Honestly, I am sick of people, who don't read the Twilight series and still have the guts to tell everyone that it's a terrible, mushy and totally unreadable book that should never be put on shelves- BECAUSE ITS NOT! And even if you think it is… SUCK IT UP! Its not right to trash other peoples likes and dislikes.

So, in a stroke of genius, I have thought up 10 punishments for people who do this and/or other "Twilight hating" related crimes!

However, this Fanfiction is not to slag off people who do not like Twilight. To those who have read Twilight and didn't like it, I applaud you for giving it a go and I don't mind if you didn't like it. I also applaud the reading of other books, because even though I do love Twilight, there are other really great books in the world! This fanfiction is more for people who say bad things about it, or tell people that its terrible without even reading it themselves.

And believe me when I say, those people are in for a taste of their own medicine!

Read on to find out...