Older Guy

Summary: 14 year old Sharpay Evans gets 17 year old Troy Bolton as a babysitter. She gives him the cold shoulder, but eventually falls for him. They get close, but with both their birthdays coming up, problems bloom. Will they last? Or will they go their separate ways?

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING.


July 5, 2007

Sharpay and her mom, Gwen, were in their front yard lying in their beach chairs in their bikinis. People rode by in their cars beeping their horns and whistling. Sharpay looked at her mom and smiled. Just then, a boy walked in their yard. Sharpay looked at him through her sunglasses.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm-," he started.

"Troy!" Gwen exclaimed. She got up and gave him a quick hug.

Sharpay snatched off her shades. "Mom, I didn't know you were into…," she glanced at Troy, "younger men."

Troy snickered. Gwen smiled. "Uh, honey, this isn't my boyfriend. It's your…" she trailed off.

Sharpay slowly sat up. "My what? Please don't say my babysitter," she said.

Gwen bit her lower lip. "Ok, I won't say it," she said.

Sharpay's jaw fell. Her eyes bugged out. "Mother!" she screamed.

Troy and Gwen jumped. Sharpay jumped up. Gwen ran over to her. "Sharpay, it's not as bad as you think," she tried to explain.

"Not as bad as I think!" Sharpay screeched. Then she started ranting about how she was fourteen and she didn't need a babysitter.

Meanwhile, through all this, Troy was checking Sharpay out. 'For a fourteen year old, she's pretty hot. It looks to me like she's an early bloomer. And look at those lips and those eyes, which are staring right at me,' he thought. Troy snapped out of his trance to find Gwen and Sharpay staring at him. Sharpay looked at her mother.

"Fine, whatever, but that doesn't mean I have to be nice to him," she said, laying back down and putting her shades back on. She shot Troy a fake smile. Then she got comfortable again.

"Troy, get your things and put them in the house. Later, I'll get Sharpay to show you the house," Gwen told Troy. Then she went into the house.

Troy looked at Sharpay. "I think you should know my whole name. I'm Troy Bolton," he said.

"Yeah, I know," Sharpay said with a slight attitude.

Troy sat down on the other chair. "So…," he started.

"Look, why don't you go do what my mom said? Take your time, because I'm in no rush to help you," Sharpay stated.

Troy smiled. 'She's a bitch when she's mad, but that's hot,' he thought. Troy sighed and stood up. He took that time to look at Sharpay's legs.

"What are you looking at?" Sharpay asked.

Troy snapped his eyes up and quickly turned to go put his things in the house.


"And this is your room. Right through that door is your bathroom," Sharpay explained as she showed Troy his room. It had taken an hour to take a full tour of the house and his room was the last one. Troy noticed that she had skipped her room. "Well, I guess that's it," Sharpay said.

She tried to walk away, but Troy stopped her. "I don't think so. You haven't showed me your room," he said.

Sharpay rolled her eyes. "Why would I show you my room?" Sharpay asked, quite annoyed.

Troy smiled and moved closer. "You know, so I can protect you," he said.

Sharpay rolled her eyes at the fact that he was flirting with her. "You're a babysitter. Not a lifeguard. Ok?" she said. Then she turned and went downstairs. Troy smiled and went in his room.

Later that night

Everyone was gathered around the huge dining room table. Gwen had invited a few guests, so that left Sharpay sitting beside Troy. In a way, Sharpay felt like she had done it on purpose. Well, now, she was stuck beside him.

The butlers came out and gave everyone their plates. Troy eyed his plate. 'I don't know what that is, but it looks scary,' he thought. He looked at Sharpay. Sharpay knew what he was thinking. She leaned over to his ear.

"Our head chef is a vegetarian," she explained, "He used to only make us veggies, but we begged him to make meat for once in his life. He agreed and the next night, he gave us tofu."

Troy looked at Sharpay."Tofu?" he asked.

Sharpay nodded. "It's a vegetarian meat. It looks and taste disgusting. Tonight, he gave us…," Sharpay looked down at the plate, "tofurkey."

Troy looked sick. "How do you eat it?" he asked.

Sharpay smirked. "I don't. I do this." Then she looked at her mom. "Mommy, I'm not really all that hungry. You know, from what happened today. Is it okay if I just go to my room?" Sharpay asked.

Gwen nodded. "Sure, go ahead," she agreed.

Before Sharpay stood up, she leaned over to Troy. "I'll order a pizza," she whispered. Troy nodded. Sharpay got up and quickly went upstairs.

Gwen looked at Troy. "You don't have to stay in here with all us grown-ups, Troy. You can go upstairs," she told him.

Troy nodded. "Okay."


Troy walked in his room to find Sharpay sitting on his bed. "Hey," he said.

Sharpay quickly stood up. "OhmyGod! You finally made it. I thought they made you eat the tofurkey!" she exclaimed. Troy shook his head and sat on his bed.

Sharpay sat crossed-leg on the floor, facing him. "I ordered the pizza," she said, "I told them to deliver it at your window so there wouldn't be any problems downstairs." Troy just nodded. There was a pregnant silence. Sharpay looked at Troy. "Look, just so you know, I still don't like you and I most definitely don't want you here. That whole thing just a minute ago? That was me making conversation. So don't get any ideas, alright?"

Troy smiled and said, "Alright."

Sharpay's gaze lingered on Troy's smile for a while. 'He has some pretty teeth,' she thought. Her gaze rose to his eyes. 'He has pretty eyes. Wait a minute! What am I thinking? I don't like this guy. I can't like this guy. I won't like this guy!'

She quickly looked away. Just then, the pizza guy knocked on the balcony window. Sharpay quickly stood up and went to get the pizza. While she did that, Troy looked at her and nodded. 'She wants me,' he thought to himself.


After dinner, Gwen went upstairs to check on Sharpay and Troy. She opened Sharpay's door to find she wasn't in there. She was getting a little worried until she heard laughing from Troy's room. She slowly opened the door to find Sharpay and Troy cracking up. She leaned on the door frame and watched.

"And then he tripped over the bag and rolled down the steps!" Sharpay said laughing. Troy burst out laughing, causing soda to come out his nose. Sharpay started laughing harder and fell off the bed. Troy started laughing harder and fell back on the bed. Their laughing fit lasted about two minutes until Sharpay saw her mom smiling at them. She immediately stopped smiling. Troy noticed she was staring at something. He turned around and looked at Sharpay's mom. His smile faded, but not as fast as Sharpay's.

Gwen raised an eye brow at Sharpay. Sharpay sighed. She stood up and walked out the room. Troy looked at Gwen. She gave him a look. He just nodded. Gwen smiled and walked out the room, closing the door behind her.


Reviews please