LUV Aliikai
Z didn't understand why she was here. This was an investigation, she was a musician. Yet she was here by request. By L's request. Sure she knew him, they grew up in the same house, she looked up to him. But why was she here? Was she just supposed to be a pretty face? If so, L could have picked better. Her river of midnight colored hair cascaded to her hips and her almost dead looking eyes contrasted deeply with her moon colored skin. Z ran her well calloused hands over her jeans. She never did like her hands. Sure, they were long and thin, but they just always seemed awkward to her. She was brought back to herself when Matsuda dropped a book, the noise ringing in her ears. Matsu blushed a bit as he met her eyes. She smiled slightly and then turned her gaze back to the man beside her. He was tall, 5'10, with chocolate brown hair and black eyes. Black bags underlined his eyes, the result of not enough sleep. Thinking of sleep, Z glanced around the room and noticed that everyone but themselves had slipped off to bed. She stood up and stretched, her shirt coming up over her bellybutton. She leaned over and put a hand on L's shoulder. He looked up at her with his big eyes, silently questioning. She gave him what other kids called her 'Mother" look.
"You're going to bed," she said softly.
"I've got work to do," was all he said.
"I know for a fact that you haven't slept in a week. If you don't sleep soon…," she let her sentence drop off.
Z had always had a soft spot for L, even if he was older. She hated to see him sick or miserable. She sighed and gently moved some of the hair that was always plaguing his face. After a few moments, L reached over and switched the computer off. Z had won. Both left the room, cutting out the lights. For as long as she could remember, Z and L had shared a room. But now that there was space, they didn't. Z stopped at her room door.
"L," she began, but stopped.
He turned to look at her with tired eyes.
"Why did you bring me here? What help could I possibly give?"
"I like your company."
"I know you're lying. Don't mess with me. Please, why am I here?"
"I thought it would have been obvious by now," he muttered.
He leaned in close like he was going to whisper something in her ear. She waited but instead felt completely shocked. She thought his lips had pecked hers but it was so brief she couldn't be sure.
"D-did you just?"
He answered her unfinished question with another kiss. This one she was sure was real. Somehow within the span of their lip locking, L had grabbed her hips and guided her into his room down the hall. After realizing this fact, she pulled back to chew on her lip.
"Don't worry about it," he muttered, "We're going to sleep."
At first they ended up like they always did, Z curled up in a ball with L stretched out next to her. But somehow or another, Z ended up lying half on top of L, his arms wrapped around her. After Z found themselves like that the next morning, she smiled to her self, then to the sleeping L.
If she was going to wake up like this every morning, Z would defiantly make L go to bed more often.