The Little Voice








Standard disclaimer applies.

The actual basis of this story was Alice Human Sacrifice, a PV of Vocaloid,. I also kind of pulled the butler thing from Mei-chan no Shitsuji (I watched the drama and got obsessed). I also wanted you to know that Luciano and Laelia were names we were planning to use for an original story. I'm trying not to reveal so much to the point that the story gets boring.

Though, I guess I see how it was similar to Kuroshitsuji. It was odd, since I've never watched the anime. Well, whatever, I apologize and will rewrite this.








She lived in a wonderful world,

Covered in darkness and beauty.

A place no one could touch

Unless you were dark and beautiful yourself.

Daring to approach them

Would only make you a thorn in their side.

You would be like a cloud,

Tainting and obscuring the moon and the sun.

Simply espying them would cause a pother.

Paragons of beauty,

The flawless elite,

She belonged to this class.

Cosseted since birth,

They are venerated by everyone and anyone.

The pulchritude of their facades cover their darkness and true nature,

Their graceful moves are acute and incisive.

Standing on their own level,

Sitting in their own throne.

Of course, people like this

Obviously have someone close to their side at all times.


The beloved daughter of Luciano and Laelia Esmeralda.

"Hm?" A beautiful man with shining black hair and beautiful emerald eyes smiled at his pink haired little girl. "Now, now, Sakura. I told you to rest, didn't I?" He picked her up, lifting his daughter unto his shoulders. The height difference was obvious, for she only reached his hip. They dressed in noble clothes, and seemed almost like look-alikes (besides the pink hair, of course).

"Who did?" Sakura replied as she tilted her head to the side and smiled innocently. Luciano rolled his eyes and then chuckled, patting her head. "I did, silly."


A beautiful lady with rose colored hair and blue almond shaped eyes ran towards the two. Before she reached them, however, she stepped on the hem of her dress to make a grand meeting between her face and the marble floor.

"Mommy!" Sakura cried as she climbed off her father and dashed towards the woman. But she met the same fate, tripping over her own two feet and crashing to the floor.

'Lucy' stood there, unsure of how to react. Despite his wife's graceful appearance, she was quite clumsy. She'd trip down the stairs, tumble into bushes, fall into flowers, etc. His daughter, on the other hand, was much different. This was the first time the small girl ever fell.

…Which one should he help first?

Suddenly, Laelia looked up, her attractive face still a bit red from the impact. She made a funny, animated 'shocked' face and immediately shot up, dashing towards the little girl. Luciano was secretly betting with himself that she would fall once more.

"My baby!" And she picked up Sakura, sobbing, "Are you alright?" Laelia held out her daughter, spinning around in hopes of making her feel better. All the Sakura did, though, was rub her face and grumble, "Owie."

"Here, hand her over to me." Luciano said, picking her up from his wife's arms and carrying her into his own. The father couldn't help but laugh at Sakura's adorable face; her cheeks were a bit swollen and slightly smudged with dirt, and her familiar emerald eyes were still wide from the shock of falling. He smiled and pinched her cheeks, immediately bringing her back to normal.

"Hey!" Sakura whined as she slapped his large hands away. "That hurts." She put a small hand on her cheek and pouted. Stupid father, treating her like a little kid.

Laelia gave out a sigh of relief and brought Sakura back into her arms. "Are you alright, my little Sakura?" The said girl grinned and nodded her head vigorously, "Yes, momma. Can you put me down?" 'Momma' pouted but reluctantly set her down back on the floor. Sakura brushed off her dress and picked up her fallen porcelain doll, making sure that nothing happened to it. After doing so, she gave a sigh of relief and called out in a commanding tone similar to her father's,


Immediately, a young silver haired man dressed in a black suit appeared. He wore a mask (one you'd normally wear while having a cold) and an eye patch bandage. You can see the outline of his smile, and his hand was occupied with a well-written, mature novel.

