This story will get finished....

Artemis went to find Fig, who was still sitting at the computer, listening to loud music that sounded similar to something Juliet would have. Artemis walked up behind him silently and leaned against the wall. Fig changed his song and than switched back to a system that showed Koboi's building. It did not only show the blueprints for the outside but the inside too. Infared figures walked across the screen and into rooms. So, this was how Fig was going to come up behind them guards, to take them out before they knew what happened. Fig was going to know thier routine perfectly. There could be no room for error right. Wrong, Fig could always be to slow or someone could step out of line. The system was amazing though and Artemis wondered how Foaly hadn't detected it, along with this ship.

Artemis almost jumped, almost, when Fig spoke to him, "The ship is so old and without any technology besides the basic uses for flying, Foaly doesn't even notice us. The computer is hooked up to human technology so, Foaly ignores it. Even if he did look on here it would look like a regular sixteen year old boy owns it. He hates his parents and his girlfriend is only known to him online. They've never met in person, but they want to run away together."

It was as if his own trick was backfired onto him for the first time. People have snuck up on Artemis before, he wasn't the only person who could do that, but not many people could notice when Artemis snuck up on them. Nor could they keep thier composer as if nothing had happened and then tell them the answers to what they were questioning in thier minds. Artemis was almost dumbstuck. Though he kept in mind, no matter how a person acted on the outside, they had something on the inside that was more dangerous than anything. Fig was one of the dangerous ones. Artemis decided to ask, "Are you positive you can do this?"

Fig spun around and locked his hands together, biting his lip, "It isn't hard. I mean anyone can look at it, time it, and make a plan that would take them out in less than thirty seconds. The problem is, some of these guys don't take thier jobs completely seriously, and if someone stops, goes to the bathroom, or decides to talk to someone else, I'm screwed. I just know I got to keep my eyes out."

"You know this and yet you're still going to go into harm's way? For what?" Artemis asked giving him a seriously, that told him he could die or worse. Get them all killed.

Fig's head fell down and he made a tiny turn towards the door. After a moment he whispered, "I just gotta save Holly."

In his voice, Artemis could feel so much love it was hard to deny he had anything but good intentions for this. It was almost pleading that Holly was safe. Fig was a true friend and a brother. This made Artemis certain Fig would do his job. A sad smile fell on his face and he said, "Well, just as long as you pay attention, than we will be good. Make sure you talk to Holly a little more while we are on here, I don't want her alone with Carter."

Artemis turned to walk away until he heard Fig's laughter. Artemis turned and asked, "What's so funny?"

"I am being mushy over here, like I love her. You figure I'm not a threat because I don't say anything to her, yet Carter throws himself at her like an idiot and you think he could do some damage," Fig paused and looked at Artemis seriously before continuing, "You don't have competition Artemis. I know she loves you. Just don't hurt her okay... I will kill you if you do."

Artemis smiled at Fig and replied, "Good, than does that mean you'll kill Carter if he does the same."

Holly walked down the corridor sleepily and ran into something. Carter held her steady, so she didn't fall down. She looked up at him and he asked, "Tired?"

Holly only nodded and Carter led her down to where the chairs were. He sat her down and went to the corner where the food was. He put some water in a cup and poured something else into it before bringing it back to her. Holly took it in her hands, feeling its warmth and then smelling the sweet aroma of coffee. It was straight black, not her taste, but right now she didn't care what it was. After the first disgusting sip, she started to calm down and her eyes opened up more. Fairy coffee had that great effect on her. It was hard core and made anyone snap open thier eyes at the smell of it.

As she sat there Carter leaned over her and teased a hair slowly behind her ear. Holly looked up at him uneasily but didn't make any comments as she drank more of her coffee. It would be best to ignore that. He moved in front of her and bowed down to her level. She looked at her coffee which made him a little angry. She needed to be his and if at first she would avoid it, he would force her to see what he felt.

Carter grabbed Holly's chin forcefully and pulled her to meet his gaze. She saw what passion he held in his eyes, the want and the need. After all the years they had known each other this was the first time he had made it clear. He would not take no for an answer. In one quick movement, he captured her lips. Holly fought but his fingers dug into arms which she knew would create bruises. Holly tried turning her head and successfully took his lips off her. Both were breathing heavily from lack of air. Holly looked back at him angrily and he smiled. For some reason it made him happy which made her want to hit him ten times harder than she already planned.

Holly stood up quickly, pushing Carter backwards, but not as to fall, just step back. She made her way to the door but his arm grabbed hers and pulled around to him, pressing her against the door frame and frantically kissing her lips again. He didn't want to lose this opportunity to get her attention. She would kiss him back if he had to go at this all day. He would do anything. Holly's arms quickly came up to defend herself from him but he harshly threw them aside. One of his hands pulled her closer to him from around her waist as the other kept her lips hard on his with a hand behind her head. He kissed her passionately even as she struggled, until finally she kicked him.

Carter fell away and Holly ran past him to the front of the ship. She looked around at the controls and was tempted then to take them. She just wanted to fly away from what just happened, but Carter was on the ship and thier was nothing she could do. She heard footsteps and slammed the door shut. This must have sent Carter into a panic because a loud knocking followed, "Holly!"

She found the lock and flipped it closed, taking a step back from her work and turning around to look at everything. She heard Carter's yell, "Don't do anything you will regret Holly!"

She turned to the door shakily and yelled back, "I'm just getting away from you."

His mouth dropped open on the other side of the door. At the moment there was nothing that could be said. Carter realized that he went a little over the line and he should let her cool down before he tried to take any more steps forward. He turned and walked out of the room. Holly stood for a few more minutes and when she realized he had left she sat down in the piolets chair, exhausted.

What was his deal? Why did he do that so suddenly and why did he have to act like he possessed her? It was the fact that he couldn't take no for an answer that scared her. What would he do next time? Would she be strong enough to stop him. Holly wasn't sure and she didn't know what to think.

She knew Carter loved her. It was in the fiery passion of his kiss that had told her but how much were the feelings mutual. She had known him for so long and she had never seen this side of him. She touched her lips that were still inflamed by his kiss. It was burning, but in a good way or a bad way? She layed her head on the dash board and let out a frustrated moan. What if she didn't fight him? Just to see what would happen. If she really was okay with it or not. She was afraid but at the same time she knew Carter didn't want to hurt her. Would he?

As she lifted her head off the dashboard she heard a knock at the door. Artemis voice was soft and soothing, "Holly, are you in there?"

Then there was Artemis. Would he ever capture her in a kiss so fierce? She felt something emense for him that she had never felt before, but would Carter over take that?

There was only one way to find out. Holly got out of the chair and opened the door.