Let me start by saying that I promise not to beg for reviews. When I read other people's work, including mine, and they say "please review" it almost makes me not want to review. So I will not ask for any reviews. Well, maybe just this one time! I believe that a story should be judged on its reviews. So if you do like it, review. And hate it, too. There will be chapters, which I myself absolutely hate, but had to put in…I will ask for "criticism" then.

Okay. Moving on. I thought I'd write something on the anime, "Dear Boys", but I totally forgot all their names and never recorded the programs, so I couldn't go back and review the small instances that made up the show. Then, I thought of doing a 'Midori Days' fic. But that somehow never has a flow to it….somehow a girl on your hand don't seem to be a theme for a romantic/action-packed story. Then, I thought of another La Cardo fic. But the ending was horrible, and put me off totally (the ending of La Cardo, not my story). So I thought….it's been about two years since I wrote about the famous Winx Club, and my favorite couple, Riven and Musa. Yes, I haven't seen Winx Club for about a year now, and still have missed most of the third series. Can any of you readers tell me….was there a fourth series? Also, was dying to see the movie. Anywhere I can download it?

Okay, so finally I have successfully decided WHAT to write about. And WHOM. Now to decide about what? It certainly is not a sequel to the 'Intoxicated' story, as I promised readers a no-sequel and intend to keep it that way.

The Past

He stood silently, staring at the two shadows. One waved her hands furiously, the other broke things. And the two voices—loud, frustrated, agitated—rose through the crack in the door and exploded in his ears.

"I'm sick of this life!" screamed a high-pitched voice, loud, angry, and hysterical. He knew she was serious, it was something she said, everyday after she returned from work, but it was always in a soft, tired tone. This time she meant it.

"Well, what can I do? Ever since you brought him—here it's been…been difficult!" came the reply from Driver.

There was an angry screech. "Don't you blame this on him! You blame everything on him!"

Driver tried to calm her down. His voice mellowed, realizing he had said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry…Hun…I didn't mean to…"

The female voice calmed, too. "I know" she said.

"We gotta give him up. He'll do good on his own. It'll be good for us too. Imagine the things we could do once we're free…" Driver's voice softened, as if trying to lure Rubella to think of the freedom they could have.

Rubella sighed. "Driver…I…it's wrong…"

"Wrong?" he gasped, incredulously, "Wrong to have a life without worry? Free to decide?"


"Give him up, Hun. You need to…for us..."

There was silence in the room. He heard the sound of sloppy kisses being exchange. He flinched. For some reason, he felt very threatened. As if he was going to lose his home…

Think good thoughts. He thought. Think positive. Didn't he always tell mommy that? He didn't know what it meant, exactly, but… it seemed to help. But it was not helping him. He knew things were about to change. He felt worried. Driver always managed to convince mommy into bad things.

The door opened with a creak. The woman and man stepped out, and stood like large, billowing shadows over the boy.

"Sonny…" the voice of the woman said. "Driver says…. Driver says… I have to give you up—and I agree with him". The toothy man behind her grinned menacingly. The boy rushed into his mother's arms, but the man blocked him, pushing him away. He fell with a thud on the ground.

"Driver…" there was a hint of warning in the woman's voice.

She bent down, calling the boy to her. But this time, he just stared blankly at her, eyes vacant.

"Come to mommy, Riven"

But he didn't go to her. He got up and ran away, ran away from her open arms.

Riven woke up with a start.

Now that was a nightmare. He thought. Not like the one his girlfriend always complained about. The ones involving trolls and ogres and dead pixies? How was that under the qualification of scary?

Still, he liked it when Musa called him late at night, panting on the phone after her "horrible illusions"… Man, she had become extremely girly after she had gotten her weird enchantix. That stuff had made her speak, dress, and act more girly than she ever had for as long as he had known her, which was about three years. He sighed. As he remembered the tomboyish Musa, the way she defended herself and didn't care a damn about makeup. He missed her sometimes.

He groaned again as he reached for his cell phone. It was a sleek, black flip phone; the one she had gotten for him for his birthday. He was thinking about her again. He had started doing that a lot. It annoyed him sometimes, whenever his mind was vacant, or he felt bored, his thoughts would invariably travel to her. And he was thinking of actually calling her, at 12, at midnight, to tell her about a dream he had had.

What would he say to her? "Musa, my mother left me, and I had a dream about it. I feel like shit. Cheer me up please?" he knew he'd get pity. He hated pity.

What was it about women anyway? The one thing he'd sworn never to have—a girlfriend had been overstepped by him.

Don't have a girlfriend.

How hard was that one rule to follow?

Darcy was a mistake. His will power wasn't involved in their affair, so it was okay to forgive himself.

Okay, then…don't have a serious girlfriend.

Then Musa happened. He couldn't not be serious with Musa. Sometimes, it scared him how serious he was. It frightened him to see how jealous she could make him. After she had gotten her enchantix, she hugged Brandon first when she met them all, which was understandable, as she thought of Brandon as an older brother. But why didn't she first come to me? The question haunted him. Of cause, after that they had gone to her room and made out in the dark, as he explored her body and marveled how it had changed. She was softer, curvier and smoother…he was doing the 'thinking about Musa' again.

He groaned as he pressed "1" on speed-dial. Might as well call her if he couldn't stop thinking about her, right?

It was him! Her heart did a flipping summersault.

"Don't freak out, don't freak out…" she said aloud, clenching her fists.

He never called. He had called her once, or twice since she had given him the black cell phone for his birthday. The first time had been to check if it worked, and the second, was to see if she was still coming to meet him on their date. That was three months ago. Of cause, she blamed herself for this—she was the one who would always call him, always too eager to hear that husky voice, loaded with oodles of attitude and a certain, hidden charm…she sighed. He was calling. It wasn't a dream.