"You called, mademoiselle?" 'Scarecrow' asked as he put his book away and bowed. He remained tilted over, his hand placed over his heart and a smile still on his lips. Sakura smiled back innocently and clapped her hands, "Let's go disport ourselves by any means." The young man chuckled and pulled himself back up. His smile grew wider.

"As you wish, m'lady, for I am one of your humble servants. Your word is absolute."

And the realistic blood eyes of her doll glowed mysteriously, producing a chthonic image.

As their daughter stumbled away with Scarecrow, Luciano and Laelia's smiles melted from their faces. The midnight haired man sighed and ran a hand through his hair, frowning in frustration, "This is unfair." Laelia forced a smile and walked over to her husband, patting his head affectionately, "Life's never fair, Luciano. Especially for a SOULdier. You and I know that very well."

Luciano's eyebrows pushed together and his aquamarine eyes narrowed, "I saved you from your fate; so who's going to save Sakura?!" He cried in anguish as he sunk to his knees and took his wife's hand. The metallic rose haired woman continued to smile, caressing his face, "Don't worry. One day, she'll find someone just like you to be her guardian angel." Luciano took off her long sleeved glove, kissing the half-heart shaped tattoo.

Laelia's smile finally faded when she collapsed to the floor in front of him, breaking down in tears. "Why? Luciano? Why must my daughter go through the same painful things, much less, without us? Why?" All her husband did was hug her.

It was clear both knew the black future before them.








Dear Mademoiselle,

Though we are not gods,

We will fulfill your every word,

Even if it may be fighting against the gods themselves.

We will follow your command.









The prologue to your affliction

The advent of your army








The voices get louder.

Resounding through my head.

Echoing throughout the mansion.

Noiseless to all but herself.

Many different voices.

They aren't threatening her or anything of the sort.

But only one is the loudest of all.

Very distinct.

So piercing,

And he always had made small comments,

Adding tones of sarcasm and distaste,

But that one day, he said something else.

"Something's about to happen. Brace yourself."

I'm coming for you.








A pink haired angel lied in the grass, covered in petals of white roses. Her eyes were closed, remaining still and breathing gently. Everything around her moved; the clouds, the rose bushes, the doves, everything. But, she seemed to be preserved in her own time. As everything around her moved, she lay motionless, almost dead.

The voices were quiet today.

She looked like a cross between a marble statue and a porcelain doll; as still, pale, and silent as a statue and as delicate and well dressed as a doll.

"Is something the matter, Lady Sakura?"

Her eyes opened to reveal pretty emerald orbs. A sigh escaped her pale, light pink lips.

"It's almost time."

Scarecrow nodded. He finished his crown of roses, clipping off the thorns with a small pair of gardening scissors. "All done." The silver haired man smiled underneath his mask and held out the white crown to his master before standing up. "Here you go."

Sakura pouted and reluctantly took the item, staring at it. Scarecrow tilted his head to the side and raised a thin eyebrow. "What's the matter?" He asked. "You didn't have to cut off the thorns." She replied, almost stated like a fact. Slowly, she placed it on her head.

"Why, of course I had to." The servant countered as he removed the white glove that covered his right hand. He then picked up another rose, covered in thorns. His pale hand tightened it's grip, letting the blood flow freely from his palm and leaving red trails over his wrist. "You didn't think I'd let a thorn prick your beautiful, pale skin and let this happen, did you?" The girl rolled her eyes, "Stop talking like a pervert, you pedophile." Scarecrow gasped in shocked, "I'll have you know, I'm actually younger than I appear."

The Esmeralda heiress shook her head, picking up her porcelain doll (who appeared to be feasting on sweets and drinking coffee) and holding it close in a tight lock. The butler looked at her and decided to ask, the curiosity to know her ideas burning away his insides, "Why did you want to keep the thorns, m'lady?"

