Hey guys, so I am guessing you all have read Things Change, and if you haven't, go read it cuz this might be a little bit confusing. This is going to be very dramatic. So you've been warned.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

RECAP, Mitchie's POV:

Hey guys, so I guess you guy's don't know what has happened in the last 10 years. Here's a recap. Shane never came back to school, Selena said he found a apartment in Chicago about 2 hours away from our suburban homes. He only came back on the main holidays but he refused to talk to me. So I stopped trying, he obviously didn't want to see me. The gossip magazines said he dated a lot of people but I didn't want to read them and I always told Selena not to mention his new fling to me. Mark and I tried to go out during senior year but it wasn't the same, we didn't last very long. Nate and Selena went out in junior year and stayed together all threw out high school and college. There are now married with two kids. If you're worried about Caitlin, don't be. She found an amazing guy at Camp Rock that year and they've been dating since, his name is David. I never went back to Camp Rock, actually I gave up music after Shane left. Everything I wrote just reminded me of him, and it hurt too much to think about him.

Since I never really went back into music I started to draw, it was just something artistic I would do to pass the time. I would always draw clothing though, and it was usually dresses. One day I decided to draw my perfect wedding dress and it came out great, that's when I realized I wanted to be a wedding dress designer. I already knew how to sow and make cloths and I took extra classes in school to make me better. I went to design school with Selena, it turned out she would draw and sketch shoes and their amazing. (yea I got that from P.S. I love you. lol) We made a lot of matching dresses and shoes and decided we were going to start our own Bridal store. I would design the dresses and make them and Selena would make the shoes. We just graduated a few years ago and have been saving money, not just to open a store, but to make the clothes to. And the reason Selena didn't ask her parents for the money was because she wanted to make a living by herself, and not use her brother's money.


Selena and I just opened our store 30 minutes ago and we already have someone coming in. Selena was in the back getting more of the dresses and putting them on the racks. I only looked up from behind the counter, where I was paying the bills for the store, when I heard a bunch of hangers hit the ground. When I looked up I saw Selena picking up 5 dresses that she had dropped, she was staring at our customer who I haven't looked at yet. When I looked at our customer my mouth dropped. It was Nikki Davis. She is a famous singer and she was at our store, our store hadn't even been open a month and we already had a celebrity walk in. She walked up to me. "Hello. I've been looking for a dress all day and I have found the perfect one. I passed you store and saw some beautiful looking ones in the window. Could I see the rest of your collection?" She asked. I nodded.

"Do you have anything in mind?" I asked her.

"I want something that's satin, strapless, with beads and lace, and a pick-up skirt." She said.

"We just opened so we don't have anything like that at the moment, but I could sketch something like that up for you and you could add or take away stuff from the sketch and make it into your perfect dress." She seemed to like that idea.

"That's great. Do you sell shoe's here too?" She asked.

"Well I make the dresses and the other owner makes the shoes. My cousin also owns a jewelry store so I could send her the sketch and she can make some jewelry to match." I said, sketching up a dress as I talked to her.

"Oh that sounds great. Who is the other owner?" She asked.

"Hold on I'll get her, look over the sketch and tell me what you think." I said showing her the dress I drew and went to get Selena. "Hey we have a costomer who wants you to make her some shoes. Come on." I said. Selena didn't move. "Are you coming?" I asked.

"You really don't want me to go out there." Selena said. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out to the counter.

"Here she is," I said bringing Selena out to meet Nikki, "She is the best." I said. Nikki looked up at Selena and got a huge smile and then pulled Selena in for a hug. That was a little weird.

"Oh Selena, its been what 2 months since I've seen you? I'm so glad I get to see you, and you're making my shoes. This is going to be so fun!" She exclaimed. "Oh so you're her friend Mitchie." Nikki said to me.

"Do you two now each other?" Stupid question Mitchie of course they know each other. Nikki nodded.

'Of course we know each other! I mean I am-"She was suddenly cut off by a man's voice.

"Babe, have you found a dress yet?" the voice asked. I looked over at the door to see a face I haven't seen in 10 years. My breath caught in my throat. Nikki ran over to him.

"Actually I'm getting on made. Meet our new dress designer, Mitchie Torres." Nikki said gesturing toward me.

"Mitchie?!" I herd him mumble.

"Hi Shane…" I said back. Well this will be interesting.

I know that's the sneek peek but whatever. Her dress is in my pro. Hope you liked it, please review.