Heya me again. This was written in the quickest time I've ever written a chapter. Yay.

Description - Sasuke rapes Naruto. He then dies, leaving Naruto to live with the consequences. Mpreg

Warning - Rape/sex scene, yaoi, boy/boy

Disclaimer - Don't own it.

The Truth's in the Child - Chapter I – His last Night

Naruto and Sasuke were at the Valley of the End, they were stood opposite each other both with blood caked to their faces, Naruto blocking Sasuke's path. The Uchiha took a step forwards, ripples on the waters surface radiating out from his feet as he moved, his last kunai in his hand.

"What makes you think I'd come back for you?" he sneered, his black hair was drenched in sweat, he looked miles apart from the Sasuke that the village fawned over.

"Because…" Naruto trailed off, uncertain of how much ha wanted to say, "Because you're my friend." He settled for the bare minimum, but Sasuke just scoffed, and took anther step towards Orochimaru.

"And I love you, I love you Sasuke," he elaborated, his sapphire eyes filled with tears, not quiet spilling over.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his energy reserves were running low, and he felt a tearing pain in his chest, and looked down to see Sasuke's chidori surrounded hand penetrating his chest.

He looked up into dark eyes that were filled with contempt before slumping forwards on his arm. Sasuke sent him flying so that his unconscious form landed on the sandy shore of the river, before turning his back and fleeing Konoha.

That was three years ago, at the moment Naruto was stood at the top of the waterfall, gazing out over the river. He saw his and Sasuke's thirteen year old selves, stood facing each other. Sadly he turned away, and began making his way through the forest back to Konoha.

He sat at his kitchen table, staring absentmindedly into his cup of ramen, swirling his noodles with his chopsticks. In the depths of his noodle soup, he saw Sasuke's sneering face. He pushed the plastic cartoon aside, the movement sent ripples through the liquid, displacing Sasuke's face until it was again just rehydrated vegetables, and laid his head on the table.

On that day, so long ago, Sasuke had torn out Naruto's heart, and served it to him, still beating, on a platter. And though he hated to admit it, Naruto could no longer deny the fact that he still loved Sasuke. Loved him with all his heart and soul.

Eventually the heart broken teen, who had never truly moved on, drifted off into troubled sleep.

After an unknown period of time, Naruto's eyes flickered open. He was lying on the table, but did not know how he got there, the ramen cup lay spilt on the floor. As his mind, still groggy from sleep, tried to work out how he got there, another weight was added to the table.

Looking at the figure above him, he froze in shock, which gave the intruder the opportunity to tear away his jacket and tee-shirt with the help of a kunai. He struggled, trying to squirm out of his firm hold. A pale hand ran up Naruto's bare chest, following it with a tongue, stopping when he reached his ear.

"Now, now, Naruto. I thought this was what you wanted you wanted, I thought you said that you loved me." He whispered huskily.

As he spoke, the hand that was not cradling Naruto's head had trailed down to the band of his trousers. When Naruto realised this and began to struggle, he grabbed his hands and pinned them above the blonde head in a crushing grip.

"Oh, no you don't." This time he was rougher as he tore of the orange trousers.

"No!" Naruto kicked out, hitting Sasuke in the shin, this only worked to make him angrier.

"If you don't stop struggling, I will kill you." He said in an acidic voice, and, looking into his dark eyes, Naruto could see he meant it, and stopped thrashing.

Sasuke took advantage of this stillness, he moved his hand and pulled of his own clothes. Naruto rolled to the side, but the older boy stopped him and, forming some hand signs, summoned snakes of purple chakra that wound themselves around Naruto's wrists, keeping him firmly in place.

But that did not stop Naruto from kicking out again. But now that Sasuke's hands were free, he wrestled with his legs to keep them still, he straddled them and pulled of the boxer shorts. His onyx eyes roamed over the tanned body laid spread-eagled before him.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way," he said menacingly, "but either way, this is going to happen. But if you struggle, Sakura will find out, and I will tell her how you begged for the one she loves to fuck to hard."

He smirked as Naruto's body became still. He moved the blonde so that he was in a more suitable position. He pulled out a tube of lubricant, and coated his hardened shaft in it. His pale hands gripped tanned hips, as he positioned himself at Naruto's entrance.

"Sasuke, please." Naruto whimpered.

"Oh, so you want me now."

"Don't…don't do this." Sasuke just smirked, and slid himself in. Naruto gasped as pain fanned out from his backside, he slid out before pushing in again. He did the same thing again, but Naruto refused to give a reaction to this monster he would not, could not, think of as Uchiha Sasuke.

He had wanted this, but not this way, not like this. He knew that this was what you did with someone you loved, but that love was not supposed to be like this. As Sasuke pounded into Naruto, moans escaped his mouth, and he huskily said the blond boy's name.

With a cry he reached his climax, ad his seed filled Naruto to the brim, and the sticky substance covered both them and the table.

Before Sasuke could do anything, a stream of artificial light from the bulb in the hallway was flooded over the scene, and the Uchiha was torn from Naruto's form and sent flying into the wall, with enough force to cause a crack.

Opening eyes that he did not realise had been clenched shut, Naruto saw Sakura pulling her grey gloves on tighter, an angry glint in her green eyes. She must be mad at me, for what I did, he thought sadly, re-shutting his eyes.

He did not notice as she drew back her arm and punched Sasuke in the stomach, with all the force of Tsunade and more. Kakashi gently rested his hand on her shoulder and nodded in the direction of Naruto, still lying on the table.

As Tsunade dealt with the nuke-nin, Sakura went over to Naruto and sat in one of the wooden chairs, taking of her jacket, she wrapped it around his shoulders, and bundled up his naked form, holding him to her chest.

He looked up at her, and his wide eyes were moist with tears. At that moment, she thought that he looked both older and younger than his years.

"I bought him back, Sakura-Chan." His voice was soft, and she had to strain to hear it.

"I know Naruto, I know."

"I didn't want to Sakura, I didn't want to." And as Sakura rocked him back and forth, gently hushing him, as she would a young child, he fell asleep.

Thanks for reading.

Please be kind as that was the first lemon I've ever written, and so feedback would be great.

Till next time.