"Well," the said girl began as she stood up, brushing the fallen leaves from her dress, "The thorns are what protect the rose. If you're going to hold such beauty in your hand, you have to be careful or you'll be attacked by her guardians. You just got rid of the rose's beloved knights, you cruel, cruel person." He chuckled, "You called me 'cruel' twice. It must be something very serious." Sakura turned around and huffed.

"Of course it's serious! The thorns love the rose very dearly. Why else do you think they'd be attached to her? They are their for a purpose and one purpose only: to protect her. Ugh, and not only are you cruel, you're very rude and simpleminded as well!" She crossed her arms, sighing exasperatedly as she shook her head, "How can you mistreat our guests like that? I apologize." The pink haired girl turned to look at her beautiful white rose bushes, "I'll let him make it up to you. Scarecrow?"

Suddenly, the garden began to rustle, and soon enough, figures quickly emerged through the thorns. They charged towards Sakura, and they were capable of knowing not to let out a battle cry. All they would've accomplished then was alerting anyone nearby and being destroyed.

Though, just cause they didn't yell in an annoying way, doesn't mean they wouldn't meet the same fate if they had.

"Yes, I do apologize. First, let me set the table for your meal." With a flick of his wrists, knives and fork fell out from his sleeves. He jumped into the air, doing a 360 turn and swiftly throwing the kitchen utensils. To no surprise, the intruders fell to the floor with a thud, each having a knife or a fork protruding from a weak point on the head.

Gracefully, he landed on his two feet, keeping himself on his knees in front of his ten year old master.

"Oh my. It seems I messed up, master. Please do excuse the mess." With a sigh, he muttered under his breath, "Maybe there might have been less blood if had my usual kunai…Or not."

Sakura shook her head and turned away, refusing to look at any of her enemies' faces frozen in horror. She still couldn't stand to look a dead person in the eye, and of course, it's understandable with her current age. No one so young should see a corpse, but it was what you call 'normal' in the ugly world she lived in.

"Come, Ka-…Scarecrow."

The heiress stood up, adjusting her blood-stained red rose.

"Let's go back."

The said servant stood up straight and brushed off the dirt from his vest. Her emerald eyes noticed that his right hand was almost completely healed.

"I'm sorry, Lady Sakura. I messed up the garden."

She shook her head, "No, it's alright. You should stop apologizing. Besides,"

"Red roses are beautiful, aren't they?"

And the Esmeralda turned around to continue walking, ignoring the headache that had been building up for a good two or three minutes. The voices were not chaotic as they usually were, where all were speaking at the same time and talking about different things (for example, imagine an extremely congested shopping avenue with everyone's voice amplified). Instead, they all spoke in unison. She could still hear 'his' clear voice the loudest.

"Brace yourself."

"We're coming to get you."








The prologue to affliction

The gears begin to turn

The clock begins to tick

The cards have been dealt.

It's now the players turn to use the cards correctly

In order to win the game.








The pink haired girl ran up the stairs. He wasn't there. He wasn't there! Where was he, then? How come she couldn't find him? Suddenly, she saw another familiar figure come through the smoke and towards her.

"Scarecrow- No! What I meant was, Kakashi. Please take my parents to safety." Sakura ordered as the harsh wind blew, the flames of her home reaching out for her and ready to pull her in. Kakashi, who was ready to turn around and follow the order, stopped midway in his habit. He carried every single order of hers quickly and without a thought, but he couldn't let this one slide.

"No matter how cliché and romantic this sounds," The silver haired servant couldn't help but make a crooked smile under his mask, "I can't just leave you here."

The pink haired girl laughed, sounding oddly hoarse. "I didn't think little girls were your type…you erotic novel reading pervert." Her pale hands gently removed her white rose crown and placed it on his gloved ones. "Give this to my parents, okay?"

"Sakura, you didn't answer-"

"Go. Don't worry, I'll see you again."

Kakashi bowed in an awkward manner and simply replied, "You better, m'lady." And with that, he dashed off to fulfill his orders. Sakura's emerald eyes continued to watch him until his shadowy figured disappeared behind the smoke. She closed her eyes and gave an innocent smile.

