"We'll take good care of them," Jason said as Kim barely nodded as Tommy grabbed her hand and gently pulled her towards the car. Their wedding day had been a blissful dream for the two of them and it had gone off without any hiccups. Jeremy had stayed far away from the kids for the past six months and they both were thankful, otherwise Tommy would probably be in jail. He was far too attached to let anything happen to the kids and Kimberly knew that.

"Thanks," Kim yelled back as their friends threw birdseed at them and managed to shower Tommy heavily, while Kim only got a light sprinkling.

"They'll be fine Kim, you know that Jason and Trini won't let anything happen to them," Tommy said as he sat down in the driver's seat and she sat down next to him.

"I know, but I still worry," Kim said as Tommy looked over at her and then leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's enjoy this weekend and then we'll get back to having the kids around all the time," Tommy said as she smiled over at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he pulled out of the drive and headed towards the old cabin that his uncle owned. Sure, it was not much of a honeymoon, but the two of them had Jessie and Austin to look after now. They could not afford a week away from everything else in the world, things could happen if they stayed away that long.

From across the street a navy sedan turned to follow them out of the city. The man had done his research, he knew who the two of them were and their past lives and he had an interesting proposition for the both of them. He just hoped that they would hear him out and would not throw him out before he even got two words out about his motives.

"Tommy, have you noticed that car?" Kim asked as she pointed to her mirror and Tommy nodded his head yes. The car had been following them since they had left Angel Grove and he had thought the man would turn off somewhere between there and Stone Canyon, but he hadn't and they were approaching the road to take them to the lake house rather quickly.

"Don't worry about it, if they follow us up to the house, I'll take care of it," Tommy said as Kim looked over at him and he reached over and took her hand in his. "I won't do anything crazy, Kim."

"But if it is…" Kim began as Tommy just shook his head. He had been studying the man and he was sure that it was not Jeremy. "How can you be so sure?"

"I've been watching the man for the last hour, I'm pretty sure that it's not Jeremy," Tommy said as Kim nodded, but it did not make her feel any better, considering that this was supposed to be their honeymoon and they were being followed by some maniac. The rest of the ride they sat in silence as they moved from a gravel to a dirt road and finally entered the property where the cabin was located. The sedan had followed them all the way and Tommy let out a long sigh as he parked and then motioned for Kim to just stay in the car as he stepped out and the man in the car behind them stepped out as well.

"Don't shoot!" Brad yelled as he got out of his car with his hands held high in the air and Tommy gave him a confused look. He had started carrying a gun in the car after Kim and the kids had moved in with him, they all felt that Jeremy would do some pretty drastic things if he had the right motivation. Although the edge had been taken off of it a bit, he still worried and Kim knew it, not that she really blamed him at this point. "I'm FBI, from the California Special Investigations Branch. I'm going to reach for my badge now."

"What do you want?" Tommy asked as he walked to the back of the car and placed the one suitcase that they had brought on the dirt as he looked over at the man and saw him waving the badge in the air.

"To talk to you, I promise it will only take about fifteen minutes of your time," Brad said as Tommy motioned for Kim to get out of the car and she warily did so as she looked back at Brad.

"Some FBI idiot," Tommy muttered as Kim just shook her head as Brad took a long look at her. He could not believe that she was a mother of two, much less a former ranger, but that was something that he was going to have to slowly reveal to them that he knew. The fact was they needed some help and the only ones that could possibly help them were rangers. He just hoped that they would take the deal.

"Brad Shurwood," Brad yelled as he still stood behind the door of his car and Tommy motioned for him to follow them. He had been taking a huge risk to follow them today, but he knew that his chances were going to be slim for the next several months and he had to get them alone. There could be no one else around to witness what was about to occur.

"Start talking," Tommy said as they all sat down on the front porch and Brad took in a deep breath as he pulled out an enveloped from under his arm and passed it to Tommy.

"That envelope contains all of the investigative research that has been done to insure that the two of you are indeed former Power Rangers," Brad said as Tommy snatched his head up and Kim quickly caught his hand. "This envelope has the task that I have been forced to ask you to deal with."

"We don't work for the government; we never have," Tommy said as Brad nodded that he knew that.

"I know and if there was any way to get around this, I wouldn't ask you, but we have had a rogue scientist go wrong with a project and now we think he might be after the earth," Brad said as Tommy looked at him with a look that clearly said that he could not believe that this was happening. "His name is Anton Mercer, although we are not sure what he goes by now."

"And you want us to do what exactly?" Kim asked as Tommy sat there shell shocked. He knew Anton Mercer, he had worked with him a couple of years ago and then there had been an explosion in the lab. He was the only one to make it out in time or so he thought.

"What you do best," Brad said as Tommy just shook his head.

"We can't, we've got kids to look after, you can't think that we'll be able to keep them safe and be rangers at the same time," Kim said as Tommy looked away and she looked over at him. "What's going on?"

"I knew Anton and I'm afraid I might know some of the projects that could have gone slightly evil if they were in the wrong hands," Tommy said as Kim stared at him and he took the envelope from Brad. "Do you have any idea where to start with this?"

"Other than the name I was given, there was nothing else to go on," Brad said as Tommy just shook his head. "I was told that you are the only people that can do this, if anyone can."

"But how did you know who we are?" Kim asked as Brad looked down at the floor.

"I can't really tell you how we found out about you, but that is all the information that we have and no copies exist, I made sure of it myself, but in order for you to keep it, we have to have some help," Brad said as Tommy nodded. He had seen this coming since he handed them the envelopes, but he could tell by looking at Kim that this was the first time she had thought of it.

"What do you want?" Kim asked, feeling as if she was making a deal with the devil.

"The destruction of him, whatever he is now. I'm sure that he'll eventually show up and as long as the rangers are the ones that intercept him, everything will be fine," Brad said as he stood and they then stood with him. "I understand that this is your honeymoon and I don't want this to cloud your weekend, but I had to guarantee that I would get the two of you alone."

"Don't you…" Kim said holding out the envelope and he shook his head no.

"I trust that you'll do that job, only a handful of people know who you are and most of them know it because they were in cahoots with Mercer and went running when his project started going aria. They were the people that suggested trying to find you in the first place," Brad said looking over at Tommy who just shook his head as he tried to avoid Kim's gaze. He knew that he was in deep trouble and he didn't want to face her if he could help it. "Have a good weekend."

"You too," Kim said as Brad walked over to his car and she watched Tommy's face fill with tension as the weight of what they had agree to settled on him. "On Tuesday we will worry about this Tommy. Right now, I want you to take me inside."