A/N: This is my first attempt at an actual drabble-length drabble. It was written for the Summer Drabble-a-thon. Prompt: Swim Lessons. I hope you enjoy it.

It was the middle of summer and the NY heat was oppressive.

One evening, after a particularly strenuous shift, Adam suggested that they go swimming to cool off.

"Swimming? Swimming? Adam, I've gone swimming in my life!"

"Never? Not even when you were a little girl?"

"I played in the ocean a time or two, but I've never really gone swimming. I don't know how. I don't even own a swimsuit."

"We'll have to fix that," Adam said.

They went to one of the small boutiques just a few blocks up, where Angell found a beautiful chocolate brown tankini with silver accents on the front of the top. It looked stunning on her. Their task only took them about 20 minutes, so they stopped for dinner at a little cafe next to Adam's apartment before going to his place to change into their swimwear.

Another half an hour and they were on their way. Adam had a membership to a private pool about 6 blocks from his apartment that allowed him to bring guests, and Jess found the pool to be quite delightful. It was situated outside with beautiful palm trees around the perimeter of the walkway. The water was heated just perfectly. There was hardly anyone there. She loved it until Adam decided it was time for her to learn how to swim.

"Can't we just forget about that, Adam?" Jess asked with puppy dog eyes.

"C'mon, just give it a try, and if you still don't like it, then I'll leave you alone. I promise."

Adam led her to the deeper end, where the water came up to the middle of his chest. He put his hands out and told her to let him support her weight as she moved. Within half an hour she was swimming easily from one side of the pool to the other.

They swam for another half hour or so before they tired. They bought ice cream from the street vendor and walked backed to Adam's place.

After they had both showered and changed they curled up on the couch and Adam started the Wii system. While it was loading Jess turned to him.

"Thanks, Adam."

"What for?"

"Taking me swimming."

"You're welcome."

"You know, I think I should thank you properly."


Adam blushed as she kissed his jaw softly. She moved to straddle his lap and kissed him more firmly. He kissed her gently and his tongue pleaded for entrance. Unfortunately, the Wii chose that moment to finish loading and remind them of their earlier plans.

Jess pulled back and they both blushed at the compromising position they found themselves in. Adam handed her a controller as she moved back to her spot next to him on the couch.

That night as he was getting ready for bed he found her swimsuit draped over his towel bar. He decided to leave it there. It would just give him an excuse to take her for more swimming lessons. Or something like that.

A/N Please take a moment to review, I'd love to hear your opinion on the drabble.