I know, I know its taken me forever. Yeah I get it . I just have bad writers block. So this story is going to end either in the next chapter or the one after that. So I hope you enjoy this one, hopefully I'll stop having writers block.

Oh and I'm not one to gloat but… HAWKS WIN! We won! Suck it Flyers! Sorry to flyers fans but yea.

Du Du Du Du Da Da Da Da!

Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock or any of the original characters. I do own Selena Scott, Kelly Taylor, Nikki Davis, Mark, Zachary, Ian and Natalie Taylor, Olivia and Vincent Scott, Tiffany Davis, Dean and David.

Previously on Some Things Never Change

"God could you be any louder?" Selena was in a state of shock, she didn't think all of her yelling would actually do anything. "Three things. One, forgive that damn husband of your's, all he does is whine. Second, where is Shane? And third, where are my children?" Selena was still dumbfounded, it wasn't until Mitchie said her name with a tone that Selena ran out of room. She ran right out to the waiting room where Mitchie's friends and family had been sitting, and where Shane was currently talking with Mitchie's doctor.

"She's awake!" That caught everyone's attention, especially her brother, who had the biggest look of excitement on his face.

Nate Scott knocked softly on the front door of his Chicago home. The home he has lived in for the last 6 years. The home where his wife and children live. The home that holds so many memories. The home he was kicked out of.

He was glad Selena had finally agreed to let him come over and see his kids. He'd been dying, not being able to see them daily. Light footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door and Nate knew Olivia was running to the door. Right after the footsteps stopped the door swung open to reveal Olivia, her hair damp, forming into loose waves, and her dress was some what rumpled. Nate guessed Selena was half way through dressing their daughter when he knocked on the door, causing the little girl to leap away from her mother before her clothes were on properly. "Daddy!" The little girl squealed in delight as she leapt into her fathers arms. "Daddy I missed you sooo much." Nate picked his daughter up, never wanting to let her down, and carried her into the house. Selena came running down the hall, stopping when she saw her husband.

Selena's hair was in a disarray and her cheeks were flushed from running to catch her daughter. Nate gave her a small smile, just wanting to run his fingers through her soft hair and kiss her, just to prove how much he needed her in his life, but he refrained from it. "Hey Sel." She cringed at the nick name, or maybe at his voice, Nate wasn't too sure. "Thanks for letting me take them out today." She gave a tiny smile, but Nate knew it was because their children were in the room.

"Daddy? What are we doing today?" Olivia asked.

"I thought we'd go to the zoo, maybe get some ice cream after?" Olivia got the biggest smile on her face. "Does that sound okay to you?"

"YES! Can mommy come with?" Nate turned to Selena with a questioning expression.

"Honey, wouldn't you much rather it just be you, Vince, and your daddy?" Selena asked, hoping she didn't have to spend any more time with Nate than needed.

"No. I want it to be all of us, like it used to be." Olivia gave her mother the puppy dog eyes she knew Selena couldn't resist.

"I guess I better go wake up Vince to let him know we're going to the zoo then." Nate smiled at himself, then at Olivia, who shared the same expression as her father.

"Shane! I need you in here! NOW!" Shane casually made his way toward his, and his fiancé Mitchie's, master bedroom. Usually when she called for him he bolted toward the room, but by now he'd figured out when she was serious or just needed to talk about something. When he got to their room he leaned against the door frame, a smirk playing on his features. He watched as she slouched over a chart, hair in a messy bun, brow's in a furrowed line. She hadn't notice him walk in.

"Should you really be sitting up like that?" Shane's voice made Mitchie jump, she looked at him, eyebrow cocked.

"Im on bed rest. No where does it say I have to be constantly laying down." Shane smirked at her words. He swiftly crossed the room and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. Ever since she'd agreed to marry him, again, he couldn't keep his hands off her, which left them in this current situation, with three newborns. Mitchie let out a sign, moved some hair out of her face and smile at her future husband. Finally everything was perfect. "Where are the babies?" She just noticed Shane didn't have one of their three children in his arms, or all three.