"Hello?" her voice was trembling, her hands shook.

"Hey…" he sounded sleepy, the way he always did when she woke him up to tell him about her "nightmares." They were rarely true and always highly exaggerated. Any excuse to talk to him. She knew that, despite sounding cranky when she called, he was secretly pleased to hear her voice on the other line. She thanked the job she had taken at Illusions with Kim Lee, in order to pay for the highly overpriced birthday gift, which claimed to be loaded with "many features." She was sure he hadn't discovered any of them yet.

"Hey Musa!"

The voice was still husky and low, but had a twinge of irritation.

"Yes…yes…Riven!" She was so high pitched. Was she daydreaming while talking to him now? What was wrong with her?

"Yeah…" he drawled. "You expected someone else?"

"No…sorry…what's up?"

"What's up?" He sounded peeved. Musa wasn't sure why. Then again, it was Riven. Anything made him angry.

"Yeah, what's going on? You called, didn't you?" she asked, in a rush.

There was silence on the line for a while, like he had forgotten that he was the one who had called her. A nice change, to find Riven uneasy instead of her.

"Musa, I …wanna meet you…now." his voice was soft at the last syllable, but sounded urgent.

It made Musa worried. Riven had never asked her to meet him at this time. They would always meet when the Winx Club met up, they would have their light dates here and there, but that was it. But for him to call, so late and ask her to meet him…it had to be serious.

"I'm there," she said, with no hesitation.

Normally, Musa would think of a hundred excuses. The rules of Alfea. The time. The dangers of the way. How the Red Fountain or Alfea guards may see her and warn the authorities. But all that didn't matter. Her Riven needed her right now, and she was going. No matter what it took.

He switched off the phone and slammed it against the wall. It bounced back, he caught it, and smiled. Another feature he had just discovered in the phone. Where the heck had Musa gotten it from?

He frowned again. Why did he have to call her like that? And worse, call her to his room? And why had she accepted? For all you know, it could have been a disguised man in his voice. And she'd fly all the way from Alfea just to be with him because he asked her to come? This late? Was she crazy?

But he couldn't help the smile that crept up on his face. She liked him. Really liked him. She would do anything for him, wouldn't she?

There was a clap of thunder. He cursed, as it began to drizzle. Now, she'd not only be cold, but also wet. Even better. Silly girl. Why did she agree to come?

He opened the window and cursed even louder, as the rain began to pour in earnest. She'd be soaked! She'd probably have a bad cold…it would all be his fault, he knew.

He dialed her number again. Perhaps she hadn't left…he'd talked to her only five minutes ago…

"Hold on, Riven I'm almost there…" He knew it was too late to tell her to turn back. He could hear the downpour over the phone. He grabbed the cleanest, driest, warmest towel from his room and laid it on the bed. Better be prepared. He then scanned his wardrobe for the most suitable clothes for the tiny fairy to wear. He managed to fish out a pair of shrunken boxers and his smallest t-shirt. He knew that this time, he didn't want her to use magic.

He heard a sound and quickly turned around. Musa was struggling to enter through the tiny window, and she was dripping wet.

"Musa…" his voice caught in his throat before rushing to her aid, and pulling her into his room. He pulled her into his arms and threw the towel around her neck, wiping her face with it. His lips grazed against hers in greeting. He removed her long pigtails and began to wipe her long, wet hair with the towel as he began to kiss her fiercely. She eagerly responded, though she seemed a little confused. He then grabbed the bottom of her blouse and pulled up.

"Hey! Hey!" she broke away from him, her eyes scanning his, looking a little hurt. "You said you wanna talk…?" But he reattached his mouth to hers and pulled off her blouse, revealing under it a black lacy bra. He stopped kissing her for a moment whilst he untangled her hair from the blouse, getting distracted by the tempting silky fabric of her bra. He quickly looked away, fumbled for the t-shirt, and pulled it firmly down her waist. He shyly handed her the boxers and turned his back to her.

"Change quickly, I won't look," he promised, breathless from the kissing.

"You said you wanted to talk…," repeated Musa.

There was an exaggerated silence. "Did I now?" Riven asked, in a teasing voice, faking confusion, not missing a beat. "AllI said was come here, now…"

He heard a growl behind him, and intuitively turned around. He was not sorry he did, he quite liked what he saw. Musa stumbled over, taken aback by his sudden movement, as she had one leg raised above the floor. Riven caught her, and pulled his boxers up her leg gently.

"It's too loose," she complained.

"Maybe it's 'cause you're too thin," he whispered, meeting her eyes. His hands slid up her waist, massaging her love handles, enjoying the privilege. He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, almost violently.

"Riven…" She was still confused. What was so urgent?

"Sssh…" he said. She thought she heard a break in his voice.

"Riven, what's…"

"Ssssh..." she then heard a choked sob. It was reluctant, almost suppressed, and very faint, but it grew louder. She could feel his body vibrate from his shaky, uneven breaths.

She tried to pull away, to see his face. But he held on to her fiercely, not letting go. Her arm circled around his torso snuggly, moving up and down his back in attempt to soothe him. His choked sobs grew louder, until he was finally crying. Musa hugged him back fiercely, not wanting to see his face anymore, no longer wondering why he had called her here. She could feel him shaking violently, and held him tight and supported his weight as she felt his knees buckle. He leaned on her, and she could feel the tears falling on her back, soaking the loose, front side-back t-shirt.

Okay...I'm sorry, but it totally sounds like a sequel. Will decide with further writing. What is your opinion?