It was too late to search any further.

"Did you know that white roses stand for so many things?" The heiress asked to (what appeared to be) no one, "Such as eternal love, silence, innocence, purity, secrecy…"

"Honestly, I don't care." Interrupted a cold yet familiar voice, "It's such a useless plant."

Sakura chuckled, feeling a little empty inside. If she could, she'd punch the owner of the voice, but how? It's a voice in her head…Does that mean she'd have to punch herself? "Beep! Wrong. It's far from useless." Her small hands were handcuffed behind her back and a white cloth was tied over her eyes. She continued talking, despite her situation's danger meter was growing larger, "Unlike you, a voice in my head. You're far more useless than what you think of flowers."

"Shut up! Get in the truck!" Yelled a stranger with a large, strong voice. It very different from my father's. This voice belonged to a coward, who would easily change his tone if the scenario was threatening enough. My father's voice was dark, commanding. One that belonged to a leader. She didn't care if her father belonged to the dark world of nobles and did the horrible things he was revered for. He was her father.

But these two voices are different from the one in the her head (or, rather, the loudest and clearest one of many).

This voice seemed dangerous. Something seductive, luring and enticing you in.

Then, as if hearing my thoughts, he spoke.

"How wrong you are. I'm far from useless."

She sank into darkness, his voice going unheard. A crack of the whip, and the thumping of horse hooves, the carriage drove off carrying her in a cage.


Her parents…Were fighting someone. Someone they seemed to know for a very long time.


Her brother…Her brother? Was he still there? The girl couldn't stand to think about his body, his burnt carcass just lying there in that prison. But, he was much stronger than that. By now, he'd probably have escaped. If he hadn't…

"Brother…" Sakura whispered, her eyes stinging with tears, "…I'm sorry…"








The memories are so obscure.

Someone won't let her remember anything.

A horrible truth she unconsciously doesn't want to return to.

But deep inside, she knows what had happened.








A blur, was all it was.

A big hole, was another adjective for it.

Take a few steps back, remember everything that happened so far to assess the situation. Alas, the memories seemed to be stolen and locked away, only to be returned to when the time was right (or maybe, never at all). Whenever that time was, she didn't know, and at the moment, she didn't care.

Her pale hand was painted red with a metallic smell. She placed it over the center of her chest and touched a sticky liquid. To her surprise, it was painless; the pink haired girl expected some sort of large gash or cut. From the corner of her eyes, she could see the tattered rags she wore were decorated with scarlet splatter.

The voices were, once again, eerily silent, and all she could hear was the sound of someone getting closer. The heels of the letter shoes making noises as it crossed the dirty, marble floor. A dark figure stood over her, staring down at her with ruby red eyes…just like her porcelain doll.

Her beloved porcelain doll given to her by her parents…

…Where was he?

She missed it.

She missed Kakashi.

She missed her brother.

She missed her parents.

"Are you going to lie there all day, or shall we get moving?" The familiar voice said. It didn't seem to be in her head this time. Instead, it was coming from the person in front of her…tall, masculine, dark haired, handsome. Sakura tried to push herself up, but an unbearable pain surged through her stomach. She licked her lips and realized the strong metallic taste in her mouth. She tried to see through her eyelashes to see who it was, but soon gave up and slumped back down.

"Who are you?"

The Esmeralda's curiosity soon withered away, to the point that she didn't care.

Whatever it took to get out of here, to see her parents and Kakashi again, to hug her porcelain doll once more…to return back to her life was what she wanted. Even if it meant having to go with a stranger.

But before succumbing to the midnight black of sleep, she saw him smirk.

"Hn. Who's useless?"

And with that, he wrapped her in a warm blanket and carried her off to an unknown destination.








Guardian cloaked in black,

Counterpart of an angel,

Together, you are one.

For you are rose and he is the thorn covered stem

These ruby, red eyes look only at you.