"They all just went down for their naps. And you were right, putting them all in separate rooms really helps the crying problem." Mitchie giggled at the comment.

"You should know by now I'm always right. Just like I was right about you getting your hair cut short. It looks so sexy by the way. More mature." Mitchie said while running her hands through his dark brown locks.

"What are you saying I'm not mature?" Shane teased.

"No just you look older." Mitchie could tell she didn't choose her words wisely, so before Shane could retort with another statement she spoke up. "Its just like…like you know how when Zac Efron had his hair long? Every time you saw him you just thought 'Troy Bolton'. But when he chopped it off and grew some stubble you thought 'Chace Crawford'. Do you get what I'm saying?"

"I think you're comparing me to that tone deaf teeny bopper." Shane threw back, he seemed insulted.

"Whatever. It just looks good. That's all I was trying to say." Mitchie said going back to her previous task, seating arrangements for the wedding. "76!" She suddenly busted out, causing Shane to jump slightly.

"What?" He asked.

"76. That's the number of people we have coming to this wedding. Do you know how much easier this whole thing would be if we had 75 guests? But no we have 76." Shane was about to say something but Mitchie cut him off, he clamped his mouth shut. "I mean does you're cousins husbands brother's nephew really need to come to our wedding?"

"Oh Topher is invited?" Shane joked, Mitchie however, didn't find it funny in the least. "Fine, fine. Here all we have to do is take a pen…" Shane picked up the pen from Mitchies hand, brought it to the clipboard and crossed off a name he didn't recognize. "And it's that easy."

"Just like that?" Mitchie asked looking up at him.

"Just like that." Shane said, kissing Mitchie on the lips. Suddenly there was a baby crying coming from one of the three baby monitors on his belt. He looked at it, it was labeled Allie, aka Alyson. "Be back later, when I smell like shit filled diapers and I revolt you to no extent." Shane grumbled as he got off the bed.

"I could always go…" Mitchie suggested

"No. Didn't you hear the doctor? You're on bed rest. No moving. Don't worry I'll bring her in here, maybe you'll sing her to sleep." Mitchie watched him leave, a huge smile on her face.

"Daddy? What's your favorite animal?" Olivia asked from Nate shoulders. She'd been begging him all day to let her sit on his shoulders, she liked the view.

"Hmmmm. Probably the wolves." Nate said after thinking for a few minutes. He caught Selena's eye and smiled but she looked away.

"Just like momma!" Selena exclaimed. Nate chuckled and nodded his head yes.

To some they looked like the perfect family. Nate and Selena, with their two children at the zoo. Olivia on Nate's shoulders, and Vince in his stroller looking around excitedly while Selena pushed him. At a glance you'd never guess that Nate was currently kicked out of the house or that Selena could barely stand to look at him, that is unless you're great friends and you could see the pleading look in Nate's eyes or the slight grimace Selena wore.

"Daddy can we go see the leopards? They are my favorite. Ohhh and they the giraffe, and the dolphin, and the monkeys, and then the wolves.

"Of course sweetie. We can see whatever you want." Nate looked back over at Selena, but she was staring straight ahead, making sure they didn't make eye contact again.

"Shaney?" Shane heard Mitchie whine from their bedroom. The babies were all actually behaving with each other, they were all in their bigger than the average play pen. Shane checked to make sure none of them were biting or hitting each other before he went into the bedroom. Mitchie sat on the bed with a pout. "What took you so long?"

"Babies." Shane said motioning back toward the family room. "What do you want Mitchie?" He knew she wanted to get something out of him, he just didn't know what. Then he noticed her Chicago Blackhawks jersey.

"Shane… do you think maybe I can just sit out in the family room today? Just until the hawks game is over?" Shane chuckled and walked over to his fiancé.

"Babe you're not aloud to leave this bed." Shane explained.

"But-" Mitchie tired.

