head.

"I hate girls. They're so annoying. Now leave me alone pervert." Ryoma said as he was stroking Karupin's back which cause the cat to make a 'ngeawrrrrrr' sound which means it's enjoying it.

"You hate girls?! Girls exist to be loved kid," Nanjiro proclaimed, "Don't tell me that you-" he looked at Ryoma with hint of amusement in his eyes and in his voice as he speak, "love boys?"

"Shut up. I don't have time to listen to your talk," Ryoma stood up carrying Karupin with him. "I'm not gay alright?"

"Prove it." Nanjiro said. "Prove you're not what I think you are."

"I don't need to prove it." He said as he travels the path to his room.

"Oh no…. My son is a GAY!!" Nanjiro yelled.

"Shut up! Someone might hear you stupid!" Ryoma said to his yelling father.

"Why are you worried? It's true isn't it?" Nanjiro sighed. "I never expected this…"

"I AM NOT GAY!!" Ryoma said as he lost his patience to his perverted father.

"Prove it! I'm challenging you Ryoma," Nanjiro's face became serious. "you have to find yourself a girlfriend in a month's time. After having one bring her here and introduce her to us so we'll make sure if you two really like each other then you're relationship should last at least six months to make sure that you two are not fooling us, understand?"

"That's easy." Ryoma said as he walked upstairs.

"Let's just see! Make sure you do it or I'll tell the whole neighbourhood that you're gay!! I know they'll believe me kid!!" Nanjiro said loud enough for him to hear upstairs.


Ryoma sighed. He knew that his father is really serious about this and even if it's stupid, he need to do this to shut his annoying father up. Actually, the task is really easy, there are a LOT of fangirls around him and the only thing he has to do is to choose someone who he can be with for six months but it seems impossible for now.

He already introduced 10 girls to Nanjiro but no one still passed among them, he doesn't know what the test was- it's a mystery to him. Also, no one still passed to him because he finds them annoying, they're so loud and annoying saying that 'O-M-G! I'm Ryoma-sama's girlfriend!!' or like 'Hey Boyfriend-sama!. All of them always strut around the school and has nothing to say than 'I'm his girlfriend!'

'I wonder when I'll find someone suitable for it..' he thought. He tries to think on who's the least annoying girl he knows. The answer came to his mind and found the answer at last.

"Why didn't I think of that before?" he said to himself. He got up and ran down the stairs to find Sakuno.


"Sakuno!! Someone's looking for you!!" Tomoka called Sakuno with excitement on her voice as she approached the auburn-haired girl.

"Who?" Sakuno asked in confusion. Instead of answering, Tomoka just grinned which cause Sakuno to become more curious who her visitor was.

Sakuno walked to the door of the classroom. She gasped and blushed as she saw who was looking for her. "R-Ryoma-kun.. Why are y-you h-here?"

'Che. She's stuttering again.' "Meet me after school."

"Eh?!" Sakuno could feel her heart beating faster. "W-Why?"

"I have something important to tell you. Let's meet at the under the Sakura tree near the boy's tennis court. I'll come after practice. Could you wait for me?" Ryoma said as he looked seriously on her cute brown eyes.

"O-Okay…" Sakuno only replied. After hearing the reply from her, Ryoma left. Sakuno walked back to her seat and sat down because her knees were feeling weak.

"What did he told you??" Tomoka asked excitedly.

"H-He told me to meet him after his tennis practice… He said he wants to tell me something important." Sakuno said, blushing.

"Kyaaaa!! Do you think he'll confess to you?" Tomoka asked, giggling. "What if after all of his girlfriends, he finally realized that he likes you?!"

"I-I don't think so Tomo-chan…" Sakuno's face slightly became sad.

"Awww… Come on Sakuno! Forget about Ryoma-sama's ex-girlfriends! What's important now is what will happen later!"

It's true that Sakuno really became sad when she found out that Ryoma already has a girlfriend. She cried that day. Then, the next day, she found out that Ryoma already has another girlfriend. She became unusually sad and unenergetic. She always thought Ryoma hates girls.


After school, Tomo-chan bid goodbye to Sakuno early so that she'll be alone. Sakuno hurried down to the boy's tennis court. As she arrived at the place, she saw Ryoma noticed her arrival then gave her a welcoming smirk. She enjoyed watching the practice so much that she hasn't noticed that the time has come.

People are leaving one by one and the last one to come out was Ryoma. He looked at her as if saying 'follow me' then walked pass her. She followed him until they arrived under the tree he was talking about.

"Ryuzaki.." he said as he face her.

"Y-Yes?" Sakuno could feel the heat rising up her cheeks and hear her hearbeat pounding loudly.

He looked seriously in her eyes and said, "Be my girlfriend."

"E-EH?!" that's all that Sakuno can say. She wanted to say yes but she still want to ask him a few questions. "What about your girlfriend?"

"Che. Forget her. She's so annoying."

Ryoma suddenly felt a stinging pain on his cheeks.

"G-Gomen nasai Ryoma-kun but," Sakuno apologized. She didn't know what happened but she suddenly felt the urge to slap him. Maybe it's a girl's instinct. "I-I don't think that what you did is right," she said as she looked down, avoiding to meet his eyes. "It's not proper to treat g-girls like that."

"Hn.." Ryoma looked at her. 'Perfect.'

"I think I should explain this to you." Ryoma said at Sakuno who's still looking at her shoes. 'What's she doing?' He explains everything to that happened to his conversation with his father two weeks ago.

Sakuno looked up to him. "H-He actually thinks you're g-gay??" she said, shocked.


"Mou… I don't think he'll believe our 'relationship' Ryoma-kun," said she.

"Trying won't hurt right? Besides you'll just have to pretend to be my girlfriend."

"I'm not really a good liar Ryoma-kun… They might figure out we're fooling them."

"Let's just try okay, Ryuzaki?" Ryoma looked at her intently.

"O-Okay.." she agreed. "Well, I got to go now Ryoma-kun.. See you tomorrow." she smiled at him and leave.

'What's with the cute smile?'


Hope you all like it! Reviews would be awesome!