"No. No buts. I'm sorry but I'm not letting you leave this bed." Mitchie watched Shane leave the room with a disappointed expression. She then heard some shuffling. Next thing she knew Shane had Brooke in his hands and had brought her into the bedroom. She was adorable, already had Mitchie's chocolate brown locks in two pigtails. She also had hazel green eyes that she got from Shane's grandfather, and Mitchie's naturally creamy, pale skin. Shane placed Brooke in Mitchie's arms and left.

Next he brought Brody. The boy looked exactly like Shane. Same curly dark brown hair and gorgeous light brown eyes. He was smiling at Mitchie, she had to smile back. "Hey bubba." Mitchie said to him. He reached for her and she set him on her lap next to Brooke. They looked at each other, Brody took Brooke's binky out of her mouth and put it in his. She started to whimper but luckily Shane came in with an extra binky and their last child, Alyson. "Thanks babe, she was going to start whaling." Shane chuckled, and put Allie in front of Mitchie, they formed a circle. The Shane left again. "Babe, where are you going?" Mitchie asked but Shane didn't answer.

Mitchie heard some more shuffling and then saw Shane hauling their removable surround sound system into their bedroom, connecting it to the television that was mounted on the wall across from Mitchie. When he was done he went into the dresser, pulled out his hawks jersey and threw it over his head. Mitchie smiled and knew exactly what he was doing. Shane joined her in their bed, and taking Allie on his lap. He turned on the tv just in time for the game to start. Mitchie smiled and looked at Shane. I have the best guy in the world.

Nate, Selena, Olivia and Vince had just settled down to eat their lunch. The whole day seemed to go fine so far. They'd seen almost all of the animals and they were planning to leave soon, and they hadn't to deal with any crazed fans. If there were any most seemed to respect Nate with his family. Well most of them. Suddenly Nate felt a tap on his shoulder, when he turned around Selena looked over at the person. It was a girl, probably early twenties, dirty blond hair that curled around her heart shaped face, bright green eyes, sun kissed skin, she was pretty, and didn't seem to have noticed Selena or the kids. Her focus was on Nate and Nate alone.

"Oh my god I knew it was you. My friends and I were debating if you were really Nate Scott or not." She let out a little nervous giggle, making Selena roll her eyes. "Um I was just wondering if I could get a quick picture?"

"Sure." Nate said, never one to turn down a fan. Suddenly there was a girl in front of them, taking a picture. The flash went off and Olivia shielded her eyes. When the picture was over the girl didn't leave, she just kept talking to Nate.

"By the way I'm Carson. I've been a fan of Connect 3 since the being, you were always my favorite. And I'm so sorry to hear about you and your wife," Selena cocked her brow and that comment. "But if you're ever lonely or want someone to talk to… well just give me a call." She slipped a note into Nate hand, he seemed too shocked to say anything. Before Carson could say anything else Selena got up from her chair and walked in front of her, taking the note out of Nate's hand and shoving it into Carson's face.

"Hi you know that wife you were talking about, I'm right here. And my husband and I are trying to have a nice meal with our children." Carson seemed to just then notice the kids, Olivia was glaring at her. "Nate will not be calling you because he has me and will always have me. So you should leave now, and don't ever hit on my husband in front of me or my children every again, you blond bimbo." The girl looked shocked and walked away, Nate looked at Selena in amazement, and she was fuming.

Nate smiled, turned her face to him and gave her a sweet peck on the lips. For a minute Selena forgot everything that had happened and pulled him in to deepen the kiss. He smelled of leather and a hint of burning wood, it engulfed her senses. She loved the way he smelled. When Nate pulled away from her, the biggest smile on his face, she realized what she had just done. She remembered everything that had happened. She released her grip from his leather jacket and walked back to the table. "Olivia eat your chicken fingers." She said as she noticed Olivia with a smile as big as her fathers on her face.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mitchie screamed at the top of her lungs, hands flying in the air. Shane and Mitchie had been watching game 6 of 7 in the Stanley Cup Finals and Kane had just won Chicago the Stanley Cup in overtime. The kids had gone to bed a few hours ago so both Mitchie and Shane could be as loud as possible. "We WON! WOOO GO KANE!" Mitchie was a little over the top, Shane just smiled and clapped, but he didn't calm her down, she was happy. "Did you see that? It went right under his legs." Mitchie said to Shane, he smiled at her, loving how excited she got.

"Yes Mitchie I saw it. I just wish they played the song." Shane said, his smile faltering for a second.

"Aw I'm sorry were not home babe. But it's kind of nice to win away, shove it in their faces." Shane smiled and grabbed Mitchie around the waist.

"Speaking of shoving faces." He said, pulling Mitchie toward him, fusing their lips together. Shane gently laid Mitchie on the bed, he hovered over her, smiling down. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She replied, her love showing through her eyes. God how she loved him.

Nate carried Olivia into her bedroom, she groggily opened her eyes and looked up at her father who had already laid her in her bed and was about to leave. "Daddy." She said, making sure it was him. He turned around and looked at his daughter, she was rubbing her eyes, trying to get the sleepy out of them as she told him.

"Yeah sweetheart?" He asked quietly, moving back to her bed and lightly sitting down next to her. He moved a piece of hair that had fallen in her eye out of the way.

"Can you sing that song you wrote about mommy to me?" She asked quietly.

"It's not finished, but I can sing the part I have." He said quietly. "Is that okay?" She nodded her head yes. Nate started to sing the song that he'd been working on since Selena kicked him out.

She walks away
Colors fade to gray
Every precious moment's now a waste

She hits the gas
Hoping it would pass
The red light starts to flash
It's time to wait

And the black keys
Never looks so beautiful
And a perfect rainbow never seems so dull
And the lights out
Never had this brighter glow
And the black keys
Showing me a world I never would know
World I never knew

Once Olivia had fallen asleep Nate tucked her in tightly, kissed her lightly on her forehead and turned around to leave. That's when he noticed Selena in the door way, a few tears sliding down her face. They made eye contact for a second before she walked away, Nate followed. "Sel," He said, not sure on exactly what he wanted to say to her.

"Why did you sing that to her? Why do you insist on getting her hopes up?" She asked him, the tears coming down full force now.

"Her…or you?" He asked quietly, she pretended not to hear him.

"I think its time for you to leave." Nate looked at her, questioning her motives.

"Selena wait. What…what happened today at the zoo?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She countered. Selena turned around and started to pick up Olivia and Vincent's toys from the ground. Nate smiled, he knew she liked to clean when she didn't want to deal with a situation.

"That kiss. Come on you can't tell me you didn't feel anything." She still had her back to him, he'd had enough. He grabbed her arms and turned her around to face him, toys still in her hands. "Sel look at me. I love you. I want to come home. Its been months, I've been loyal. God I miss you, and Livi, and Vince so much. I need you in my life. Please." She looked away from his begging eyes, even as he shook her with every word. "Please."

"I…I'm scared Nate." She whispered. He sighed and pulled her into him, one arm wrapping around her waist and the other around her head. She sobbed into his shoulder, his chin resting on her head. "I'm scared to love you again. I'm scared to give you my heart again just to have you tear it apart. I'm scared next time… I'm scared there will be a next time." She said looking up at him, her chocolate brown eyes filled with fear. "I can't go through this again."

"There won't be a next time. You're my one and only. Forever. I love you Selena." Nate had waited long enough, he leaned down and caught her lips in a kiss. It was salty from the tears, but it was by far the best kiss of his life. When they pulled away she rested her head on his chest. "Can I please come home?" He felt her nod her head slightly, and then he started to cry as well. "Thank you. I love you Sel." He said quietly, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." She said. She had dropped the toys minutes ago, now they held each other, not wanting to let go, never wanting to let go.

You like? I felt like we needed some quality Smitchie fluff. And I felt it was about time Selena and Nate got back together, but I didn't want another fight. I just wanted them to be honest with each other, and with themselves. Please review and tell me your thoughts. Woooo 3,645 words. nice huh?